Senior College & Career Newsletter
Week of October 8-14, 2023
Welcome Students & Families
Scroll through for important information regarding College/Career
How to reach us?
For general questions and inquiries please email
Ms Ignaitis:
Ms Yeager:
Please do not use the link at the bottom of this Newsletter to contact us
Important Dates and Deadlines
Nov 3 - SR/LOR Form Due for Students Applying to Common App School Due AFTER Dec 15
Need Help Applying to College? College Club on Tuesdays!
Tuesdays 4-5 PM
If you need help applying to college, please come to College Club every Tuesday from 4-5.
If you have a sport or job after-school, please come see us in the College and Career Center to make other arrangements.
Our goal is to get something done every week and we hope to see you there!
If you have questions, please come to College and Career Center
Missed the Grade Level College/IB Meeting on August 29th
If you missed the Grade Level 4YR College & IB Meeting on August 30th
The grade-level presentation in English and Spanish ( without the recording) and handouts are available on the Sequoia College and Career webpage.
Complete the 2023-2024 Meal Application
We want all families to complete this confidential meal application so that qualifying students can receive reduced cost bus passes, internet, prom tickets, grad night tickets, college application fees and IB testing registration. To complete the meal application, click here.
From The Counseling Office
1) IB Course Drops are permitted starting August 23rd. Please contact or visit your assigned counselor to review the required form and process.
2) Edgenuity credit recovery lab will reopen on August 22nd at 4pm with Mr. Calles in Room B-8. The Edgenuity lab will be open weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4pm-6pm in Room B-8. Please contact your assigned counselor if you are not sure if you need to complete Edgenuity credit recovery.
Cañada Concurrent Enrollment Workshop
College Visit Sign-Ups Reminder
You are not officially registered for a college visit at Sequoia unless you follow the steps below. Putting a school on your “Colleges I’m Applying To” or “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list does not automatically register you for an upcoming college visit. Also, a college may email you saying they are looking forward to seeing you at Sequoia when they visit but that is not an official registration.
Haverford College
Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM
DePaul University
Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:30 AM
Elon University
Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:30 AM
Dickinson College
Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:30 AM
Oberlin College
Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:00 AM
Menlo College
Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:30 AM
Claremont McKenna College
Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:30 AM
Chapman University
Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:30 AM
Loyola Marymount University
Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:00 AM
California State University-Chico
Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:30 AM
University of California-San Diego
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:30 AM
University of San Diego
Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:30 AM
University of San Francisco
Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:00 PM
Palo Alto College Fair
You are invited to attend the 25th annual Palo Alto College Fair hosted by Henry M Gunn HS. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet and ask questions with college representatives from all over the US and some international institutions as well. On Monday, October 9th, 2023 start time is at 5:45 pm-7:30 pm hosted at Gunn High School in Bow Gym. If you have questions for an admission rep, and are still looking for what to do next, this may be just the event to spark interest. We suggest students review the Big Future College Fair Checklist to make the most of this event.
Students Register Here: We’ve partnered with StriveScan to make it easy for students to exchange information with college representatives. Select “10/9/2023 - Palo Alto College Fair @ Gunn High School” in the event list. There is a Participating Colleges list to review.
Harvard, Princeton, the University of Virginia, Wellesley, and Yale would like to spend some time with you.
Oct 15th
You know our names, but find out more at our evening programs. Don't miss your opportunity to hear admissions officers from all five schools discuss the variety of opportunities one can find at our institutions. Learn about scholarships and our generous need-based financial aid offerings.
We are committed to making education at our schools affordable, accessible, and unforgettable. Please RSVP HERECoalition: Promote Our Panel Discussions
Use these links and language found on each registration page to share our panel discussions:
Drexel University Application Workshop Series
Drexel is offering a monthly series of online events designed to help guide students, families, and counselors through important steps of the college application process. Starting August 31st.
Crafting Your Portfolio for College Success - Oct 20
Exploring Your Academic Interests - Nov 17
Does Submitting My Application Earlier Than The Due Date Give Me an Advantage? Depends on the Type of College
How Most Admissions Operate (always check individual websites)
Private Colleges/Common Application Colleges: Majority No Advantage
Admissions representatives (the people who will be reading your application) are traveling recruiting students; attending events and school visits up until November.
There are many parts that go into this application separately from the student’s part (transcript, counselor report, teacher recommendations) The admissions set aside time to read applications after they have been processed and all parts of the application are together.
