Lakeland Ridge Weekly Update!
Friday, April 30, 2021
New Provincial COVID-19 Measures
Hello Lakeland Ridge Families,
Yesterday, the government announced new targeted measures in certain regions to slow the spread of COVID-19. Effective Monday, May 3, in-school classes are suspended for students in grades 7-12 who attend a school in Sherwood Park and rural Strathcona County. This suspension is for a two-week period from May 3 - 14. For Lakeland Ridge School, this means, our junior high students will be online beginning Monday for two weeks.
For our junior high students, things will operate similarly to how students learned between the end of November and the beginning of January. Please click here to view the letter sent out Thursday evening from the Division regarding the new provincial measures.
While our junior high students will be away beginning Monday, May 3, students in kindergarten to grade 6 will continue to come to school.
Thank you for continuing to follow the public health measures in place and for your patience and understanding. This year has presented us with a number of challenges and we will need to continue to adapt as needed. Please continue to monitor your child for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 by completing the verbal COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire every day before coming to school. If individuals are feeling unwell, we ask that they please stay home.
Jr. High Students Transitioning to Online Learning
Students will be following their current timetable (on Powerschool) and bell schedule. This means that students will have 6 classes per day, following the 6-day cycle. We will have our normal lunch break and then students will be online for their afternoon classes. This is the same schedule students followed prior to Christmas break.
Classes begin at 8:35 a.m. and 1:09 p.m. after lunch. Click the link for the full bell schedule.
Meet links will be posted on your child's Brightspace course page. The purpose of the Meet is to provide meaningful instruction to all students in the class related to the material or lesson for the day.
Digital Device
If you require a Chromebook, please contact our front office. We have some student Chromebooks available for pickup.
Materials from Lockers
If your child requires any materials (binders, textbooks, etc.) from their locker, please contact the school to arrange a time to pick up supplies.
Brightspace platform
All staff and students will be using the Brightspace online platform. Students will require a digital device with a camera and should have received instructions from teachers on how to log on and navigate the learning platform. Please see the links below for both student and parent guides.
Student Brightspace page:
Username: Use the EIPS student email address
Password: Use the EIPS student password
If a student needs help with a password reset, contact the school for assistance.
Watch this video to learn how to navigate the Brightspace environment
Parent/Guardian Brightspace page: This is GREAT information to help your children.
Brightspace Parent/Guardian guide Click here
We expect our students to be fully engaged in their learning just like in the physical classroom. All cameras will be on, so the teacher can see and interact with their students during the lesson. All assignments are to be completed and submitted through the Brightspace classroom.
Etiquette and expectations for online meets are as follows:
Leave your camera on, mute your microphone when not answering a question, use the Raise your hand feature.
Do not share the meeting code with any other students.
Inappropriate side conversations /comments will result in omission from the meet and possible further disciplinary action.
Attendance will be taken for each block.
Be safe. Be respectful. Be your best.
Be aware of your environment while on camera.
Upcoming Dates and Events
May 5 - Early Dismissal (Crazy Socks & Sandals Day)
May 7 - No Classes (PD Day)
May 11 - School Council Meeting @6:30pm via Google Meet (Final Meeting of the Year)
May 21 - No Classes - School Closure Day
May 24 - No Classes - Victoria Day
May 25 - ECS Virtual Information Night @ 6:30pm
May 26 - Junior High Virtual Information Night @6:30pm
Visitors in School
Parents are reminded that they need to make an appointment to enter the school, as non-essential visitors and contractors are not permitted in the school or workplace without an appointment. Please call or email the school ahead of time to book an appointment. Individuals should not enter an EIPS building if feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms—fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, nausea, pink-eye. Visitors must sign in at the office (after having made an appointment), practice physical distancing while here, and wear masks properly.
If you know your child will be absent, late, or leaving early from school, please send a note in their agenda, email or phone the school explaining the reason for that day.
Virtual Information Nights
Kindergarten - May 25 at 6:30 p.m.
Junior High - May 26 at 6:30 p.m.
More information will be shared, including links to the event, as we near the events.
Write-On Stationary
The 2021-2022 School Supply sheets were sent home with your child. If you choose to participate and order your child’s school supplies through Write On Stationery, 10% of your total order will be returned to Lakeland Ridge School as a fundraiser.
EIPS Summer School: Registrations
Family Resources- Mental Health for Youth
Alberta COVID_19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub. Alberta’s government partnered with the Kids Help Phone and to create this hub where youth, educators and parents can find easy-to-access tools and supports.
Additionally, the youth-focused resources on this hub include:
· Jack Chapters – Youth-led, community-driven mental health advocacy clubs at schools or in the community.
· Jack Talks – Mental health presentations delivered to young people by young people.
· Jack Summits – Mental health conferences developed by youth, where young people within a region connect, strategize and learn from one another.
· Do Something – Tools to take small, simple steps that make a big difference to youth mental health and the mental health of others.
· Be There – Tools to support someone who may be struggling with their mental health.
Additional mental health resources available to support students, families and school staff: