MCHS Community Newsletter
It has been a very busy start to the 2023-2034 school year at MCHS. Thank you for your support and engagement as we returned to school.
Part of our communication with our school community will be through these regular newsletters. Parents/Guardians should find a copy in your email. If you are not receiving emails from us, please contact the school to make sure that we have your most up to date contact information.
A few reminders...
Media Consent (All students) and Acceptable Use (Grade 10 students and all new students)
forms should be returned to the office or completed online using Rycor via PowerSchool. Updates to student demographics should be made on the demographic information sheet and returned to the office.Parents are encouraged to create PowerSchool accounts, if they have not already done so. In addition to communication around grades and attendance, Parents/Guardians will be able to pay fees (e.g. for extra-curricular activities, etc.) through an online payment system. Click here to see how to create an account.
Lockers have been assigned to all students who completed the Locker Request form. Any student who has not requested a locker but would like to have one should drop by the main office. We strongly encourage students to use lockers to store their personal belongings.
Our school website is updated on a regular basis. You'll find our daily announcements, assessment calendar, communication from the School District, Guidance information, and many other resources
School Photos
School Picture Day is Oct. 16. Students will be called to the Library throughout the day for their photos.
Community Partnerships
In addition to these presentations, we are working on a session for parents/guardians that will cover a variety of topics. These sessions will be done in partnership with our Safe and Caring Schools Itinerant, Burin Peninsula Voice Against Violence, Youth Outreach Worker, and other community agencies.
Spirit Days
Our Student Leadership Committee is organizing Spirit Days from Oct. 24-Oct. 31. We will share a schedule of events in the coming days.
Professional Learning Days for Teachers
Our school's Fall Profession Learning Day is scheduled for October 23rd.
The District Close Out day is scheduled for November 6th.
There will be no classes for students on these days.
News and Notes...
Meet the Teacher
Thanks to those who joined us for our Meet the Teacher Open House on October 11. It was a good opportunity for us to share some important information about the 2023-2024 school year. We really enjoyed meeting our new families and re-connecting with our returning families. We hope to see you lots over the course of the year!
Breakfast Program
Our school offers a Grab-and-Go breakfast daily. The Health and Wellness subcommittee of the Student Leadership Group will be holding a Breakfast Drive in the coming days. We will supply a list of foods approved by the District's School Food Guidelines. We appreciate your support!
Wellness Room
Our Wellness Room is up and running again this year. Jeff Moulton, the region's Youth Outreach worker, will be in our Wellness space on Wednesdays this year. Jeff will be available to connect students with a variety of community based resources that support social and emotional well-being. The room is also available to students during lunch time as a place for students to relax. Jeff also runs our Dart league which takes place on Wednesday afternoons.
At this point in the Fall, we have completed our Bus Evacuation Drill and a number of Fire Drills. The drills that we have completed so far have gone well. We will continue to practice Fire Drills over the course of the year.
In the coming days, we will complete our first lock down drill. Students and staff will be made aware of this drill ahead of time.
We will be adding SafeArrival as a means for parents/guardians to report student absences. In the coming days, we will share detailed information regarding that process.
We ask that you work with us to stress the importance of attendance. We see, and research shows, a direct relationship between school attendance and academic success. When at school, students are required to be in class. We will continue to reach out to parents/guardians when we encounter problematic absenteeism. We appreciate your ongoing support in a manner that is so important to your children.
A Note from the Guidance Office
Extra-Curricular Activities
We are off to a roaring start when it comes to student activities.
Our Student Leadership Group has three subcommittees - Health & Wellness, Sports, and School Spirit. Planning is underway for a variety of activities.
On October 20th, a group of students will be representing MCHS at a Leadership Conferences hosted by Fortune Bay Academy.
Drama Club, Art Club, Dart Club, Dungeons and Dragons Club, GSA, and a number of Sports are up and running. Many thanks to the teachers and volunteers who are leading these initiatives. Check out the daily announcements on the main page of our school website for details on extra-curricular activities.
Our Boys Soccer Team is travelling to Springdale for the Provincial Soccer Tournament on Oct. 12-13 and we are playing host to the Boys Provincial Softball Tournament on Oct. 20-21. We will share the schedule once it is finalized. Come out and support the Clippers!
Girls Soccer Team - Regional Runner Up
Boys Softball Team - Regional Champions
Boys Soccer Team - Regional Champions
MCHS Spirit Wear/School Clothing Order
Details regarding our Fall School Clothing order will be shared soon. Families will be able to order online through a link that will be posted on our school website. Orders will be shipped to MCHS for distribution.
Please note, our Graduate Hoodie/Clothing order will take place early in the new year.