Exceptions: Some smaller, less competitive colleges with ROLLING ADMISSIONS
State Public Colleges: Depends
Schools like our CSU system that basically look at your self-reported transcript; some of these colleges process applications as they are submitted or in batches so students find out if they are admitted at different times. A lot of out of state public schools that do not require anything but application and transcript (some who claim, if you turn in by this date will get your decision in a few weeks).
Notables excluded from CSU: Cal Poly SLO - majority of decisions come out at the same time.
Notable out of state public colleges excluded: Note: University of Michigan, University of Colorado, Boulder, and University of Texas, Austin
UC: No
From UCLA Admissions:
Will students be at an advantage if they submit their application in October?
A. No, students will not have an advantage or disadvantage based on when they submit their application. Students must submit their application during the filing period between October 1 to November 30. We do not offer early decision or early action
Bottom Line: Start Early, Turn your application after it has been checked by someone and before
the deadline when you feel that you have completed your best application!
Requesting Transcript Reminders
The only transcripts that need to be requested AT THIS TIME are for OUT OF STATE public colleges and some Non Common App private colleges that do not require a school report or LOR
If you need a transcript sent AT THIS TIME, request on Naviance - Colleges I’m Applying To
*There is a five school day turn around for the Guidance Department to send transcripts.
1. UC/CSU - Not required with your application
2. ANY College Listed on your School Report/LOR Form- They will be sent automatically by your counselor with your school report
Always Check School’s Website - Example University of Washington
The Guidance Department is CANCELING all requests for Common App, UC and CSU at this time!
Specific Four Year College Information By Type
UC/CSU Common Errors
1. Sometimes the approved UC/CSU names are not the same name as is on your transcript
History IB HL1 is the junior year course
IB History of Americas HL2 is the senior year.
If you are in a two-year course, look for HL1 for junior year and HL 2 for senior year.
2. Select Course Type Dropdown
If a class gets IB or Honor status IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY appear when you add the name of the class. If you have to add the course type for CSU, ALWAYS choose – none.
3. World Studies 1-2 - no grade first term then add your second semester grade
Both the quarter of WS 1 and Life Skills are not A-G eligible
4. NEVER - Choose - I do not see my class or add a course on your own that you took at SHS
CSU Application is NOW OPEN!
Make Sure you Choose FALL 2024
Make Sure you Choose your Goal - First Bachelor/First Time Freshman
The College and Career Center has created a CSU Pre-Worksheet to help you gather the information needed (with your parent’s help) to complete your application.
If you need help or you need it checked, please come to College Club on Tuesday, Sign up for College App Flex, and/or drop in at lunch.
UC Application Support
The UC Application is now open for the Fall 2024
Students can submit the application between Oct 1-Nov 30 2023
Sign-up for flex sessions to get support completing your application.
Every UC has great information and tips on completing the application - Check out UCSB page:
The UC Website Offers A Lot of Help
The UC application provides built-in help and support throughout each section of the application. Applicants can view answers to their commonly asked questions on each page of the application by clicking ‘Help’ on the top navigation bar or by clicking on the blue ‘i’ icons seen throughout the application. Students needing further assistance can contact the UC Application Center via phone or email. The center is available Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (Pacific Time).
(800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.)
(925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.) (email)
Evaluation for California Residency
The UC Application will ask multiple questions about whether you attended and will graduate from a California high school. Additionally, you will be asked “Do you want to be evaluated for California residency for tuition purposes?” ANSWER YES TO THIS QUESTION IF YOU DON’T WANT TO PAY OUT OF STATE TUITION.
SSID # (State ID)
When the UC Application asks for SSID# they are asking for your State ID from the top left of your transcript.
Worried About School Documents Being Sent On-Time? Process of Submitting Application and School Documents
Student Side of the Process
You submit your documents INDEPENDENTLY of your counselor and teachers– when you are ready to submit an application you do not have to wait for the school!
IF we send documents and you decide not to submit an application, it is okay, they discard if not matched.
Counselor and Teachers Side of the Process
When counselors and teachers submit their documents for your 1st due date, they submit them to all the schools on your list.
There is NO way we would know if you added a school, unless you complete another SR/LOR Form. Email your counselor to see how you can complete an additional form.
Do Not Worry About Teachers Completing LORs on Time.
Where it might be to your advantage to submit earlier than the due date, it is not necessary for our staff to complete their letters of recommendation earlier than the due date listed on Naviance. We take the completion of these documents very seriously!
Wondering, was your counselor’s documents (school report, LOR, transcript, and school profile) and/or teacher LOR submitted? (Two Ways to Check)
1. From Common Application Website:
You can check the status of your recommenders on each of your colleges' "Recommenders and FERPA" page under the "My Colleges" tab.
"Not Started" - the recommender has not yet begun your recommendation.
