Moore Street School
Week of November 7th, 2022
Good Day Everyone
My favorite quote is "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care," Theodore Roosevelt. The brand of Moore Street School is to build relationships. We strive everyday to create a family atmosphere for our staff and students. We understand that real education is so much more than reading and math. We have been very intentional in our efforts by establishing "Mentoring Mondays". At least once per month the students meet with their assigned mentor. This time is used to cultivate relationships and to empower our students. We ensure that every student is assigned to a trusted adult they can go to when needed. In the words of education activist Rita Pearson "every child deserves a champion".
This past week we hosted our Annual "Fall Into Success Program". Thank you to the entire MSS staff and planning committee led by Mrs. Javana Smith. A special thank you to each of our presenters (see flyer link ) . This event was a huge success because of the commitment and collaboration of all those involved. I would also like to commend the students for being engaged and very well behaved. I would also like to extent a heart felt thank you to the Dublin Chapter Albany State National Alumni Association for a generous donation toward this event.
Dr. Williams always says we are a school system, not just a system of schools. DCS is a family. With that being said congratulations to all the TOTYs across the district. A special shout out to our very own Mrs. Pricilla Walden (see link and student Bradyn Johnson (pictured below) for being apart of the TOTY banquet. In keeping with this philosophy, Moore Street School hosted a tailgate cookout this past Friday, Nov. 4, for the DHS cheerleaders before the last regular season game. We want to thank Dr. Williams for allowing MSS to do this outside Shamrock Bowl and also thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event.
This month we are planning a Parent Appreciation Day. More information will be forthcoming about this event. Our annual Veterans Day Program will be on Friday, November 11, 2022. This program will be conducted virtually. The link will be provided. Our Family Engagement Coordinator, in conjunction with Mrs. Juliette Newton, will conduct a Junior Transcript Audit on Tuesday, November 15th.
Attendance continues to be a point of emphasis. As well as dress code (hoodies). Other points of emphasis are school appropriate language and responding with respect. These are soft skills that must be cultivated as our students grow and mature.
Weekly COVID-19 testing is ongoing If you would like for your child to receive weekly onsite testing please request a form, complete, sign, and return it. Testing is just one of the many mitigation strategies we are using. Students are encouraged to wear a mask while in the building, to wash or sanitize their hands frequently, and to watch their social distancing. As we enter the cold and flu season we ask that you monitor your children closely and if they are sick please keep them at home.
Upcoming Events
November 11: Veteran’s Day Program
November 14: Progress Report
November 14: Mentoring Monday
November 15: Junior Transcript Audit
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break
November 28: Governance Council Meeting
November 28-December 2: RI/MI Testing Window
Moore Street School
Location: 1405 West Moore Street, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: (478)353-8400