Holy Cross Catholic School
From the Desk of Mrs. Wagner
December 2, 2022
We rounded the week off with our Elf Shelf Store for our students to teach the importance of giving instead of receiving this holiday season with a little budget lesson too. The store will be open this weekend on Saturday, December 3 from 8:30-10:30 am for our annual Breakfast with Santa. Please come join us! Bring your friends, neighbors, and family for a free pancake breakfast and shopping!
Advent is a time full of anticipation and promise. It asks us to watch and prepare. I am looking forward to another week full of anticipation as we celebrate St. Nicholas Day and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as a school community.
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Holy Cross Catholic School
School Hours: 8-3:30pm
After School Care: 3:30-6pm
Email: mwagner@holycrosscatholicschool.com
Website: www.holycrosscatholicschool.com
Location: 8101 West 95th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 381-7408
Facebook: facebook.com/HolyCrossOP
Twitter: @HolyCrossOP