Awakening Y(OUR) VOICE
Spreading Love in the Time of the Coronavirus
Writing Y(OUR) Resilience: Finding your voice and power in the chaos
Zoom Class With Holly Makimaa
Wednesdays April 1, 8, 15: Noon to 1:30 p.m. (The Wednesday class is ago! We have scholarship spaces open!)
Saturdays April 4, 11, 18: Noon to 1:30 p.m. (only will run this cohort if have enough people interested in a Saturday class)
With a special 30-day 1.5 hour follow up class on lessons learned
Click on the Registration button below for the Payment Options. Scholarships are available for those out of work.
The impact of the coronavirus has initiated us into what I hope will be a personal and collective revolution that calls forth our most courageous and loving selves. Each of us is being summoned to wake up to our own gifts, to our own shadows and to our own collective genius to join together to find a better way to live. So many beautiful examples of compassion, generosity and awakening to the needs of the whole have gone viral. Let’s keep the momentum going by uncovering our own stories of resilience, hope and spiritual growth...and share them with each other and the world.
How do we stay grounded and centered enough to hear the call of Spirit as we discern our part in the revolution? Regular change is messy and uncomfortable and here we are in a state of massive change and upheaval. Yet, the opportunity lies before us to step more squarely into our hero’s journey--whatever that looks like for each of us.
Will you give yourself the gift of accountability and a container to process your experience while we are "staying in place" during this time of quarantine?
Will you take advantage of the opportunity to be supported in this unsettling time of change to find your voice, inner wisdom and spiritual power?
Will you embrace the invitation to look at where you are being asked to grow--in compassion, service, openness, courage, generosity, stillness, etc.--in the loving cocoon of community?
There is power in using this forced down time to reflect on and process together where the depth of our Spirits are leading us. As we navigate these times and live more deeply into our values, there is tremendous potential for us to learn from and to inspire each other with our stories.
In this 4-session Zoom course, you will receive:
A live weekly grounding guided meditation
The opportunity to learn and practice self-soothing tools like self-massage, simple breathing techniques, and easy toning exercises to calm the nervous system
Weekly journaling and storytelling prompts to help you connect to your own resilience and gratitude in the midst of massive change
Group support and inspiration to look at areas where you are being called to grow and stretch spiritually and personally
An opportunity to be non-judgmentally witnessed in sharing your writing or reflections about your writing
A private facebook group for any stories you want to share (not required)