Paw Prints
Principal Corner
We just experienced our first 5-day week of school. It has been busy and it also feels like we are now fully back into the swing of things. We’ve completed our first round of NWEA assessments, fall sports are going strong, students who are enrolled in LMC and the tech center have their regular schedules in place, and our marching band is ready to perform their half-time show. Our school counselors are busy meeting with our Seniors to develop a personal plan for life after high school. And finally, the links program took a field trip to the Allegan County Fair this week and the attendees expressed what a great opportunity it was for all.
It’s been refreshing to see our student leaders in action as well as students being empowered to explore what our school has to offer. It has also been heartwarming to witness students embrace the leadworthy character trait of showing empathy for one another by helping fellow students throughout the day with things as simple as picking up a pencil for someone who dropped theirs to going out of their way to invite someone to eat lunch at their table when someone looks a little lost. Otsego High School students have big hearts and I feel fortunate to be able to witness it in action. Have the best weekend!
- Mrs. Maxwell
Looking Ahead
Sep 22 - Homecoming Parade / Game
Sep 23 - Homecoming Dance
Oct 11 - National Honor Society Induction
Nov 8 - AP Test Registration Deadline
Nov. 14 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 15 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 16 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 17 - No School
It's Homecoming Week! It's going to be a busy six days around OHS, but we're excited to see the school spirit. Please refer to the link below for all Homecoming information.
Weekly Highlights
Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Arnsman, and Mr. Reed all got the change to talk about themselves and their roles in our new Cultural Bridges class - a class just for foreign exchange students to help them get acclimated.
Allegan County Fair
Our Level 2 and 3 students, as well as their LINKS, took a trip to the fair on Thursday.
Capturing Kids Hearts
Pool Open House
After-School Support
Bulldog Success
We will again be offering an after-school academic support program for students starting soon. It will run for an hour each day, Monday through Thursday, and the goal is to help students pass their classes. We will have teachers there to supervise and help. Students interested should commit to attending two days a week (either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday) for the entire trimester. This is not a "drop-in anytime" program. Students who join and succeed will be able to pick up an extra half credit. Seats are limited. Please use the link below to sign up.
Service Opportunity
Students, are you looking for new ways to serve your community? Do you want more meaningful community service hours? A new club at OHS is for you! The empowering Students to Serve Club, aka the ESS (S) club will allow you to choose a service project and volunteer in new and fun ways. The first project will serve Habitat for Humanity, and you will have a chance to help build a house. The first meeting is next Wednesday at 8:45 am in Mrs. Scott's room. See Mrs. Scott or Landon Eastman for more info or to sign up.
Art Show
Link of the Week
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400