Columbia Crest
A-STEM Academy Newsletter
November 2022
Dear Rainier Families,
Happy November!
Every November I stop to think how grateful I am to be among all of you serving the students of the Ashford Valley and surrounding towns. Columbia Crest is incredibly special and offers so much more than a traditional classroom experience due to our unique location. Not only the environment, but the people inside make it that much more desirable. All of the staff members go the extra mile to ensure students have what they need to be successful. The students are the best part of all because of their desire to learn, their pure kindness and compassion for others. The bonds between classes are truly unique. There are not many schools that offer students stay together in the same class for a decade. We are so fortunate to be part of all of this!
Recently, we pushed out a request seeking donations of microscopes for our middle school science program. We received 7 within the first day. We are blown away by the generosity! Thank you to the following donors for your kind donation which will impact student for years to come:
1. Peter and Julie Hover
2. De'Anna Barrett
3. Robbyn Martin
4. Lion's Club (donated two)
5. Kim Aeby
6. Kristi Brown
Enjoy the season of thankfulness and giving.
With Gratitude,
Allison Burslem
Around our School
November Calendar
PTO News
Please click here to order CC Spirit Gear.
Please place your order by November 13. Your order will arrive on December 16th.
Book Fair
Volunteers Needed
Arriving on Time
Please help ensure your child is on campus by 7:30am every day as school begins promptly at 7:45am.
Many student who are dropped off are arriving tardy and are missing critical lessons at the start of the day. When students arrive after 7:45am, parents must click this link to have their child’s tardy excused.
Wednesdays are one hour later than normal.
We appreciate your assistance to have your child here on time.
Picture Retakes
Picture Retake Day will be held on Wednesday, November 09, 2022.
If you were not satisfied with how your child’s original school picture turned out or if your child has newly enrolled or was absent during the September 28th Picture Day this is a great opportunity to have your child’s picture taken.
You also have the option to order online at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/ with your students' school ID or Picture Day ID.
Our picture school ID is EVTM6QXJ7.
Monthly Award Assembly
Families are always welcome to attend. Guests are welcome to sit in the bleachers.
Principal Burslem will send an email to invite the parents of the students selected for an award.
FLASH Curriculum Preview
Dear 6th-8th Grade Families,
In response to the growing threat of HIV to our population, the 1988 Washington State Legislature developed the AIDS Omnibus Act, thus mandating that a program of prevention education be presented annually in the public schools, beginning in fifth grade. A number of years ago, the Eatonville School district adopted an appropriate program for HIV prevention education using the “FLASH (Family Life and Sexual Health) Curriculum''.
The FLASH Curriculum is available for viewing online at www.kingcounty.gov/health/FLASH. The district will offer a preview to any interested parents/guardians of 6-12th grade students on 11/1/22 from 5:30- 6:30 pm in the EHS Library. This preview is not required. All student instructional materials will be available for your review. This will also enable you and your child to have meaningful family discussions both before and after the classroom presentation.
Following a preview of the materials, parents who wish to have their child excused from participation in the HIV prevention program may sign a release form.
If you have any questions, please contact your student's Health teacher.
Brownie Mix Drive
November Food Menus
Upcoming Early Release Days
November 18th
November 23rd
22-23 District Calendar
The following dates are now school days. Please note there are changes to:
- November 23 (half day)
- December 19 (half day)
- June 20-21
- June 22-23 (half days)
Please review the attached calendar for more information.
Report Cards Coming Home Soon
Upcoming Late Starts
Fall Back One Hour
Veteran's Day Assembly
Veteran's Day
Character Trait of the Month
Counselor Corner
Overnight Camp
Thanksgiving Break
Highly Capable Class Sessions
We are excited to offer a chance to volunteer at our schools for upcoming events. Please fill out the application below and submit it to Kim Henley at the District Office. Forms may also be emailed to Kim Henley at k.henley@eatonville.wednet.edu.
Due to Governor Inslee’s proclamation 21-14.1, all volunteers must have proof of vaccination or an exemption on file.
Please contact Kim Henley at the district office for more information or to request an exemption form.
Volunteers are eligible to return to schools on Monday, October 3rd. Please coordinate your arrival with the main office or classroom teacher.
Bus Route Information
Push Notifications for Route Impacts
This year, we will not send robocalls when bus routes are canceled. Instead, we are encouraging families to sign up for Ride 360 to receive push notifications when routes are impacted. Additionally, families may view the status of each bus route on our website at any time as it is updated daily. Finally, an email will be sent to families when a route is impacted.
Unfortunately, we do not have any substitute bus drivers and will need to cancel routes when a driver is out. If you or someone you know would like to apply to become a driver please visit our website for information.
- 22-23 route information is available on Ride360. This is the best way to learn if your child's route will be impacted.
- Register for Ride360 today on the website.
- When you register you will need your student’s 7 digit Student ID number that typically begins with 2 zeros. Please access Skyward Family Access for your child’s ID number.
- Once you've registered on the site you may download the app. Traversa Ride 360™ is a mobile app for Apple® and Android® devices.
- You can expect to receive direct messages regarding changes, delays and notifications specific to your child's route and stop. You may also directly message the Eatonville School District Transportation Office.
