Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers
Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers
ECET2 stands for Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers. It was born out of a desire to provide a forum for exceptional teachers to learn from one another and to celebrate the teaching profession.
ECET2 seeks to realize a teacher’s potential by ensuring each convening aligns with its six key beliefs:
- Nurturing trust among teachers
- Focusing on each teacher’s potential for growth
- Inspiring both the intellect and the passion that drives teachers in their work
- Providing time for collaboration and learning
- Putting teachers in the lead
- Recognizing teachers as talented professionals
Join us for a weekly twitter chat at #ecet Sundays at 8pm.
November 4 and 5, 2016
Follow us @ECET2NY914
ECET2NY914 Pre-Convening Event
Register for this event using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeS-xllntP0U6CjBLTKhNd1aHD1OElgwrEc9O-8ow0ubhpo_w/viewform
Friday, Nov 4, 2016, 04:00 PM
Port Chester Middle School, Bowman Avenue, Rye Brook, NY, United States
Happy Hour
Friday, Nov 4, 2016, 06:15 PM
Westchester Burger, 275 Ridge Street, Port Chester, NY
Saturday, Nov 5, 2016, 07:15 AM
Doral Arrowwood, Anderson Hill Road, Rye Brook, NY, United States
Post Convening Celebration
Saturday, Nov 5, 2016, 06:00 PM
Doral Arrowwood, Anderson Hill Road, Rye Brook, NY, United States
Pre-Event Agenda
Keynote Lisa Hollenbach
Student Performance
Happy Hour Location: Westchester Burger
Saturday Morning
Keynote: Vivett Dukes
Colleague Circles 1
Speaker: Cultivating a Calling Starr Sackstein
Breakout Session 1
Breakout Session 2
1:00- 1:45
Speaker: Kim Hardwick
Principal, Clayton Huey Elementary School
Colleague Circles 2
Closing words
Closing Reception: The Pub at Arrowood
Keynote Speaker: Vivett Dukes
Vivett Dukes (nèe Hemans) is in her seventh year as a middle and high school English Language Arts teacher. For the past four years, she taught in an all-male, all minority, urban public school in Southside Jamaica, Queens. Currently, she is teaching in a College Board middle and high school also in Jamaica, Queens where the population of students she serves is diversified on cultural, religious, and socio-economic planes. During her time as a teacher within the New York City Department of Education she has served as a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Teacher Advisory Council 2014-2016 cohort, a classroom lab facilitator with Chancellor Carmen Fariña's Learning Partners Program, grade team leader, inquiry team leader, and most recently, English Department Chairperson. Currently, she serves as a Teacher Advisor for both the New York Times' Upfront magazine and Scholastic's Scope magazine, a Bethune Teaching Fellow for the New York Urban League, and an educational blogger for New York School Talk.
At her core, Vivett is a passionate wife, mother, teacher-leader, humanitarian, and social activist who is dedicated to taking her voice outside of her home and the classroom and into the public arena, in an effort to elevate authentic conversations and grassroots changes in educational equity for all those who have systematically and historically been disenfranchised.
Breakout Sessions
Fred Ende: Extreme Makeover: PD Edition
Professional learning is a necessity. But how can we help others to learn deeply if we aren't deeply learning ourselves? And, how can we learn deeply if our opportunities for professional development don't meet our needs?
Audience: All educators
Starr Sackstein: We Don't Need No Stinking Grades to Learn!
Audience: teachers/administrators/assessment critics
Ross Cooper, Starr Sackstein, and Tony Sinanis: 3 Bs: Blogging & Branding with Buddies
We will discuss the power of blogging as a powerful tool for critical reflection and as a means to flesh out one's personal brand as it relates to their professional realm.
Audience: All educators
Brandon White: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Emancipatory Pedagogy: From Theory to Praxis
“Culturally responsive teaching” is often used as a buzzword in education without conceptual reference to the specific actions or tools that support it. This session will provide teachers with skills and strategies necessary to begin implementing culturally responsive praxis in their classrooms upon arrival home. In this session, participants will learn that culturally responsive teaching is a necessity that is not only a way to teach, it’s a way to think.
Audience: Progressive Educators
Adam Schoenbart: The Power & Problems of Being Social: Social Media in Education
Audience: All educators
Lee Araoz: Unleash the Power of Collaborative Gaming in the Classroom
Audience: K-12 teachers
Lisa Hollenbach: Yes, and...:The Power of Improv Thinking for Teaching, Learning, and Leading
Improvisation is well-known as comedy and entertainment, but during the past decade it has grown as a method of teaching and learning as well! The first rule of improvisation is "Yes, and," signifying acceptance without judgement. This is an essential place to start; however, there are many more improvisation skills that translate into teaching, learning, and leading that you can take back into your classrooms, schools, and districts today. This is a fun, interactive session where you will learn by playing! You won't be sorry you came. Will you be brave enough to say, "Yes, and...?"
Vivett Dukes: An Intimate View into the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Chrissy Romano-Arrabito: The Case for the Quiet Kids
You have them sitting in your room. They are often overlooked. They don’t cause trouble and for the most part they earn good grades. These are the kids that tend to fade into the background and don’t require much attention from the teacher. They slip through the cracks.
This session will be a facilitated discussion on the importance of understanding why some students are quiet and how these students can be nurtured and empowered. Participants will walk away with strategies about how to approach the quiet kids, stimulate them, and help them feel valued at school.
UnConference: Where you become part of the Event!
Follow Us: ECET2NY914
Email: asantoro@portchesterschools.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ECET2NY914
Twitter: @ecet2NY914