Peirce Update
Friday, March 31st
Spring Break
Coffee with the Principal
Please Join Us…
Coffee with the Principal & Members of the School Leadership Team
Tuesday, April 11th
In Person: 8:00 - 8:45am, Fieldhouse
Virtual: 9:30 - 10:15am, Zoom Link
An opportunity to..
Meet informally with the principal and members of the leadership team
Learn more about school initiatives
Playground Rennovation
Status update: Construction is on track to begin over Spring Break with fencing first going up to the east section of the turf - near doors 8/9. This area is being called a new "gathering area" and construction will be isolated to that area initially. Construction on the playground area will begin in June/once the east area is completed. Morning entry and dismissal along with recess will be minimally impacted during this time and we plan to have students enter and exit as usual.
Playground Area Improvements
Small turf in the grass area
Nature space
Swing saucer to accommodate more students to swing
Bike racks
Basketball hoop
Volleyball lines/posts
Repaint 4-square and add in painted games on hard surface area
Playground equipment will have rusted areas removed/switch out pieces that are not fully intact, paint where needed.
Gathering Area Creation
Fix drainage issue
Wood platforms to surround trees while creating space to sit
Climbing structure
Interview Committee
- Interviews generally last 1 hour and are often held in person, although there may be some interviews scheduled virtually.
- The school uses a pre determined set of questions and a scoring scale for each candidate.
- Majority of interviews happen on varying days and times beginning in the Spring until the start of school.
- Those who are interested do not need to commit to attending every interview, but will be invited in based on interest and availability.
- Interview teams will be approximately 3-8 members.
Indicating interest is the first step, additional information will be shared at a later date to those who will participate in the interview process.
IB Evaluation Feedback Letter
March 31, 2023
Dear Peirce Community,
Thank you for your support this year during the Peirce-Senn IB Evaluation Visit in December 2022. We especially appreciate the students, staff, parents, and community members that participated, supported, and engaged before, during, and after the visit to ensure it was successful. This Evaluation period took over a year of planning, engaging with IB Standards and Practices, meeting with all of our stakeholders, and finally engaging in a three day visit. At the end of the evaluation process, IB shared feedback with us, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Below are some of the highlights from the report and a few of our next steps.
Areas of Strength:
The evaluators truly saw who we are as a school: a caring, inclusive, diverse community. Community, diversity, inclusion, and compassion permeated throughout the continuum. (IB Strand: Purpose)
Focus on social justice standards (IB Strand: Purpose)
Providing a social emotional learning programme (IB Strand: Purpose)
Arts Partnerships throughout the school (IB Strand: Student support)
Enriching learning with community partnerships throughout individual units (IB Strand: Student support)
Engages students in opportunities to understand the local community (IB Strand: Lifelong learners)
Identifies opportunities for students to take action based on the needs of their local community. (IB Strand: Lifelong learners)
Opportunities for Growth:
Review how we embed and promote the development of international-mindedness and the learner profile (IB Strand: Purpose)
Engage in conversations to support collaborative planning around the needs of teaching and learning within and between the IB Continuum - PYP/MYP/DP/CP (IB Strand: Environments)
Develop a schedule to review IB Policies to ensure consistency and continuity across the continuum (IB Strand: Culture)
Develop parent education in relation to the IB mandated Policies (IB Strand: Culture)
Develop teachers to embed more open inquiry into teaching and learning practices (IB Strand: Learning)
Next steps for the Peirce IB Programmes
Aligning IB standards within the CIWP goals
Developing the continuum between Peirce and Senn
Engaging in professional development in inquiry based teaching and learning strategies
Re-engage with the development of international-mindedness and the IB learner profile attributes
PYP - Developing an Approaches to Learning scope and sequence
MYP - Norming Criterion based assessments
We will be sharing more information on the results of the evaluation visit at the April 20th LSC Meeting. If you have any questions about the visit, next steps, or the Primary and Middle Years Programmes at Peirce, please reach out to Kimberly Lebovitz - PYP Coordinator (kclebovitz@cps.edu) and Sam Lee - MYP Coordinator (swlee@cps.edu).
Thank you again for your continued support of the Primary and Middle Years Programmes at Peirce. You are greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Kimberly Lebovitz - PYP Coordinator
Sam Lee - MYP Coordinator/AP
PK B102 - Visit to the mailbox to mail their own letters after learning all about Postal Workers!
PK Room 122 - Being Paleontologists
Student Led Conferences
IB Learner Profile of the Month
Risk Taker
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
What can you do at home???
