Ferson Creek eNews
April 15, 2022
From the Principal, Kristy McKnight
It's the time of year where we start making plans for next school year. With that, if you would like to provide feedback on your child's learning environment for the 2022-2023 school year, now is the time. Please see this letter which outlines the framework for this feedback. Please note that the deadline to submit feedback is TODAY.
Registration for returning students opens on April 25th! You can find all of the details here.
In accordance with legislation passed last year, the school district began providing free menstrual products to students and staff. New dispensers have now been installed in all girls bathrooms at Ferson Creek Elementary School so that students can access these products discreetly. Feminine hygiene products are also available in the school nurses’ office. As these dispensers are found in all girls bathrooms, your child may have questions regarding these products. Discussing this at home would be encouraged so that children have a better understanding of the purpose of these products.
Important Dates
Friday, April 29th - Ferson Talent Show @ St. Charles North
Wednesday, April 27th - Early Release - 2:10 PM Dismissal
Wednesday, May 25th - Last Day of School
Cal's Angels - Just Shave It!
The Cal’s Angels “Just Shave it” event is coming up on Sunday, April 24th 2022 at Pollyanna Brewery in St. Charles from 12:00-3:00. Students, teachers, and community members will come together to Just Shave It together to support Cal’s Angels Pediatric Cancer Foundation – granting wishes, raising awareness and funding research to help fight childhood cancer.
We would love for you to join Team Jimmy, in honor of a former Ferson Creek Elementary student, to shave your head, cut your hair to donate or to donate/fundraise only. This QR code will lead you to our page.
We will also be raising money in school next week! You can support the team by buying hair extensions (that clip in) or Cal’s Angels bracelets. You can ONLY buy items through D303 Pushcoin and they will be delivered to your child in class next Friday, April 22nd. The window will be open from Wednesday April 13-Thursday April 21.
We will also be doing a whole school change collection! Send your child to school with their spare change and help to fill up our class containers! Let’s see how much we can raise for a good cause! We will be adding up our change on Thursday night to see how much we raised as a whole school.
If we raise $1,000 as a school (spare change, online donations, Cal’s spirit sales) will celebrate with a whole building dance party Friday afternoon! Please join in the fun!
Any questions? Reach out to Stephanie Turner at stephanie.turner@d303.org
Bernie's Book Bank
D303 Summer Camp Information
TMS Summer Camps
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/