Danny Kaye Elementary School
March '22 Newsletter
Celebrating Women's History Month
Contact Us
Email: ps149k@gmail.com
Website: https://www.ps149dannykaye.com/
Location: 700 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Phone: (718) 688-7620
Twitter: dknyc149
Mindfulness Moment 🤔
Parent Coordinator Corner
Book of The Month 📚 - 'Under My Hijab'
Grandma wears it clasped under her chin. Aunty pins hers up with a beautiful brooch. Jenna puts it under a sun hat when she hikes. Zara styles hers to match her outfit. As a young girl observes six very different women in her life who each wear the hijab in a unique way, she also dreams of the rich possibilities of her own future, and how she will express her own personality through her hijab. This book honors the diverse lives of contemporary Muslim women and girls, their love for each other and their pride in their culture and faith.
Family Movie of the Month 🎥 - Mulan
Fearful that her ailing father will be drafted into the Chinese military, Mulan (Ming-Na Wen) takes his spot -- though, as a girl living under a patriarchal regime, she is technically unqualified to serve. She cleverly impersonates a man and goes off to train with fellow recruits. Accompanied by her dragon, Mushu (Eddie Murphy), she uses her smarts to help ward off a Hun invasion, falling in love with a dashing captain along the way.
Lower School Newsletter
Upper School Newsletter
Music Notes with Ms. Mason 🎶
Art Studio with Ms. Kennedy 🎨
DKES Art Work 🖌️
Get Physical with Mr. Smar 🏋🏾
February Recap 💭
Tutus & Ties 👔
100th Day of School 💯
Respect for All Week
Black History Apparel Day
P.S. 149's Black History Showcase 2022
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Stay Tuned for the February Recap Video!!