Crusader Times
November 15, 2019
Bonita Vista Middle School
Welcome to Bonita Vista Middle School - Home of the Crusaders! Thank you for visiting our newsletter. In this edition we bring to you our school highlights and a glance at events coming up. Additionally, we are now accepting newsletter submissions. If you have any content you'd like to be featured, please submit by clicking here. Enjoy this edition of the Crusader Times. Go Crusaders!
Words from our Principal
Crusader Families,
It has been a great week for our music programs. Our choir and band had awesome performances last week at the holiday concert featuring Halloween and Christmas music and at the Band Pageant. We also celebrated all of our fall athletes at the fall sports banquet. Our BVM athletes and musicians are so talented, work so hard, and make us very proud!
We have one week left before Thanksgiving break. Let's make it a great one!
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
School Highlights
Run, Crusaders, Run!
BVM Cross Country did great in the finals, with some excellent team and individual accomplishments. As always, thank you for your hard work and dedication to your sports and academics.
Game of Throws
Congratulations to our crusaders for their participation in the annual pumpkin smash event. Our students spent only one week preparing, building and practicing and walked away with the win!
our talented crusaders
BVM Advanced Choir showcased their talent in a combined concert with the BVH Concert Choir. Such amazing group and individual performances! So proud of our musicians. We know you're on the right path to achieving great things!
Marching to success
Middle School mass band performance at the 52nd Annual SUHSD Band Pageant. So proud of our Crusader musicians!
a visit from our Navy
The Navy Band visited BVM and took some time to share their knowledge with our students. Great learning opportunity for our Crusaders!
Sousa Honor Band
be a buddy, not a bully
Our Crusaders created memes for an advisory competition. The theme of these memes: be a buddy, not a bully. Congratulations to Ms. Ellevold’s advisory and Mr. Dougherty’s advisory for winning the meme competition!
Fall Sports Banquet
Congratulations to the Staff Members of the Month!
Congratulations to Ms. Crystal Evans and Mr. Ronnie Valdez for being amazing Classified Crusader Staff Members of the Month! Also, congratulations to Ms. Bauer for being selected as the Certificated Staff member of the Month!
Wifi Troubles? Try this:
Home Wi-Fi connection tips:
Clear Safari history daily!
Go to Settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Website Data -> clear
Student iPad home Wi-Fi instructions:
1. You must connect to your own home Wi-Fi first
2. Tap on the iBoss SUHSD Login app
3. Login with-
Username: student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
4. Successful login will take you to (keep this page open)
5. Safari and apps will now work from home
Print here.
School Information
Parent/Community Information
Now Accepting Newsletter Submissions!
Bonita Vista Middle School
The mission of Bonita Vista Middle School, a dynamic learning community with a tradition of academic excellence, is to empower students to succeed in middle school and beyond through a system of learning distinguished by:
- A rigorous and relevant curriculum.
- A broad range of opportunities that support student success.
- A climate that promotes strong parent, community, staff and student collaboration.
- A safe and nurturing environment that embraces diversity.
- A school culture that promotes personal integrity.
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Twitter: @WeAreBVM