- If your child is feeling uneasy about trying something, encourage them to attempt it and have them reflect on how it felt.
- Set short term goals. Consider activities that push your child out of their comfort zone. Encourage them to offer their opinion, spend time learning a new activity, try a different food, learn a new game or even to spend time with someone they don't usually spend time with.
- Explain the difference between being a risk-taker (trying new things) and engaging in dangerous activities.
- Ask, "What's the hard part?" to identify the challenge and brainstorm ways to fix it.
- Click on the link for more suggestions https://biglifejournal.com/blogs/blog/activities-grit-resilience-children
Animated Short Films to watch together
Animated short films are an excellent resource for discussing risk-taking with your child. Short films are found to increase motivation through their engaging topics, visual nature and ability to evoke emotion. They make you want to laugh and cry which provides an unique opportunity for thoughtful discussion and reflection. The lack of spoken language allows these films to be accessible to all learners.
Below are three short films that allow for powerful conversation and thinking. Start with these questions to provoke thinking before viewing:
- What is the connection between risk-taking and creativity?
- How do we know we are really taking a risk?
- What's the difference between positive and negative risk-taking?
The Potter by Josh Burton
Soar by Alyce Tzue via The CGBros
Preschool Applications - Opening Soon
Pre-K Applications for SY23-34 Opening Soon!
Save the Date! The citywide application opens April 11, 2023 for the upcoming school year. Explore your options for CPS pre-K programs and Community- Based programs that include Head Start and Early Head Start programs! Flyers are available here: English Spanish.
The application for fall 2023 opens in April, but if you need an early learning option for your little one now you're in luck! Applications are still being accepted for the current school year. Explore your options here.
Friends of Peirce Update
HOPLEAF DAY is Back - April 19, 2023
It’s BACK!! Peirce Day at Hopleaf is back!! April 16th All Day!
On Sunday April 16th, from 12pm to 11pm, 100% of net profits from the Hopleaf (5418 N. Clark) will be donated to Friends of Peirce to support various activities, including: arts and dance programming, school assemblies, field trip support, and teacher stipends for Peirce School. This event is for those over 21 and is open to the general public, so invite your friends and neighbors!
Enjoy Hopleaf’s great food and outstanding drink selection with all of the profits after expenses coming back to support the programming at Peirce.
This is the first Peirce Day at Hopleaf since 2019 due to COVID-19.
Let’s make this year’s Hopleaf Day one to remember!
This will be the fifth Peirce Day at Hopleaf and we are grateful for the continued support and generosity of Michael and Louise. Fun fact: this annual event has raised over a total of $125,000 for Friends of Peirce.
Sorry to hear you can’t make it, but you can still give to Friends of Peirce and support this amazing school, its students, and faculty. Did you know that for $10 a month, we are able to cover programming costs for one student and enrich their learning experience at Peirce? You can become a sustaining member through our Family Subscription Program or make a one-time donation. Sponsor one or more students today! DONATE HERE.
REP Community Meet Up
REP Community Meet-ups. March 28, May 2, June 6. 7:45pm for "new to REP parents", 8pm for community conversation.
Zoom registration: http://bit.ly/3WMwvC2
Celebración de Arte is a Peirce Community Event that showcases student-made art. The first-floor hallways are bursting with beautiful visual art made by Peirce students from every grade level. In addition, we will have student music and dance performances, a silent auction, and food. Along with arts and crafts activities for all ages we will also be holding an Artisan Craft Market open to parents, students, and community members
to sell their arts, crafts, and homemade items.
Calling all Creatives for Celebración de ARTE Artisan Market
Artist • Crafters • Vendors
Do YOU or Your Peirce Student want to sell crafts, original art, homemade items, jewelry at the Artisan Craft Market?
See flyer for more info on how to rent table space OR sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/yvck79dm
2nd Annual Peirce Yard Sale
Sat. April 22 - Earth DAY!
It's Spring Cleaning Time so gather your items to donate to the yard sale.
1. Donate items to the sale
2. SHOP the Sale
Chicago Public Schools and Union League Boys and Girls Clubs Chicago Partner Once Again For Summer Elementary Baseball and Girls Fast-Pitch Softball Leagues
**NOTE: This program is SEPERATE from the Chicago Public Schools 2023 Sports Skills Camps offered across the District. This is a program/league in partnership with the Union League Boys and Girls Club Chicago and CPS.
