Windy Hill Elementary
March Parent Newsletter
Hello, Windy Hill Elementary Families
Spring is upon us and we will now have longer days. Please make sure we are getting outside and soaking up some wonderful sun rays. This is the time of year for families to participate in fun activities, such as sitting outside reading a good book or take a long bike ride. You may be wondering how can I connect these activities to learning; encourage your child to write about their adventures. Family time is so important!
5th Grade Mock Science Test
Fifth grade students will be taking their Mock Science assessment on Tuesday, March 12th. Please have a conversation with your son/daughter about the importance of taking all assessments seriously. The data received from this assessment will help determine the area of focus moving forward.
We will have early dismissal on March 13, 2024, please make sure you mark your calendars. We will begin dismissal promptly at 1:00pm. Early checkouts will be no later than 12:15. Please refer to the DCPS calendar for all early release dates for 2023-2024.
SPRING BREAK March 18-22
Please join us on March 26, 2024 at 3:30pm in the media center. we are looking for parents to get involved to help make educational decisions for our students.
Our car line is finally moving along smoothly!☺️ If you have not received your hanging car tag, please stop by the main office, please be prepared to show your ID. Please do not forget to download the app, doing so will allow you to have access to change your child's dismissal as well as who is allowed to pick up your child from school. If you would like to change your child's mode of transportation, all changes must be completed by 2:00pm daily. Due to safety considerations, we will not take any dismissal changes by phone throughout the day. We also encourage families of bus riders and walkers to download the app. You will be able to receive updates as to when your child's bus leaves the school.
Please make sure you have accepted the invitation to join Bloomz. If you have not joined you are missing out on valuable information pertaining to your child's class and school. This app will increase parental engagement by connecting everyone with one easy to use tool. Bloomz will allow teachers, parents and students to communicate.
Attending school regularly is essential to students gaining the academic, social and emotional skills they need to thrive. Excessive absences and tardies, has real life consequences for students, families and society as a whole. Research shows starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, chronic absences—missing 10% of the academic year—can leave third graders unable to read proficiently. Windy Hill Elementary's goal is to increase our average daily attendance rate to 95% or higher this school year.
As a reminder, students will not be released after 2:30 PM or after 12:30 PM on Early Release days, per DCPS policy. In addition, please reserve early pick up for days when it is absolutely necessary. We understand that appointments and emergencies come up at times but please ensure your child is in school the entire day when possible. Every instructional moment is valuable!
Hazel Health has partnered with Duval County Public Schools to expand student health services at no-cost to families this school year. When your student needs help, they can connect with Hazel for same-day care. If your child becomes ill while at school, they can receive medical services onsite.
Classroom volunteers may return to our classrooms on an as needed basis. If the teacher needs a volunteer, he/she will reach out to families. If you would like to be a volunteer in our school when needed, please make sure you have filled out the volunteer information at https://dcps.duvalschools.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=29120 or click the icon below.
At this time, we are only able to allow up to 2 volunteers at a time in any classroom. In addition, all volunteers must schedule in advance with the teacher. Volunteers will be able to assist for up to an hour per day in the classroom as needed. Volunteers cannot bring younger siblings.
Parents who would like to chaperone fieldtrips a volunteer clearance must be received there are NO EXCEPTIONS.
A volunteer application is good for two years. The same application is needed for those wishing to volunteer in the classroom, chaperone field trips and eat lunch with their child on campus. We encourage any parents, grandparents or other family members who may want to get involved at Windy Hill to fill out this application as early as possible in the school year. Applications can take up to a 5-10 days to be approved.