"Submitted" - your recommender has fully submitted your recommendation, and there is no further action required on their part.
Contact your teachers and/or counselor directly if still concerned.
Remember transcripts are included with the counselor report
2.Naviance should have a green check when documents have been submitted
Go to Colleges I’m Applying to
Application Milestones
If close to the deadline, after checking that they are not submitted, a gentle reminder email is appropriate (but understand a lot of teachers submit on the deadline)
How To Videos From The College and Career Center Website for Common App
Common Application:
How to Create a Common Application Account & Matching your Naviance Account (Includes FERPA Information)
How to add Current High School Courses at Sequoia
FROM COMMON APP WEBSITE: That is correct, only classes that award high school credit should be inputted in the "Current Classes" section. The student may elaborate on non-high school credit courses in the "Additional Information" prompt within the "Writing" section of the Common App tab.
How to add in IB exams and Should I add my SAT or ACT tests here? If you add your SAT/ACT, you need to send them through College Board and/or ACT
How to add in Courses & Grades on Common App (updated Sept 2022)
FROM COMMON APP WEBSITE: When high school students simultaneously take college courses through a college or university, this is known as dual enrollment. For Courses & Grades, only courses receiving high school credit (i.e. appearing on your high school transcript) should be reported in this section. If you are not receiving high school credit for the course, you do not need to report this course in Courses & Grades.
How to report a college concurrent enrollment course (updated Fall 2023)
How to add a summer school or middle school math course (updated Sept 2022)
How to request "Other Recommender" Letter on Common App and Naviance
Should I apply Early Action/Early Decision (updated Fall 2023)
Located on school website under Departments, College & Career Center, FA!?How to Videos
Sequoia School Information for Common Application
For the Education – Grades Section of the Common Application
Class Rank Reporting – Do not rank
Graduating Class Size – 509
GPA Scale – 4
GPA Weighting – Weighted
Guidance FAX – (650) 306-8893
Graduation Date – June 9 , 2024
Your Official GPA- Overall weighted GPA - first one listed on your transcript
Updated Scholarship List
Interested in Studying Space Science? Scholarship for Juniors and Seniors Facing Financial Hardship and/or Challenging Cultural Circumstances
Application Due: Oct 8th
Applications are open for the The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Inspiration Scholarship. The scholarship hopes to inspire students to explore space biology.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Scholarship - Regional Level
Nomination form must be completed by Oct 13th
For high school seniors (ANY GENDER) who have the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. Applicants describe how they have tried to manifest these qualities, and must write an essay of an assigned topic as administered by Sequoia staff. If you are interested, please email Ms. Ignaitis. You also need two letters of recommendation.
If you want to be considered for the scholarships listed above, Complete the NOMINATION FORM located below.
Last year our nomination won the local scholarship!!
Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Due: Oct 31st
Grades: 9-12th
Audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent residence. Topic 2023 “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy? Go here for more information.Sequoia Awards Scholarship
Deadline October 31st
Do you live in Redwood City and have you made an impact with your community service activities?
The Sequoia Awards provides scholarships to high school seniors who are outstanding community volunteers. To apply for a Sequoia Awards scholarship, you must: have performed voluntary community service; be a high school senior; and reside at a Redwood City mailing address. This includes unincorporated Redwood City, North Fair Oaks, Emerald Hills, and Redwood Shores. For application and more information visit their website here.
Deadline to submit an application and materials is October 31. Upload your transcript from Infinite Campus.
Big Futures Scholarship, College Board
Earn entries in monthly drawings for $500 and $40,000 scholarships by completing steps to plan for college. The sooner you start and the more steps you complete, the more chances you’ll have to win. Go here to learn more.
Are you applying to a college that requires a nomination from Sequoia for scholarships or programs?
Important Process Below:
When you are researching colleges to apply to, check to see if they have scholarships and programs that require nominations.
For example, Davidson College has the Belk Scholarships which provides 8 full-ride scholarships to students who are selected. Also, Washington University in St. Louis has the Danforth Scholars Program that awards partial and full-tuition scholarships based on merit and does not consider need as part of the award process. Both of these examples require being nominated in order to apply.
After you research your colleges, if you find a scholarship or program you want to be nominated for, complete this form three weeks prior to the nomination deadline to be considered.Davis Women in Business Fall '23 High School Outreach Program
Due: October 17th
The goal for this program is to provide high school students with knowledge and skills on how to succeed in both college and the professional world. Students will have the opportunity to hear from our organization's members and alumni as well as the personal experiences of current college students.
