Daniel Wright Junior High School

New Family and Incoming Sixth-Grade Parent Orientation
An informational session for our junior high school families who are new to District 103 and for the parents of our incoming sixth-graders, will be held in person on Monday, August 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Daniel Wright (DW) cafeteria, 1370 N Riverwoods Road, Lincolnshire. Administration will share general information on DW procedures, processes and scheduling. We encourage students who are new to D103 to attend with their families.
If your child attended the Fly Up orientation in May with their fifth-grade class, it is not necessary that they they attend Monday's orientation. However, they are welcome to attend if they are interested in hearing the presentation again.
A recording of the orientation session will be viewable on the District 103 website following the meeting.
Locker Setup
In order to provide students with an opportunity to locate their lockers and organize their school supplies prior to the start of school, Daniel Wright is offering Locker Setup Days. Volunteers will be available on the dates and times listed below to help students locate their lockers, use their combinations, and organize their supplies. Teachers will not be present on these days. We encourage students to come during their grade level’s assigned day; however, students may visit the school on a different grade level day if that better fits their summer schedule. Staff will issue the student's locker assignment and combination on the day of locker setup.
Locker setup dates are as follows:
6th-Grade: Monday, August 8, 2022, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7th- and 8th-Grade: Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Should you not be able to attend one of the assigned locker setup days, please note that students may not access their lockers on Tuesday, August 16, and Wednesday, August 17, due to opening year staff meetings at DW. Time is given to all students on the first day of school, August 18, for locker setup if you are unable to attend one of the assigned dates.
Kick Off the School Year with Spirit Wear
We are kicking off the 2022-2023 school year in style! This year's theme focuses on leadership and invites all students to "Step Wright Up!" Merchandise is available to purchase through American Outfitters. We will be encouraging everyone to wear "Step Wright Up!" shirts on our second day of school (Friday, August 19). Shirts will be delivered to Daniel Wright prior to the first day of school. The deadline to purchase merchandise is Sunday, July 31.
Summer Reading Requirements
Over the summer, all students entering sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade are required to read specific grade-level novels. Please refer to the Daniel Wright Summer Reading Lists to access each grade level's specific summer reading letter and any corresponding assignment(s). Students should bring all summer reading materials to school on their first day.
School Supplies
Each year teachers come out with school supply lists for each grade level. Please find the grade level school supplies on the website.
Daniel Wright Information
- Principal Michelle Blackley
- Assistant Principal Nina Nusbaum
- Assistant Principal Melody Littlefair