The Northliner
June 30, 2023
Sunday services are held at 10:00 am. Currently our services are held live at UCN and also streamed on Zoom. Coffee hour follows the service.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 933 6445 4692
Password: 13800
The service begins promptly at 10 am. If you'd like to join in conversation before the service, you may join the Zoom meeting at 9:50 and wrap up your conversations shortly before 10.
July 2: "Defending Liberty," Rev. Sarah Oelberg
As we celebrate our nation's founding, Sarah will distinguish between democracy and liberty, and ask whether we are in danger of losing one or both.
July 9: "The Problem with Authority" Rev. Tony Larsen
About his sermon this Sunday, Tony says: People are never more likely to follow bad advice than when a person in authority tells them to. What is it about the appearance of authority (a suit, a lab coat, or a confident attitude) that convinces people to do things they would never do on their own? And, perhaps more importantly, what can we do about this common human tendency?"
- A memorial service for Ted Turner will be held Saturday July 1, 2023 at 2:00 pm. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone who knew Ted is welcome to join us for the Celebration of Life and reception.
- Inga Bunzel Update: After a year of medical consultations and extensive testing, Inga does seem to have a condition called Down Syndrome Regression Disorder. Tests were mostly negative with a smattering of slightly abnormal results. Neurologist is ordering a trial of antibody infusions to see if a possibly overactive immune system can be soothed. We hope Medicare/Medicaid will approve coverage. Her parents are advised to continue care with the developmental psychiatrist for the strong psychological component. We so appreciate the love and support we get from our UCN family.
Thanks from Joy, Brian, Inga and Emily Jenny Elsner-Miller's mom passed away late Tuesday morning, June 27, 2023. Diane Elsner passed away while briefly in hospice care. Our condolences to Jenny, Amber and the family.
UCN's New Logo
UCN'S Communications and Technology Committee has been hard at work updating UCN's look and striving for consistency in logo appearance and communication format The committee is chaired by Sarah Cesar, and, with committee and Board approval, she created our beautiful new logo. Thank you, Sarah, for your talented work!
Messages from our Leaders
Special Thank You to Someone Special
Every now and then, someone comes along and gives their heart, head, and hands to a project that is second to none. Yes, that person is Julie Zumach, our soon-to-be ex-Board President. Our appreciation for her organizing, preparation, execution, and follow-up on last Sunday’s service and luncheon for Tony was beyond what any words can express. THANK YOU, JULIE!!
We also want to thank the following “worker bees” who assisted Julie in this project: Todd Zumach, Leigh Hoftiezer, Ed Ahrenhoerster, Pat and Cindy Kotecki, Poul & Linda Sandersen, Meghan Zumach (Todd & Julie’s daughter), George Scliffet, Sherryl Andrus, Dean Johnson, Liam Quackenbush, Bernie Booth, Joy Schroeder, Brian Bunzel, Gerry Schmitz, Pete Blain, Brian Monroe, and Dan Lusk.
Parson to Person: "My Last P2P"
I want to thank you all for my "send off" on my last official Sunday with you (June 25th). The festivities that day were not just inspiring but so much fun! I especially enjoyed the jokes about my manilla-folder visual aids and word etymologies, as well as the references to my oft-quoted "little-known-and-less-cared-about facts." I also loved the book of pictures that included comments from UCN members and friends; it will hold an honored and accessible place in our home, so I can take it out once in a while to use as a "gratitude journal." (I even got a couple helium balloons from one of you--in honor of a previous p2p column on balloons (showing me that some of you actually do read these columns!).
And the food! Did I mention the food? (What we ate there and took home was wonderful!)
What I truly didn't expect was the gift of $3,000 in visa cards, which Craig and I have already started using. (Every time we do, I think of your great generosity.)
You know, there's a saying I like that is sometimes attributed to the Buddha:
In the end, only three things matter--
How well did I live?
How well did I love?
How well did I learn to let go?
Well, thank you, my UCN friends, for helping me with all three. Although I will still preach at UCN on occasion (actually 3 times in July!), my official ministry with you ends on June 30th, so this is my last "p2p." I want you to know that my time with you came at a point in my life when I especially needed this community. Please know how grateful I am for the last 4 years (and my monthly visits in the year and a half before that). You have made my transition from full-time ministry to retirement (well, semi-retirement!) a joyful journey, and UCN will continue to hold a special place in my heart--a treasure box from which I will gather sustenance and wisdom for my road* ahead.
peace and unrest,
*Or way, path, pathway, highway, street, boulevard, drive, walk, walkway, overpass, avenue, peregrination, route, odyssey, runway, track, trail, line, lane, drive--you get the idea. Also, a little-known-but-less-cared-about fact: "road" comes from the Old English word "rad" (of Germanic origin), meaning "journey on horseback" or "foray." It is, of course, related to the word "ride." Need I say more?