Chicago Public Schools and the Union League Boys and Girls Clubs Chicago are pleased to once again invite your student-athletes to participate in the Chicago Public Schools Summer Baseball and Girls Fastpitch Softball league. If you have a student-athlete who is interested in developing their skills and participating in an exciting summer league in baseball or fastpitch softball please sign them up for our summer league via the link below.
This league is for student-athletes that are entering 5th grade-entering 8th grade. Graduating 8th graders are not eligible for this league.
Click Here For Summer League Registration
**Registration closes on June 1, 2023
Games will be played on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Game times are 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Uniforms, and equipment,will be provided by Chicago Public Schools’ Office of Sports Administration (OSA) and the Union League Boys and Girls Clubs(ULBGC) at no cost to the parents or guardians of the student-athlete.
Please forward all questions regarding the CPS/ULBGC Summer Baseball League to Mr. Antwione Allen, phone #:773-699-4345; email: aallen2@cps.edu: or Mr. Antonio Artis phone #; 773-260-2190 - Email: aartis@cps.edu.
Through this program, we look forward to continuing to provide development opportunities in baseball and softball across the city of Chicago for our elementary student-athletes.
Aspen Parent Portal Accounts
Having difficulty paying for field trips or student fees in Aspen? Checking your child's grades?
- Aspen Parent Portal is different from Aspen Student Portal
- Student Fees can only be paid through the Aspen Parent Portal
- If you do not have an ASPEN Parent Portal account please fill out the New ASPEN Parent Portal Account, so that Sally Suarez can start the process for you.
- If you are locked out of your ASPEN Parent Portal due to forgetting password or username please fill out this ASPEN Parent Portal Password Reset.
Attached is a PDF with step by step instructions on how to create your ASPEN Parent Portal account once you receive an invitation from ASPEN. The Services and Supports web page has video resources.
Only one ASPEN Parent Portal account is needed to access information for all of your CPS student(s), you can add multiple students to the same parent account.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Sally Suarez, ESSuarezdeDuran@cps.edu.
Quick Links
- Family Handbook
- PK Handbook
- Specials Schedule - see when your child will have Art, Dance, Drama, Music, PE & Spanish
- Meal Viewer (English | Spanish)
- Booklist
- Accommodations for Meetings (Right side)
COVID Testing
- Submit Student Vaccinations
- Report a COVID Positive Case
- COVID Testing Sign Up, enter student ID number
If you hear about harm that has happened in the school community, you can report in a variety of ways:
- Contact any school administrator - contact information found on the staff directory
- Incident Reporting Form
- Suggestion Box
- Report to CPS directly
Upcoming Events
3rd-7th Spring Break
11th 8th Graduation Pictures
11th Coffee with the Principal (in person), 8:00am, Fieldhouse
11th Coffee with the Principal (virtual), 9:30am, Meeting link on school calendar
11th Friends of Peirce, 6:30pm
13th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am
13th Bilingual Advisory Council Meeting, 3:00pm
13th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
13th Equity Committee Meeting, 7:00pm
16th Peirce Day at Hopleaf
19th-21st Illinois Science Assessment for 5th & 8th Grades
20th Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
21st Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
22nd Peirce Service Organization Yard Sale at St. Gregory
22nd Andersonville Chamber of Commerce Resource Fair at Peirce
26th Celebracion de Arte, 4:00 - 6:00pm
27th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
28th Dia del Nino School Wide Celebration
1st-5th Teacher Appreciation Week
2nd Racial Equity Parent Group Meeting, 7:45pm
4th After School Musical Performance, 6:30pm
4th Equity Team Meeting, 7:00pm
5th After School Musical Performance, 4:00pm
5th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
9th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
11th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am
12th Move A Thon
12th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
19th Move A Thon Rain Date
19th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
23rd New Family Orientation, 9:00am
23rd 5th/6th Sports Banquet, 5:00pm
24th 7th/8th Sports Banquet, 5:00pm
25th Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
26th Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 8:30am
26th Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
29th No School - Memorial Day
1st Equity Committee Meeting, 7:00pm
2nd Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
2nd 8th Grade Graduation
6th Racial Equity Parent Group Meeting, 7:45pm
7th Last Day of School
7th Kindergarten Sing, 9:00am
June 26th - July 28th Summer Program, TBA
17th Back to School Festival & Meet your teacher, 3:00 - 5:00pm
17th New Family Orientation, 3:00pm
21st First Day of School, 8:00am
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Email: lzaimi@cps.edu
Website: peirce.cps.edu
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440
Facebook: facebook.com/peircecps