Hall's Corner
September 24, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
Reminder 1 – MASK WEARING over the nose and mouth.
We need to wear our masks over our nose and mouth while inside the building. Believe me, I get it, nobody wants to be wearing masks all day inside, but for now, we have to do this. We want to remain 5 days/week and stay in school. This is one of the ways we can do that. I hope things change in the next several months. For now, wear your masks!
Reminder 2 – Going outside during FLEX and Free periods.
Students can go outside any time they are free through door 20 near the cafeteria.
There is no need to sign out or back in, but YOU MUST STAY ON CAMPUS! The campus is closed during periods 1,2,3,4 and FLEX. Students are not allowed to leave campus without specific permission during periods 1, 2, 3, 4, FLEX, and 8. You must stay on campus during these periods.
If students have free periods and want to leave campus during OPEN CAMPUS, periods 5, 6, or 7, you must sign out of the building at door 1. Sign back in at door 1 when you return.
Reminder 3 – seeing the cashier when you get lunch.
YES, lunches and breakfast are FREE this year! Free to any students. However, you must go through the line and see the cashier to get the lunch documented. The district has to pay for all lunches NOT documented. You will get through quickly, just be patient and see the cashier.
Reminder 4 – SCHOOL STARTS AT 7:40 AM!
- Homeroom/school starts at 7:40 AM! Last year we started at 7:49 AM so there is a difference. Please make sure your students arrive to school by 7:40 AM so that they can attend homeroom, hear the announcements and Pledge of Allegiance, and receive special paperwork and reminders from homeroom teachers.
Topics covered in today’s Hall’s Corner: READ ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!
PTSA Meeting with Principal, Dr. Hall – 9/29 NOON and 7 PM
Room 262 in person and on ZOOM
Senior Parent Nights – Check this out! IMPORTANT INFO!
9/25/21 NOON-4PM – details below!
Junior PSAT Prep Courses
Students in the News
BHS School Picture Retake day – October 22nd
Athletic News
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
Senior Parent Nights – Two Great Information Nights Remaining – Check it out!
2nd Night – 10/5 at 6:30 PM – BHS Auditorium and ZOOM
3rd Night – 10/12 at 6:30 PM – ZOOM ONLY.
Are you a Junior taking the PSAT exam in school on October 13th? Be prepared and confident before you take your exam! This class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing & Language, and Math and complete at least one practice exam in class.
This class meets for a total of twelve hours; from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. on October 4, 5, 6, and 7th OR from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 2nd and 9th (Saturdays). Select the session that fits your schedule!
Class Fee: $99; student also purchases PSAT textbook: Barron's Strategies and Practice for the PSAT/NMSQT, 2nd Edition (ISBN-13: 973-1438008882 or ISBN-10: 1438008880) Financial assistance is available through the BHS Counseling Office; see Ms. Ingle for more info. Complete information and registration are available at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net.
Ms. Mary Jo Jepson, a retired BHS teacher who has led PSAT, SAT, and ACT Exam Prep classes at Brighton High School for more than 20 years, will teach this class remotely using Zoom. You do not have to be a BHS student to register! You do not have to be a Junior to register! Students taking the November or December SAT exam are welcome to register for this PSAT focused class as prep or a refresher; future SAT exam prep class dates are listed at brightonschools.revtrak.net and bcsd.org/communityeducation.
Get ready or stay ready for the next official SAT by leveraging the irrefutable benefits of full proctored practice exams. Attendees will take a full SAT under the guidance of an expert proctor from Chariot Learning, who will then help everyone score their tests. Bring a mask, a calculator, pencils, snacks, water, and a desire to score your best!
Participation is free, but you MUST register ASAP by calling 585-784-5300 or emailing dviviani@libraryweb.org.
Brighton HS Library Media Center
The BHS Library Website has been completely rebuilt and redesigned with the help of library staff member Ms. Natalie Larimer. Thanks Ms. Larimer! We hope that users find the new design to be easier to navigate and use.
There will be more content and resources coming soon as the year progresses.
Here's the link
LibGuides: Brighton HS Library Media Center: Home
LibGuides: Brighton HS Library Media Center: Home
All links on the BCSD district and BHS pages have been repointed to our new page.
Did you hear? BHS Junior Bridget Mousaw was on “Connections” with Evan Dawson on Friday, September 17. She joined other local climate leaders as they previewed the Green Games, a peer driven call to action to combat climate change. YOU MAKE BHS PROUD! Tune in at the link here! https://www.wxxinews.org/post/connections-previewing-green-games
BHS students joined other Monroe County students in the 2021 NOBCCHE, National Science Bowl competition for high school and middle school students. BHS students placed with both the First and Second place teams. In the Senior Division, 1st place went to Team 5; it consisted of BHS students: Rahul Ravi, Oren Poleshuck Kinel, Latavion Alexander, and Rick Zhou. In the Senior Division, 2nd place went to Team 4 and included BHS students: Isaac Gray and Samuel Gray. Congratulations on their outstanding work!! These Students are scheduled to receive individual cash awards, medallions, and team trophies. YOU MAKE BHS PROUD!