RE News
Soil to Sanctuary Harvest Festival
Join us on Sunday, October 1st at 11 am for our Soil to Sanctuary Harvest Festival. Shop local venders and artists as we fall into autumn and prepare for the holiday season. Choose from crafts, trinkets, homemade treats and farm fresh produce and foods. This will be a fun event for all featuring live entertainment and activities for the kids.
Are you a farmer or a crafter? Do you grow fruits and veggies at home? Have a favorite recipe that everyone loves? Become a vender. Click here for our vender application. The deadline to apply is September 20th.
A New Date for Summer Survival Camp
We took the summer out of our Survival Camp, as the date for camp has changed. Camp will be on Saturday, September 23rd. Our own Todd Zumach and Brian Bunzel will be our leaders, sharing their skills and training. Crafts, games, and other activities will be led by our RE teachers and volunteers.
Have you ever watched the tv show Survivor and wondered if you could make it? Here’s your chance to find out. Explore the trails, find out what plants are safe to eat and how to build a shelter. Develop situational awareness, build a fire, and learn to navigate the outdoors. Participants will make a survival kit that includes a compass, water filtration device and other items to explore the outdoors and stay safe. The camp is for kids and families. Click here to register.
RE Reminder…
There are no RE classes for K4-middle school students in July. Classes will resume this fall. Please join us on Sunday, August 27th at 11am for the RE Open House. Learn about changes and new programs offered. Our Whole Lives, OWL, is launching this fall. Before a child can be registered to attend OWL, at least one parent must attend a mandatory OWL Parent Session. This session will be held at noon on Sunday, August 27th as part of the RE Open House. Please click here to register. Contact Emily Bunzel, OWL Subcommittee Chair, or DRE@UCNorth.org with any questions.
A Note from our DRE
I hope everyone has a blessed and joyful summer. My birthday is next week so my family and I are traveling. I am out of the office until August and will respond to calls and emails upon my return. I look forward to seeing everyone in Sunday service and in RE when classes resume this fall.
Social and Racial Justice
Share the Plate Update
This on-going program, managed by the Social Justice Committee, shares half of the cash offertory donations collected both at Sunday services and on UCN's PayPal account with humanitarian and social justice programs in the greater Milwaukee community, other Wisconsin communities, nationally and internationally. Donations by check with "Share the Plate" in the memo line are split with the regular offertory collection. On our website, www.ucnorth.org, you can donate using PayPal or Breeze. The Northliner also contains a QR code to scan for making a donation. Each recipient receives funds collected over a 2-month period. Candidates are nominated by a member or friend of the congregation, then approved by our Social Justice Committee.
The recipient for July and August is the International Justice Mission, or IJM. Information about their programs and services is available at IJM.org. IJM is a global humanitarian organization that works to combat human trafficking of children and women as well as police abuse of people who are marginalized and poor. Working in 15 countries, IJM works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and help strengthen public justice systems. Thank you for your generosity.
Nomination forms are available on the table outside the office.
Amazing Faiths
Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee invites you to register for the next Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogue on Wednesday, July 26 at 6-9PM at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee
Now Hiring!
The Sunday Services Zoom Team is looking "for a few good zoom hosts." The requirements for this position are listed in the above pdf document. Please contact Gerry or Dan if interested.
Summer Hiking Dates
- Saturday, July 15, 9-11:30 am
- Saturday, August 5, 9-11:30 am
Locations to be determined.
Morning Meditations
This is a continuing group meditation practice facilitated by Anna Rychner. Learn about your mind and breath’s inner connections and how to rein in your thoughts and feelings to live a more peaceful life. Tuesday mornings, 9:30 in the sanctuary. Donations for UCN welcome.
Events at UCN
- Qi Gong is held most Saturdays at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall. Call Diane at
307-763-0903 for details.
Thank you for supporting the groups that use our facilities.
Calendar through July 16
Meetings are held via Zoom, unless stated.
- Saturday, July 1, 2:00 pm: Memorial Service for Ted Turner
- Wednesday, July 5: UUs Out to Lunch (Brenda Berg)
- Monday, July 10, 7:00 pm: Building Committee (Brian Bunzel)
- Tuesday, July 11, 9:30 am: Meditation (Anna Rychner)
- Saturday, July 15, 9:00 am: Hike (Julie Cabaniss)
- Saturday, July 15, 9:00 am: Building Work Day (Brian Bunzel)
The monthly calendar for UCN events, not including rentals, can be seen on our website at: https://ucnorth.org/calendar/
Please remember to contact Lyn, info@ucnorth.org, to reserve rooms for your meetings, rehearsals, ceremonies, etc. To hold an event or ceremony at UCN, contact Lyn for date availability, facilities use forms, and answers to your questions.
All church committee meetings are open; visitors are welcome. Contact the committee chair (listed on the calendar above) for details or to receive the zoom info for a meeting. For information on classes and groups that meet at UCN, as well as future meeting and event dates, please see the website, www.ucnorth.org, or call the office, 262-375-3890.
Worship and UUA Information
Please contact Julie Konik (julie.konik@gmail.com) if you want to help with Worship Services. Worship assistants are especially needed.
