Mini Bobcat Bulletin
Nov. 10th
Standard Response Protocols
If you have any questions about the Standard Response Protocols please feel free to contact Ms. Nagy and (406) 822-3600 ext. 116, jnagy@ssd3.us or Mr. Labbe at (406) 822-3600 ext. 207, llabbe@ssd3.us.
Below is a picture of Mrs. Hanson's kindergarten class practicing the "Hold" procedure using Freeze Dance!
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
The entire elementary school was able to attend the 2nd annual field trip to Black Diamond Ranch at DeBorgia thanks to MCCF in celebration of fall! The school went in two different groups on two different days. It was a fun filled time where students were able to go for a hay ride, paint pumpkins, play kickball, play yard games, and feed horses. We would like to thank MCCF and Black Diamond Ranch for the amazing time!
Native American Month
Mrs. Hanson's class started off Native American Month with a beading project. They created calico corn!
MAST Testing
Superior Schools has completed the first window of MAST Testing for the school year. This is the new pilot program the OPI has started with the plan to switch all schools to MAST Testing next school year. The first day of testing a member of the OPI team was on campus to be able to see how the test worked for students and what our process would look like. We are very proud of all of our 3rd-8th grade students who worked hard on the assessment as well as the teachers who all had to learn a new system in order to get the test up and running. Mr. Quinlan and Mrs. Kuhl played a huge part in the training of staff as well as helping to administer the test, which makes us grateful to have two of the best counselors around!
This assessment is going to take place of the SBAC test that was administered in the spring in years past. This test is broken up into smaller windows that are spread out throughout the school year allowing students to be assessed as the year goes on. We are hopeful that this assessment will be another tool that will give our teachers data to be able to help individualize students education. If you have any questions about the MAST testing please feel free to contact the school!
4th Grade and Natural History Center
The Montana Natural History Center visited so students could explore pollinators, white-tailed deer, beavers, and lichen. Students did research, looked at specimens, and used the information to create a poster to share their knowledge with their classmates. They also learned about animal adaptations.
Help for the Holidays
Holidays can be a very stressful time of year for many families. We wanted to pass on some amazing resources that are available in our community that can help burden some of the stress. If you have any questions about any of the following, you can contact each organization at their listed phone number or you can always call the school and talk to Mrs, Kuhl, Mrs. Bauer, or Ms. Nagy for more information!