CVUSD's Communication Snapshot
Week of August 21, 2023

Communication Snapshot: Week of September 5, 2023
In this week's snapshot of information, events, news and updates - you'll find information on the following topics:
- What's Cooking: Check out the September School Cafeteria Menus
- September is Attendance Awareness Month: Did You Know...
- Updated CVUSD Volunteer Guides & Forms Now Available
- Back in Session: Student Leaders Gather for the First Student District Advisory Council Meeting of the New School Year
- Measure I in Progress at Colina Middle: Walk this Way!
- Parents/Guardians - You're Invited to the September Workshop: "CVUSD Mental Health Supports"
What's Cooking: Check out the September School Cafeteria Menus
- The school cafeteria menus for September are now available on the new My School Menus website!
- Click here to access the breakfast, snack and lunch menus along with the nutritional information for all school meal programs for the month ahead.
- Important Reminder: School meals are available at NO COST for all students.
September is Attendance Awareness Month: Did You Know...
Did You Know? A student is chronically absent if they miss as few as two days of school a month.
Updated CVUSD Volunteer Guides & Forms Now Available
There are countless ways to support and be involved with CVUSD. Individuals looking to volunteer at a CVUSD school or program should contact the school or program’s main office directly for information about available volunteer opportunities. Click here to learn more.
Back in Session: Student Leaders Gather for 1st SDAC Meeting of 23-24
Last week, we proudly welcomed our Student District Advisory Committee (SDAC) members to their first meeting of the new school year! SDAC is a place for student leaders from all five of our CVUSD high schools to have their voices heard as they discuss policies, events and important topics, together. Click here to learn more about SDAC's mission and purpose.
Measure I in Progress at Colina Middle: Walk this Way!
Campus enhancements are underway at Colina Middle School, including new ramps and new and expanded walkways (concrete and pavers). These updates will upgrade the appearance of the school, and enhance safety for our bustling Cougar campus. Click here to learn more about the CVUSD's Measure I school facilities bond.
Parents/Guardians - You're Invited to: "CVUSD Mental Health Supports"
Please join CVUSD's BreakThrough Student Assistance Program and The Conejo Schools Foundation for a workshop on CVUSD Mental Health Supports on Tuesday, September 19th from 6:00-7:00 PM at Century Academy (33 Greta Street, Thousand Oaks). This workshop will provide an overview of CVUSD mental health supports available to all students presented by the CVUSD mental health department and school counselors. We will also have Jennifer Mundy, CVUSD Senior Mental Health Clinician, present on "The Owner's Manual for the Nervous System." This workshop is designed for parents/guardians.
Please click here to register for this free, in-person event.
Conejo Valley USD
Have a suggestion for something that you'd like to see highlighted in a future edition of the weekly Communication Snapshot? For consideration, please email: CVUSDcommunication@conejousd.org
To view previous editions of the weekly Communication Snapshot newsletter, please visit: www.conejousd.org/commsnapshots.