Sunday Announcements: If you would like to have an announcement read at the service, please prepare it using the Spoken Announcement Guidelines, and send it to Joy Schroeder (peacenow@charter.net) or Julie Konik (julie.konik@gmail.com) or that Sunday's Worship Assistant by the FRIDAY BEFORE the service, and they will relay it to the worship assistant.
- Reserving the Projector: If you will need the projector for a given date, please remember to sign the “Projector Reservation Signup List” on the clipboard on the table outside the office in the north lobby.
- UU Women's Connection offers retreats, newsletters and resources for women: https://www.uuwomensconnection.org/
- The Common Read for 2023-24 is On Repentance and Repair, by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. Go to UUA.org/read for more information.
General Information
Becoming a Member of UCN is very easy. Simply make a pledge of record, sign our Membership Book, and provide personal data (name, phone, email, address, etc.) for our records. We also provide New to UU and UCN Classes in the Spring and Fall. It is not necessary to attend the classes, however they are very informative, providing information about Unitarian Universalism and our church (its history and how it operates). For more information, you can contact Dan Lusk (262-234-9406).
- Caring Circle: a group of people who may be willing to bring meals, help with transportation, make visits, pick up groceries, etc. for members and friends of UCN in temporary need. Sign up at church or virtually: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A44ACA82BA75-caring
First Aid Kits are located near the elevators on each level. Each kit is in a white box and mounted on the wall. AED Machines are near the first aid kits. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Bunzel, Building Committee Chair, at (262) 573-0045 or brianbuzel@yahoo.com.
Masks are Optional at UCN. Masks are available in the church lobby. Questions regarding mask policy can be directed to Julie Zumach, President, or Leigh Hoftiezer and Jean Woodmansee, re-opening Subcommittee co-chairs. Building questions should be directed to Brian Bunzel, Building Committee chair.
UCN is now able to accept donations via PayPal. Please use the QR code above, or see our website (Donate) for more details, or or click here: give.ucnorth.org/paypal/
Food Barrel: Don’t forget to grab a food item out of your pantry for the food barrel as you leave for church.
Scrip Fundraiser: Scrip Cards are still a great way to support UCN. Use cards for carryout or online purchase with ScripNow!. There are 3 ways to buy or reload your cards: ScripNow! (Pay online, use online or in person), PrestoPay (buy or reload cards) or at UCN. If you have a special request or questions about Scrip, contact Mark Muellenbach.
If you order from Quill.com and tell them UCN recommended them, UCN will earn a $50 gift card.
Support Black-Owned businesses: "MKE Black" offers a list of Black-owned businesses you can reference: https://mkeblack.org/
If you would like to donate directly to Family Promise, please send your donation to them, with “UCN Member” written in the memo line. This will give UCN credit for the donation. Their address is: Family Promise of Ozaukee County, 136 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington, WI 53074.
The Social Justice Committee has an OPT-IN email list for anyone who would like to be notified on short notice to provide a physical presence at social justice activities. Please contact Sherryl Andrus, sherryla70@gmail.com, to be added to the list.
Monthly Fellowship Gatherings
- Ladies’ Lunch and Levity group: Join us the third Monday of the month at the back room of Mequon Fiddleheads at noon. Come when you are able; everyone is welcome. Contact brendaberg@spectrum.net for info.
UUsOutToLunch meets at noon, and sometimes at suppertime during daylight savings time, on the first Wednesday of every month. Couples, singles, men & women are all welcome, long-term commitment or not. Each month, a different member of the group takes the responsibility of choosing a restaurant at which to meet and eat, and emails the rest of the group with the particulars as to what and where, requesting yay or nay from the emailed recipient, so that reservations can be made if required. Join us! Email brendaberg@spectrum.net
First Sunday Lunch: Join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and fellowship on the first Sunday of the month, October through June.
Submitting Content for our Publications
Please submit articles for the Northliner to info@ucnorth.org. To keep the Northliner from becoming cumbersome to read, you are encouraged to keep these articles short, and to repeat them only twice. The deadline for submitting articles is every Thursday at noon. Items submitted later might not be proofed for errors or published.
Please contact Adam Schodron (webmaster1@ucnorth.org) to submit articles for our website.
Contact Information and Links
Director of Religious Education LaToya Bates:
262-385-3408; dre@ucnorth.com
UCN Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 2:30 pm. Office is closed for bad weather and holidays.
Information on our Share the Plate Recipient
Minutes from current Leadership Board meetings
- Our pulpit schedule contains a wide range of topics that cover spiritual exploration, various theologies, holidays, social justice, and more. Read descriptions of the upcoming sermons and bios of the speakers.
Mid-America Region offers webinars and other important information: uua.org/midamerica.
For more information about UCN, see our website www.ucnorth.org or call the office at
Please check channel 4, 6, 12 or 58, or our website, www.ucnorth.org, for weather closings.
Unitarian Church North
Email: info@ucnorth.org
Website: www.ucnorth.org
Location: 13800 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, USA
Phone: 262-375-3890
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitarianChurchNorth/