Welcome Back , Copopa!
Copopa Chronicle - Back to School Edition - Aug.12, 2024
About this Update
Enjoy the rest of the summer! I look forward to seeing everyone very soon! GO RAIDERS!
💚 🤍 Ms. Molnar - Principal 💚 🤍
New Faces at Copopa
Mrs. Gullett - 2nd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Connell - Intervention Specialist
Mrs. Ireland - 3rd Grade Teacher
Miss Griffith - LRPS Teacher
Miss Pratt - LRPS Teacher
Miss David - LRPS Educational Aide
Mrs. Benkalowycz - Lunch/Recess Monitor
Mr. Pangrace - K-8 Custodian
Miss Gault got married over the summer. Her new name is Mrs. Leopold. She will still be teaching 4th grade here at Copopa.
Posting of Class Lists
First Day of School Signs
Supply Lists
Updating OneView
Even if nothing has changed with medication, phone numbers, contacts, etc. we still need you to sign for the 2024-2025 school year for each child in your family.
Click the link below to access OneView.
School Fees
Please use the link below to view school fees for PreK - 4th grade.
Chromebook Insurance is optional. The cost for each child is $25.00
If you have further questions, please contact our office.
Open House and Raider Jamboree
We invite you to head to Columbia Park after Open House to attend the Raider Jamboree.
Free food and ice cream!
We will also have a DJ, touch-a-truck, face painter, balloon twister, and much more
The Raider Jamboree is from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
School Hours
8:10 a.m. - Buses and Car Riders are Released
(Students riding the bus will not be marked tardy if the bus is late.)
8:30 a.m. - Beginning of the Day Bell (All students should have visited their locker and be seated in the classroom by 8:30 a.m.)
(If your child is a car rider and you arrive after 8:28 you will need to park and walk your child into the building. You will need to sign the child in at the office. )
3:20 p.m. - Car Riders Dismissed to Designated Area
3:30 p.m. - Bus Riders are Dismissed
7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Office Hours
Car Riders: Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Students not riding the bus must be dropped off and picked up at the designated spot along the west sidewalk of the Copopa building. Please make sure to follow the drop-off and pick-up traffic patterns and go through the car rider line. Parents are not permitted out of their vehicles during drop-off. No student is to be dropped off prior to 8:10 am. If you pull-up to the drop-off lane after approximately 8:25 a.m. and there is no staff member outside you MUST walk your child into the office and sign the child in prior to him/her heading to class. All students MUST be in the classroom by 8:30 a.m. or they are considered tardy. There will be an 8:30 bell to indicate when attendance should be taken by the classroom teacher.
If you are planning on picking up your child after school at the last minute, please contact the Copopa office by 2:50 p.m. and we'll add your child's name to the car rider list. You can also send a note to school with your child and we will add him/her to the pick-up list for that specific day. We use the same traffic pattern for pick-up as we do for morning drop-off. Parents are not permitted out of their vehicles during pick-up. If we do not receive a note or a phone call, your child will be expected to ride the bus. Since buses often times leave before all car riders, it is imperative you call or send a note. We greatly appreciate this.
Permanent Pick-Up:
If you will be picking your child up from school every day (no bus transportation), please contact the office and we will have you fill out a permanent pick-up form. You will not be required to send a note or call the office daily if we have this on file. You will also receive a Copopa sign to display on your dashboard to expedite the pick-up process.
Bus Transportation
Your child will not be marked tardy if the bus is running late.
The school bus is a privilege that can be taken away if it is abused. The bus driver has a tremendous responsibility seeing that the students arrive at their destination safely. Discipline must be maintained on the school bus so that nothing interferes with the driver’s concentration. When students misbehave on the school bus, the driver’s concentration is then diverted and a serious accident could occur. Failure to comply with bus rules may result in loss of bus privileges. At such time, a student is not excused from attending school, but the parent must provide transportation to and from school.
NO daily bus passes will be issued. If you have further questions, please reach out to the
transportation department at 440-236-8222.
Mark This Down
Important Dates
16 - Class Lists Posted (3:00 pm)
22 - Open House (5:30 - 6:30 pm)
22 - Raider Jamboree (6:00 - 8:00 pm - Columbia Park)
28 - First Day for Grades 1st - 12th
3 - Kindergarten Social (6:00 - 7:00 Columbia Park) (sponsored by PTO)
5 - First Day of Kindergarten & Preschool
1 - Picture Day
9 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11 - NEOEA Day - No School
15 - Fall Family Fun Night at Red Wagon Farm
11 - Veterans Day Assembly
12 - Picture Retakes
27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
5 - 1st and 3rd Grade Winter Concert (6:30 pm)
21 - Winter Break Begins
6 - School Resumes
4 - Kindergarten Welcome Night (5:30 - 6:30 p.m.)
Week of 24 - 28 - Breakfast with a Buddy
5 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
6 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
7 - Conference Comp Day - No School
11 - Spotlight on the Arts Night
18 - 27 - Spring Break
7 - 2nd and 4th Grade Spring Concert (6:30 pm)
23 - Raider Games
27 - 4th Grade Picnic
28 - 4th Grade Awards & Clap-Out (Parents should not arrive before 9:15 am)
28 - Last Day of School
Early Release Days
The following dates are early release days for students
- Thursday, October 10
- Thursday, February 13
- Thursday, March 6
Early Dismissal Time at Copopa
Car Riders - 11:50 a.m.
Bus Riders - 12:00 Noon
Staff Professional Development Days
There is no school for students on these days.
- Friday, September 20
- Friday, September 27
- Monday, November 4
- Friday, January 17
- Friday, February 14
- Friday, May 2
Safety Drills
Please be advised that we have to complete a lockdown drill and fire drill within the first 10 days of school.
Fire Drills
August 30 - 10:00 am
September 12 - 9:30 am
October 4 - 1:30 pm
November 6 - Rapid Release
December 4 - 9:30 am
January 16 - Rapid Release
February 12 - 2:00 pm
March 6 - Rapid Release
April 29 - 9:45 am
May 23 - Rapid Release
Severe Weather/Tornado Drills
March 19 - 9:50 am
April 17 - 1:30 pm
May 7 - 10:00 am
Lockdown/Safety Drills
September 18 - 9:15 am
October 29 - 10:00 am
*We will schedule approximately 3 additional safety drills for later in the year.
Skate Station
Skate Station
October 3
December 12
February 20
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
MAPS Testing
Students in grades K-4 will complete NWEA Fall MAP math testing on: Wednesday, September 11th
Students in grades 1-4 will complete NWEA Fall MAP reading testing on: Tuesday, September 17th
Students in grades K-4 will complete NWEA Winter MAP math testing on: Tuesday, December 10th
Students in grades 1-4 will complete NWEA Winter MAP reading testing on: Thursday, December 12th
Students in grades K, 1, & 4 will complete NWEA Spring MAP math testing on: Tuesday, March 18th
Students in grades 2 & 3 will complete NWEA Spring MAP math testing on: Wednesday, March 19th
Students in grades 1- 4 will complete NWEA Spring MAP reading testing on: Thursday, March 20th
Ohio State Testing Days
Grade 3 - Fall - Reading Part 1: Tuesday, October 22nd
Grade 3 - Fall - Reading Part 2: Thursday, October 24th
Grade 3 and 4 - Reading Part 1: Tuesday, April 1st
Grade 3 and 4 - Reading Part 2: Wednesday, April 2nd
Grade 3 and 4 - Math Part 1: Tuesday, April 15th
Grade 3 and 4 - Math Part 2: Wednesday, April 16th
Students that are not in school on these days are required to complete make-up testing within the allowed time frame given by the state.
2nd Grade CogAT Testing
Please mark your calendars for the state testing dates and take these dates into consideration when booking vacations and doctor appointments.
Students in 2nd grade will take the CogAT tests during the week of October 21 - 25.
Teachers will have more flexibility with the specific time and specific date since this is not a statewide or districtwide test.
Students that are not in school on these days are required to complete make-up testing within the allowed time frame.
Classroom Holiday Parties
Party Time for All Classes: 1:55 - 2:40 p.m.
*Parade time: approximately 2:45 p.m.
Winter/Christmas - December 20 (Friday)
Party Time for All Classes: 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.
Valentine's Day - February 12 (Wednesday)
Party Time for All Classes: 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.
The Columbia PTO will send out a sign-up genius for parents to help run the party or to donate items to the party. If you ATTEND the party, please be advised you may need to park at the library and walk up to Copopa. There are a limited number of spaces at the building. You cannot park in the bus circle, along the fence, or in the car rider pick-up line.
ALL SNACKS sent into school for a party MUST be on the approved snack list. Homemade treats and treats not in packaging will not be permitted. This is not a change to the policy from several years ago. This is a reminder because we had to send home quite a few snacks last year because of being homemade. CLICK HERE for Safe Snacks
Student Cell Phones
We understand that in today’s world many young students have a cell phone. However, there is not a use for a cell phone at the elementary level. If a student possesses a cell phone, it should remain in the student’s book bag in the off or silenced position throughout the school day. If you need to pick your child up from school you need to call the office, not a personal cell phone. If we need to get in touch with a parent we will do so using the emergency contact numbers on your OneView account. This also includes the use of smart watches/iWatches. Although a watch can be worn for the watch’s intended purpose, smart watches and iWatches should not be used during the school day for texting, games, or other apps. This includes lunch and recess. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in the cell phone or watch being taken away and a parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick it up.
