Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
School Bell Times
First Bell rings at 8:50am - Students enter the building. Loon Lake staff will be outside, greeting students.
Second Bell rings at 8:55am - Students should be in their classrooms and/or getting breakfast. Doors lock at 9:00am. After that, use the buzzer to gain access to the building.
The end of the day bell rings at 4:00 p.m. We stagger our dismissal process:
- Walkers, Prime Time, Loon Loop Pick Up
- Bussers
On 1/2 days, dismissal is at 12:35pm. We do not have lunch at school on 1/2 days.
Dismissal Plan
Transportation to and From School
Students fall into one of the three categories for their transportation needs:
- Loon Loop drop-off/pick up
- Walker
- Busser
Below, please find information regarding all three categories.
On behalf of the entire LLE staff, we appreciate and thank you for adhering to our school procedures. Together we can create a safe and optimal learning environment for Loon Lake Elementary School.
Loon Loop Pick-Up
Students who arrive at school in a vehicle will be using the Loon Loop.
Please note: We do not permit parents to park in the parking lot and walk their child up to the school. Instead, anyone arriving in a car will use the Loon Loop.
The process for using the Loon Loop is listed below:
1. If you are new to Loon Lake, you will need to visit the main office to make sure you have a Loon Loop car sign. SIGNS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE MEET & GREET.
2.. You should arrive no earlier than 8:45am to drop off your children (Students can exit the car at 8:50am) and no earlier than 3:50pm to pick them up. (We begin Loon Loop dismissal at 3:50pm.)
3. Students who are dropped off in the loop will enter school through the building's West Side Doors.
4. Students who are picked up in the loop will be dismissed out of the doors on the building's West Side.
5. Cars wait in line with their family signs visible. While waiting in line, please adhere to kind, considerate, and safe driving procedures. Make sure that your vehicle is not blocking others, pull as far forward as possible and keep moving forward with the traffic. Students will enter/exit your car when you are stopped at an orange cone.
6. Please do not let cell phone usage distract the process.
7. We found it is helpful for you to practice the following with your student:
- independently put on their seat belt
- have backpack and other belongings easily accessible to grab quickly from the vehicle
- Exit ONLY from the passenger side.
8. If you are driving, you will need to use the Loon Loop.
***Because our parking lot is small, we strongly encourage you to take the bus, if you are eligible to do so.
Students Who are walkers will follow the process listed below:
1. Arrival - students wait outside for the first bell to ring. Please do not arrive before 8:50am, as we do not have supervision outside.
2. Dismissal - Our walkers will exit the front of the building. ALL parents who are picking walkers up will wait in the Walker Wait Zone, which is a coned off area on the East side of the building.
3. Families - Please do not enter the building - no one should be in the vestibule or hallways. We have found it is too congested.
We dismiss walkers a couple minutes ahead of our other students so that we can clear the property before dismissing the majority of our students.
Bus Riders
Students that ride the bus will follow the process listed below:
Bus Riders in the morning - Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the bus loop and allowed off the bus just before the first bell.
Bus Riders in the afternoon - Students riding the bus home will exit through the main doors. Staff will assist all students.
Prime Time Care
Change in Daily Routine Procedure
For most days, the routine is the same for most of our children. However, we understand that circumstances arise and plans may need to be changed. If you have to deviate from your regular end-of-the-day routine, we ask that you send a note to your child’s teacher (which will be sent to the office) on that date. Email will also work. We just ask that the office staff is copied on the email (kimberlysalama@wlcsd.org and jenniferevagelista@wlcsd.org). Please be sure to include the following details in your note:
1. Date
2. Your child(ren)’s name
3. Details of the change in plan (For example, “they are not to ride the bus, I will use car rider to pick them up today.” Or, “we have a dentist appointment at 3:30 pm and I will need to pick them up in the office at 3:15 pm).
4. If you send an email to your child’s teacher, please remember to copy the office staff (kimberlysalama@wlcsd.org and jenniferevagelista@wlcsd.org).
General Information about Safety - Arrival and Dismissal
The staff at Loon Lake Elementary are firmly committed to student safety and we regularly review our procedures and practices. Therefore, I wanted to share and/or remind you with you some key information regarding student arrival and dismissal.
- Drop off and Pickup loop is in the parking lot between Loon Lake and Twin Sun. DO NOT drop off your students in the bus loop at the front of the building
- Students will enter the building at 8:50am.
- Families are not allowed to wait in the vestibule or hallways - it impedes our process causing too much congestion.
- If you are driving your student to school in the morning, you need to use our Loon Loop.
- Pull as far forward as possible to keep the traffic flow moving. Never allow your student to exit on the driver’s side; they will be in the path of parking lot traffic.
- Please do not block the exit onto Loon Lake Road as you are waiting to turn left into the parking lot. Leave room so people exiting the parking lot are able to turn left onto Loon Lake Road. This allows traffic to continue to flow.
- Students should be ready with their belongings to exit the vehicle and should exit from the passenger side only.
- Arrive on time to avoid truancy.
In addition to safety, and an orderly arrival and dismissal process, one of our other priorities as educators is to foster independence in our students. We want them to develop confidence in their ability to navigate on their own. Teachers and staff will be visible and readily available to assist students. It is going to be a wonderful school year.