We will host 2 workshops over the course of two weeks via Zoom that are focused around the topic of college. This program is open to any high school student that is interested and this is a completely free opportunity.
Workshop Dates:
Wednesday October 18th 6:15-7 pm PST: College Applications + College Life
Wednesday October 25th 6:15-7 pm PST: College Essay Tips
Registration closes on Tuesday, October 17th at 5:00 pm.
South County Teen Leadership Council - A Great Way to Get Involved in Community Service and Leadership Opportunities
The South County Teen Leadership Council run through the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Activities League offers high school students a free program that provides mentoring, travel conferences, field trips, leadership and organizes community service projects.
Weekly meetings are from 4-6pm in Redwood City
If you are interested, email, call or text Mason Lok
650 474-1394
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Civil Service Fellowship
Can Apply All Year
All Grades
Rhizome, a nonprofit organization built by and for students, is offering a community service, leadership, and civic engagement opportunity through their Civic Service Fellowship. Their website includes info on how the Fellowship boosts mental health determinants, leadership skills, and community connectedness while making an impact and receiving service hours. Check it out if you’re interested in civics, service leadership, or learning how to make a genuine impact.
Rebuilding Together Peninsula: Volunteers Needed
Saturday 10/14 8am-4pm
Sunday 10/15 9am-3pm
Breakfast & lunch will be provided.
To volunteer, E-mail or Call: Angie Ramos - 408-825-3817
Project Read - Redwood City Library Volunteer Opportunities
Project Read has some upcoming training for teens who would like to volunteer on
October 10
November 7
This is a great opportunity for SHS students to be matched with a younger student to tutor once or twice a week.
If interested contact:
Email -
Phone- 650 780-7077
For more information go to their website and scroll down to the Teen Volunteer Section.
(Flier in College and Career Center)
Ronald McDonald House Charities Bay Area
Help families able to stay close to their sick children
Families with critically ill children are going through some of the hardest moments of their lives. By helping us keep our programs running smoothly, hosting in-kind drives or fundraisers, and spreading the word, you make it possible for families to keep their focus on their children
Year long opportunities to volunteer
For more information, click here for their website
Girls That Code - Online Activities
They “release activities bi-weekly— some online, some offline, of varying levels of difficulty. Each activity features a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.” Click here for more information
Volunteer Ronald McDonald House Charities
Volunteer Opportunity with Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is in need of volunteers, 16 years old and older, to help at our construction site in Daly City. If you are curious about Habitat and how you can get involved, we are holding informational sessions to provide a glimpse of our work. In these sessions, you can also expect to hear about the Covid-19 protocols currently in place to ensure the safety of volunteers.
Click Here for more information on how to volunteer
Congressional App Challenge
Due Nov 1
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives host a district-wide Congressional App Challenges for middle school and high school students encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue careers in computer science. For more information; Congressional App Challenge
Students can register as individuals or as teams of up to four.
Sequoia High School PTSA: 2023-2024 Reflections VPA Contest Information
Due: Nov 12th
This year’s theme: I am hopeful because…
Enter your artwork and reflect about its meaning to you in one of six categories.
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts
Special Artist Division
All entries will be recognized for their artistic achievement. Participation itself is a meaningful contribution to the Sequoia community! First-place finishers in each category enter the district competition, district winners move on to the state competition, and state winners move on to compete nationally.
Be sure to review the rules and category information on the Reflections page of the PTSA website.
Create a FSA ID (Required Oct 12th Off Campus Assignment)
What is an FSA ID?
It is a username and password combination that allows you to sign your FAFSA form electronically. Your FSA ID also can be used to access the myStudentAid app, sign loan contracts, and access certain information online.
Why do I need one, if I haven’t started the FAFSA Application?
Getting it ahead of time and using it to begin your FAFSA form on or on the myStudentAid mobile app cuts down on errors and delays.
Does my parent(s)/Guardian(s) need to get one too?
YES! If you’re a dependent student, one of your parents whose information is reported on the FAFSA form will also need an FSA ID so that he or she can sign your application electronically.
(It is ok if your parents/guardians do not have SSN but they have to wait until December)
Where do I go to get an FSA ID?
Get started here!
Need help
Watch this six minute video from the Department of Education on how to create a FSA ID account
Video para ayudar a crear una FSA ID en español
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the California Dream Application CHANGES THIS YEAR
There are many changes coming to the 2024-2025 FAFSA this year, namely that it will not be available in October, as it has in previous years. The most up-to-date information that we have from Federal Student Aid states that the FAFSA will open in December 2023 — however, the FAFSA Simplification Act states that it can be open no later than January 1, 2024.