Incoming Kindergarteners
The Ohio Department of Health under Ohio Revised Code 3317.67 states that Kindergarten students are required to have updated immunizations prior to entry into Kindergarten. Your child may have already received these vaccines; however the school may not have proof on file. Please provide an updated copy of your child's immunization record that shows the dates that the vaccines were received. If your child has not received these vaccines, you may obtain them from your healthcare provider or other community providers such as Lorain County Public Health.
CLICK HERE for required immunizations.
If you have additional questions please call our office and ask to speak to Nurse Mindi.
Safe Snack Policy
Snack Safely at Copopa
At Copopa and Columbia Middle School we have a growing number of students and families dealing with serious peanut and tree nut allergies - the food allergy that claims more lives each year than any other. Columbia Schools makes every effort to reduce exposure and cross contamination for these children. We do not intend to make this K-8 facility a nut-free building, but we are dedicated to providing a safe environment for all our children.
If you have any questions please call our office and ask to speak to Nurse Mindi.
Horizon Education Center Opportunity
Columbia PTO Information
Be sure to follow the PTO on FB to stay up to date with meetings, events, and fun volunteer opportunities.
Please contact the PTO with any questions.
Copopa Elementary School on Social Media
School Website
Columbia Local School District
Download in the app store
District Contacts
Reporting Absences
Leaving your child's name, teacher, and reason for absence is greatly appreciated. If you contact the teacher directly about your child's attendance, we kindly ask that you still call our office.
The link below is a from the parent/student handbook and outlines attendance and tardy policies. If you have further questions, please contact our office and speak to our attendance secretary,
Mrs. Thomas. Attendance Policies and Procedures
Planned Absences
This may include a family vacation, religious holiday, special event, family reunion, etc.
If so, make sure you fill out a planned absence form and return to school ASAP. You can download from our website or click the link below.
If you have additional questions please contact our attendance secretary, Mrs. Thomas.
2024 - 2025 Specials Schedule
Students will participate in Art, Music, Tech, and Gym one time per week. On Fridays, students will participate in an "extra" special area class. This will be on a rotating basis. Please click on the link below to view the specials calendar for the school year.
Library will not be listed as a "special" class. Instead, each class will have a separate block of time one time per week in order to return and checkout new books. We do have "make-up" days built into the schedule in case of schedule changes or calamity days.
CLICK HERE to view the library schedule for each classroom.
Lunch Information
Meal Pricing
Breakfast - $2.25
Lunch - $3.75
Milk Only - $0.55
Ice Cream - Prices Vary
Lunch Times
Kindergarten - 11:40 - 12:10
1st Grade - 11:45 - 12:15
2nd Grade - 12:10 - 12:40
3rd Grade - 12:20 - 12:50
4th Grade - 12:50 - 1:20
Please, do not drop off any outside fast food items for your child to eat at lunch. This is a safety concern.
Students will be permitted to charge 1 lunch (not snacks or milk.)
Students who pack lunch should make sure they also pack utensils and condiments such as ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce etc. If you are unable to provide these items in your child’s lunch, students may purchase condiments for 10 cents per packet.
Condiments and utensils are always included for students that receive a school lunch.
If you have any questions regarding nutrition services please contact Elaine Webber ewebber@clsdraiders.org
Adding Lunch Money
Save this link for future use. Lunch Payment
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
In order to be considered for a waiver of school fees, this form MUST be completed.
School Handbooks
Copopa Parent/Student Handbook
Please make sure you read through the handbook for important policies and procedures at Copopa Elementary School.
Kindergarten Handbook Information
If your child is in kindergarten this year, take a moment to read through this information specifically for kindergarten families.
This is the district handbook for all schools.
No After School Care
Mr. Bansek sent a message out at the end of the school year notifying families that Champions would no longer be hosting an after school program at Columbia due to low enrollment.
Copopa Elementary School
Providing a quality education for students in grades Pre-K - 4
by "Achieving Excellence Together."
Carla Lasecki - Principal Secretary
Amy Thomas - Attendance Secretary
Carla Molnar - Principal
Susie Dunn - Counselor
Jamie Maassen - Director of Special Education and Little Raiders Preschool
Mindi Porter - District Nurse
Website: https://www.columbia.k12.oh.us/copopaelementaryschool_home.aspx
Location: 13644 W River Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, USA
Phone: 440.236.5020
Fax: 440.236.1220
X (formerly Twitter): @CopopaElem