Transition to Kindergarten
Getting Your Child Ready!
Easing the Transition
Please join Ginger Manley, on FB Live, Saturday, July 2, 2022, at 5 PM
Too often, preparation for kindergarten does not begin until a month or two just before kindergarten begins. However, transition to kindergarten is a process that is most successful when it is carefully planned out over the entire pre-kindergarten year. Whether a child is in preschool, child care, or spending time with parents or caregivers at home, the transition to kindergarten can be a stressful time for parents, educators, and children. This presentation will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance your child's transition to kindergarten.
Ginger Manley, POPIN Parent Trainer
Ginger Manley has been with FND since 2019 as a Parent Trainer.
She is a mother of two sweet and amazing boys who are both on the Autism Spectrum. Ginger has been honored to support and advocate for our special needs families, including our military families in the Northwest Florida region. She has been very involved within the military family programs, as well as community special needs programs. She is also an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) case liaison for NAS Pensacola, as well as a former STOMP - (Specialized Training of Military Parents) parent trainer. Ginger has traveled internationally and nationally to share information with parents, state PTI’s, and other support personnel and agencies.
Email: ginger@fndfl.org
Website: www.fndusa.org
Phone: 800-825-5736
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/popinfl/
Family Network on Disabilities (FND) is a national network of individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens. The mission of FND is to strive for the complete integration and equality of persons with disabilities in a society without barriers and to serve families of children with disabilities, ages birth through 26, who have the full range of disabilities described in section 602(3) of IDEA. FND is a parent organization as defined in section 671(a)(2) of IDEA 2004.