Bear Business
Bayyari Elementary School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
2020-2021, Issue 25, February 28, 2021
Weekly Memo
We had a great week back together! Thank you for making sure devices were turned back to school with chargers on Monday.
Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year has started. It is important that you return your child's registration form that was sent home. Please make needed changes (phone number, address, etc.) on the form so that we can update our records. This is registration for next year for current students in Kindergarten - 5th grade. Fifth grade parents, we will send your registration to your child's middle school for next year.
Kindergarten enrollment for 2021-2022 begins Monday, March 1, 2021. It will be online. If your child is currently enrolled in PK in the Springdale School District, you do not have to register online.
If you need anything or have any questions, please contact us at 479-750-8760 or email us at bayyariinfo@sdale.org.
Lexia Update
2019-2020 Yearbooks
Slice the Price - Domino Pizza cards
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences
Don't forget your conference this week. Students should have taken home a note last week with your scheduled time. Remember all conferences will be virtual, either by phone, Google Meets or Zoom. Students will be allowed to take home their iPad or Chromebook to ensure you have access to your conference.
If you have questions about your time please notify your child's teacher or call the office. We will be available to answer calls on Monday and Tuesday until 7 pm.
Counselor's Corner - Mrs. McGinnis
Can Parents Fighting Affect A Child's Mental Health?
I recently read an article titled “How Parents Fighting Affects a Child’s Mental Health” at www.verywellfamily.com. This article was great at explaining how parents fighting in front of children can have a negative effect. When we are mad, we don’t always think about who is watching. Children are very observant. Children actually can pick up on our emotions even though we think we are hiding them well. This article indicates that mature disagreements happen. When mature disagreements happen, we try to keep them out of the view of our children and try not to have name calling. Some parents do not think about how adult disagreements can affect our children. It can actually affect the parent/child relationship, it can cause insecurity for the child, and create a stressful environment for the child. Long term mental effects and decreased cognitive performance can also be contributed to parents fighting in front of their children.
Health and Wellness
Please remember to fill out the COVID form at go.sdale.org/covid if your child has been exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID or if they are positive for COVID. Also, please let Nurse Alicia or the office know.
Upcoming Dates
- March 1st and 2nd Virtual Student Led Conferences
- March 1st Kindergarten Registration Opens
- March 22nd -26th Spring Break
- April 5-9 ACT Aspire Testing Grades 3-5
Bayyari Elementary
Jody Johnson, Assistant Principal
Email: bayyariinfo@sdale.org
Website: bayyari.sdale.org
Location: 2199 Scottsdale Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8760