Eatonville School District is Hiring
To review all employment opportunities with our district:
- Visit EdJobsNW.org
- Click FIND A JOB
- Choose the appropriate JOB CATEGORY (Administrator, Certificated, Classified, Coaching, Substitute) from the menu on the right-hand side of the page
- Type "Eatonville" in the filter box to narrow your search results
Winter Sports
SKYWARD REGISTRATION FOR WINTER I SPORTS IS NOW OPEN- It’s time to register for Boys and Girls Wrestling and Girls Basketball..
6-8 Grade Girls Basketball::November 14 through January 27
6-8 Boys & Girls Wrestling:: November 14 through January 19
Participants cannot practice without a valid Sports Physical or Parent and Student Registrations. Parents must log into Skyward family access and complete the Parent registration. Students must register through their own skyward access separately. Eligibility rules require that students have a valid sports physical on file in the office that remains valid through the end of the season for each distinct sport.
The 4 requirements for participation are:
1. Sports Physical (valid for two years from exam date)
2. Parent Registration (must be completed in skyward before first practice)
3. Student Registration (must be completed in skyward before first practice)
4. $40 ASB Fee (paid in the school main office before first game/meet)
EXAMPLE SPORTS PHYSICAL FORM: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/ems/athletics/physical-form
SKYWARD FAMILY REGISTRATION: http://family.eatonville.wa-k12.net/
Practices begin immediately after school each day at approximately 2:45pm and end on each coach’s individual schedule. All participants should bring a water bottle to practice to ensure participant safety and proper hydration.
Registration typically opens at least 2 weeks prior to start of a season with exception for the Fall where we give much needed additional time. Email notifications will follow prior to each season. Coaches will make contact with registered athletes as start dates approach.
Grade Checks
Student Athletes are required to pass ALL classes in accordance with school board policy. A grade check is done at the beginning of the season and every two weeks after. If a student is found to be failing classes they are allowed the following steps:
Step 1: Probation, two weeks to get grade up (only once)
Step 2: Can go to practice, no contests or traveling until next grade check. Has two additional weeks to raise grade(s).
Step 3: Removal from team.
Student Access:
- Log into Skyward (https://www2.crdc.wa-k12.net/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=weatonvs71/seplog01.w).
- On the left hand side, click Online Forms.
- Select EMS Sports for the current year. (Complete Form)
- Step 1 is Sports Participation (Required) 2 signatures and a date. At the bottom click “Complete Step 1 and move to Step 2.”
- Step 2 is the first Sport offered for that season, if this is NOT the sport you will be playing, there is a check box at the top left that says “I do not wish to fill out this optional form.”
- On the right hand side you can see all the sports offered. If the last sport on the list is your sport, you will still need to check the “I do not wish to fill out this form” box for each of the other sports.
- Step 7 is confirming you have filled out all of the steps and then click the “Submit” button.
Family Access:
- Log into Skyward (https://www2.crdc.wa-k12.net/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=weatonvs71/seplog01.w)
- On the left hand side, click Online Forms.
- Select EMS Sport for the current year. (Fill Out Form)
- Step 1 is Sports Participation (Required) 2 signatures and a date. At the bottom click “Complete Step 1 and move to Step 2.”
- Step 2 is the first Sport offered for that season, if this is NOT the sport your student will be playing, there is a check box at the top left that says “I do not wish to fill out this optional form.”
- On the right hand side you can see all the sports offered. The sport your student is participating in will require you to fill out all of the medical information and emergency contact information. If the last sport on the list is your sport, you will still need to check the “I do not wish to fill out this form” box for each of the other sports.
- Step 7 is confirming you have filled out all of the steps and then click the “Submit” button.
Free & Reduced WA House Bill 1660 (Extracurricular Activities and Fees)
As a part of Washington State House bill 1660, school districts are required to waive or reduce athletic and ASB fees for students whose families would have difficulty paying the entire amount of the fee. Eatonville Middle School requires student possession of an ASB card for all participation in school-sponsored activities and athletics. This is now waived for families receiving free or reduced lunch benefits under federal guidelines. Additionally, House Bill 1660 requires the school to provide any and all REQUIRED items a participant must have to play a sport. This could include uniforms, shin guards, mouth guards and potentially swim suits as examples. These items will now be provided by the Middle School for these students as long as specific requirements are met for the free and reduced lunch program. The only two requirements are an approved Free and Reduced Meal packet and completion of the "Consent to Share" form identified by the state of Washington.
FREE & REDUCED LUNCH: More information about Free & Reduced Lunch program on the District web page at https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/departments/food-services/free-and-reduced-priced-meals. Or, contact Mrs. Jensen in the Middle School office for more information on how to apply: p.jensen@eatonville.wednet.edu or call (360) 879-1400 on or after August 24th.
CONSENT TO SHARE FORM: Request copy of form from Mrs. Jensen in the Middle School office: p.jensen@eatonville.wednet.edu or call (360) 879-1400.
If you have questions or concerns contact Mr. Cash at j.cash@eatonville.wednet.edu or call the Middle School at (360) 641-1423.
Mr. Cash
EMS Asst. Principal/Athletic Director
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org