Principal's Page
Blackbird and Shay Elementary
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We have now marked a week off of our calendar and we hope that your family has fallen back into the routine of the school year. We are excited to see some familiar faces as well as many new faces!
Every two weeks I will be sending all families the Blackbird and Shay parent e-letter. I am hopeful that this communication tool will keep you more closely informed of the events and offerings at our schools. Please let the secretaries know if you are not receiving a newsletter via email.
Below are a few important reminders as we begin our second week.
1. Elementary building doors will be locked until 7:40 am each morning. Students arriving before 7:40 am will need to wait outside the main office doors, this area is not supervised until 7:40.
2. There are no student microwaves in the elementary and middle school lunch rooms. Students bringing packed lunches from home should plan accordingly.
3. The use of personal electronics are not allowed at school from 7:40 am - 3:00 pm. Examples include iPads, tablets, cell phones, and smart watches.
Lunch and Recess Procedures
During lunch students must remain in the cafeteria for 20 minutes before they can go outside for recess. During lunch classroom teachers are present in the lunch room to help students navigate the cafeteria and promote healthy eating. If students are not finished eating and need more time they can remain in the cafeteria to do so. Lunches are scheduled to allow students extra time to eat if needed. If you notice your child is not eating during lunch please let their teacher know and we will help to make sure our students are making healthy choices.
Recess consists of 35 minutes of supervised play. During this time students have access to our fields, basketball courts, and playground.
Early Morning Arrival/Dismissal
Please note that school starts promptly at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm. Students should not be entering Blackbird prior to 7:40am. Staff are busy preparing for their day and children may be unsupervised. We do offer breakfast (for a fee) and parents may take advantage of this opportunity. Students needing to dropped off before 7:40am will need to attend our daycare. Please see that you drop and pick up your child/children off at the correct times as we want to keep everyone safe.
For daycare arrangements please contact: Tami Keller 231.526.4602
Counselor Corner
Welcome back to the 2019-20 school year!
It's going to be a great year!
Joelle Drader, counselor
A Note from our Crossing Guards
Please have students use the designated crosswalk when crossing Lake Street BEFORE and AFTER school.
Please use caution when dropping/picking up your child. Children are not always paying attention, so please be on the lookout!
Also, please be aware of the student Drop off/Pick up areas. These areas become very congested during the morning and afternoon. Please be courteous of other cars and do not use those designated areas for parking.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Please see the attached Free and Reduced Lunch Application for the 2019-20 School Year. Many families qualify and may not know it. Please return completed applications to school. All applications are treated with the utmost of confidentiality.
We Love Our Volunteers!
If you plan on volunteering at any of our schools, please fill out our annual volunteer release form.
Important Phone Numbers
Blackbird Office 526-4600
Blackbird Attendance Line 526-4660
Blackbird Childcare Center 526-4602
Shay Office 526-4500
Shay Attendance line 526-4550
Bus Garage 526-5601
Superintendent's Office 526-4545
Food Service 526-4736
2019-20 School Calendar
No School - November 1st, our teachers will be participating in a district wide Professional Development Inservice. Half Day of School-October 18 (Dismissal at 11:00am)
Health Issues
Excusing Students and Reporting Illness
Please call the Attendance Lines at 526-4660 (BB) and 526-4550 (Shay) to report your child's absence. Please include in your message your name, the best number to reach you, your student's name, grade, and the reason for the absence. If your student is absent because of illness, please describe the symptoms. If it is a doctor's confirmed case of strep, influenza or other infectious disease, please include in your message. We are required by the state to report illness to our local health department.
Upcoming School Events
Elementary Conferences
First Day of Preschool
Elementary Picture Day
Upcoming Community Events
REC Soccer Registration/Information (K-2 grades)
The fall season will be Tue and Thur, Sept 24-Oct 17
Info and registration is online at harborsoccer.weebly.com