California Student Aid Commission has also extended the priority deadline for the Cal Grant to April 2.
More information to come next month
Careers in Engineering from LINK for Counselors
Engineering is a broad and exciting field with many different areas of specialization. For students with an interest in STEM, becoming familiar with their engineering options can go a long way. This being the case, it can help someone in your position to have a rough understanding of some of the main types of engineers.
Some popular engineering roles include:
Chemical engineers: These professionals utilize their expertise to help create and manufacture a wide array of products, such as asphalt and gasoline. This is a role perfect for students with an interest in chemistry and manufacturing.
Civil engineers: These engineers are tasked with aiding in the designing and building of infrastructures, such as bridges. If a student has an interest in some STEM subjects and the field of architecture, this could be a perfect role to pursue.
Mechanical engineer: These professionals play a key role in the creation and innovation of products ranging from robotics to car engines. Students with an interest in building and fixing devices have an opportunity to pursue their passion by becoming mechanical engineers.
Beyond these particular roles, engineering students can specialize in roles such as aerospace engineer and production engineer. Given the many different professional avenues in engineering, it’s vital you’re able to explain to students interested in STEM their many varying options they have.
Two and four-year college bound seniors, complete this Free Application for Federal Student Aid online today regardless of your family income.
Go here to learn more.
CA Dream Act
California Dream Act allows undocumented and nonresident students to receive certain types of financial aid funded through public universities, state administered financial aid, university grants, community college fee waivers, and cal grants.
Go here to learn more.
CSS Profile
The CSS Profile is an online application that collects information used by nearly 290 private colleges and some public university scholarship programs to award non-federal aid.
Go here to learn more.
City of San Carlos Part-time Recreation Leaders
City of San Carlos Parks and Recreation Department. is looking for part-time recreation leaders to oversee gym rentals and sporting events.
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
In-N-Out Burger
Flexible hours, Free Meals, Gain Work Experience
$21.00 hour
Apply at or
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Footsteps Child Care
Footsteps Child Care, located in Belmont and Redwood Shores, is a not for profit organization that has been operating for almost 30 years. Next school year we will be providing after school programming for a large group of underserved students, TK to sixth grades and need to hire around 30 additional staff members. You must be either 18 years old or a high school graduate to work for us.
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Assistant and Lead Soccer Coach Positions
16 years and older
Will be here on campus Monday August 28th at lunch.
Super Soccer Stars is currently looking for Part-Time assistant and Lead Coaches in the Bay Area for their Fall season (Paid training available starting immediately).Current Openings:
Hummingbird Music School is looking for fun and talented high school musicians to join our team of Music Teachers!
Minimum Age Requirement: 16yrs
Part-time work is available teaching group Piano Classes and Ukulele Classes at local elementary schools, as well as private lessons (in all instruments) in-person or online. Pay is $60/hour for group classes and $45/hour for private lessons. Please apply online at
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Kumon Tutoring Center
No Experience required, Entry level
Paid Minimum Wage
Looking for students with good math and reading skills who are available to work Tuesday and Fridays 3-7pm. If interested email at or text at 650-799-4099
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Front Office Assistant (P/T)(Bilingual Spanish) Needed - Across the Street
Minimum Age Requirement: 16yrs
Timings: After School and Weekends
Contact: Walk-in Siva Cherukuri DDS 198 Arch St Redwood City (Across the street from Sequoia HS) or email:
Mathnasium of Redwood City, a Math-Only Learning Center
Looking for high school students with exceptional math skills through Algebra I and Geometry to join our team! We offer competitively paid part-time jobs at Sequoia Station with flexible scheduling and ongoing training opportunities. Join us for the opportunity to make a REAL difference in a child’s life by passing on a love for math!
Our starting salaries are $17.00-$19.00 depending on what level of math the instructors can teach.
If interested, please apply online
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
How To Videos for students now on our website!
Past Newsletters
Oct 1-7, 2023 GENERAL 4YR: Research College Majors CSU: Application is NOW OPEN! CAREER: Careers in Engineering
Sept 24 -30, 2023 Updated Only Due to Off Campus Weeklong Conference
Sept 17-23, 2023 GENERAL FOUR YEAR INFO: Transcript Request Info, COMMON APP: Sequoia School Info for Education Tab, CAREER: Public Service Careers that Will Pay for Your College Degree
Sept 10-16, 2023 GENERAL 4YR Do you need the SR/LOR Form?, FINANCIAL AID: Changes to FAFSA/CAADA and FSA ID
Aug 27-Sept 2, 2023 CSF, How and Why to Sign Up for a College Visit