CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of March 12, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
3/14: 8th Grade Science MISA Testing (Day 1)
3/16: 8th Grade Science MISA Testing (Day 2)
3/23: First Day of Ramadan
3/30: 3rd Quarter Ends
3/30: Spring Festival
3/31: Asynchronous Learning Day - Students work from home.
4/1 - 4/10: Spring Break
Sync school calendars with your own Google Calendar using the links below.
American Heart Association Fundraiser
CMIT North Middle School Families, the American Heart Association’s American Heart Challenge (AHC), kicked off on Thursday, March 2nd.
Please register today, under our school, at heart.org/AHC.
By participating in the American Heart Challenge students can raise awareness and funds for congenital heart defects, nutrition security, CPR training, mental well-being, and more as we work to end heart disease and stroke. Along the way students will meet some of the kids they’re helping while learning about mind and body health.
Once you've registered, start Finn’s Mission and complete the challenges. As a family you can help to create a community of lifesavers by learning the lifesaving steps of Hands-Only CPR. It’s quick, easy, and fun! Learn more about Finn and his special challenge at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvxciz10EtA.
If you would like for your student to participate, please print and fill out the permission and homework form attached below and return to Mr. Johnson, Guidance Counselor. Each student that returns both forms will receive 1 Student Service-Learning Hour to go toward their high school diploma.
Thank you for keeping hearts everywhere beating strong!
Yurhance Johnson, Guidance Counselor CMIT North Charter School
Parent Space @ District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau
If you are having concerns about your child. The staff at District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau (DHYSB) would like to help by providing a space where you can discuss concerns and resources to help you. Please click on the file below for more information: Parent Space
Mr. Johnson, Professional School Counselor
Academic Announcements
The TRAC Bridge Challenge is a national competition designed to promote an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The program enhances math and science instruction and introduces students to engineering through hands-on real-world applications.
Team "TRUSSworthy Pals", consisting of Rony Quijada, Angel Rony Quijada, Angel Adesoji, and Chiezita Uzoukwu qualified in the 2023 National TRAC Bridge Challenge. These eighth-grade scholars will attend the National TRAC Challenge Competition Finals at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Spring Meeting on May 15-18, 2023 in Seattle, Washington.
The team designed and built TRUSS bridges and tested for strength-to-weight ratio. After completing the project, they developed a report portfolio describing the design and testing of the bridge and created design drawings using Bentley PowerDraft CAD software. Six teams were selected for every grade division out of 86 teams across the United States to compete in this competition in Seattle, Washington this coming May.
Before the submission of the Final Proposal on February 10, 2023, TRUSSworthy Pals participated in CLF Bridge Builder Invitational 2023 held at CLF Headquarters on January 21, 2023 where the team won first place.
Science Olympiad Advance to State Competition!
WE ARE GOING TO STATES!!!! We have been invited to compete at the MD State Tournament on April 22, 2023 at Johns Hopkins University!
Our team (CMIT North Div. B) did very well in terms of our division (League A) and placed in 14 out of the 22 events!
1st Place-Green Generation
1st Place-Solar System
3rd Place-Can't Judge A Powder
3rd Place-Experimental Design
3rd Place-Meteorology
4th Place-Crave The Wave
4th Place-Crimebusters
5th Place-Forestry
5th Place-Sounds of Music
6th Place-Disease Detectives
6th Place-Dynamic Planet
6th Place-Fast Facts
6th Place-Road Scholar
6th Place-Rocks & Minerals
Congratulations and good luck to the students and coaches!
Student Announcements
Our 2nd Semester Audio Visual Club and Enrichment Class have begun producing weekly announcements to share school updates and highlights. Please take a moment to watch the past two weeks' broadcasts.
Students in this club/class have an opportunity to shine in multiple ways. Students fill the roles of news anchors, journalists, meteorologists, editors, sound, lighting, and producers.
An inside look at the CMIT North MS studio!
Math Tutoring Opportunities (Grades 3-12)
FREE Online Math Tutoring is available for all students in grades 3-12.
Prince George’s County Public Schools has teamed up with Carnegie Learning to provide students with virtual, 1-on-1, on-demand or drop-in tutoring. All at no cost to families! Highly-qualified math tutors are available to support students with coursework using MATHiaR, Carnegie Learning’s adaptive software, or other available resources. Tutors will identify and close skill gaps, accelerate learning, and build academic confidence!
Upcoming Events
Community Meetings on Fentanyl
PGCPS will host community meetings to increase awareness of the dangers of fentanyl and other illicit drugs, along with strategies to lower the risk of overdose.
Narcan kits will also be available while quantities last.
Monday, March 13 — 6 p.m.
Surrattsville High School
MCAP Family Info Sessions
Families are invited to learn about the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP), Maryland School Report Card star ratings, and Individual Student Reports during two upcoming webinars.
Zoom registration is limited. Both sessions will be live-streamed on the PGCPS YouTube channel and recorded for viewing on-demand following the events.
Thursday, March 16 | 6 p.m.
A Guide to Individual Student Reports
Learn how to interpret and best use the MCAP Individual Student Report to improve your child’s academic performance.
Extra Curricular Opportunities!
Athletics Announcements
Soccer Tryouts
Soccer tryouts will begin this week. Tryouts will be from 3:00 - 5:30 pm. Your scholar will be dismissed with after-school activities to go change into their tryout clothes, then they will report to the cafeteria. Please make sure you pick your scholars up on time from the soccer field across from the WSSC water building (Corner of Sweitzer Ln and Frost Place). The tryouts schedule is as follows:
GIRLS: Monday (3/16) and Tuesday (3/17).
BOYS: Thursday (3/22) and Friday (3/24)
Please plan to have your scholar attend both days of their tryouts. This helps us get an accurate understanding of their playing abilities.
The following are required in order to participate in tryouts:
1. Your scholar must have a current physical on file. This can be from a fall or winter sport or a new one that you have turned in.
2. Your scholar must be wearing both cleats and shin guards. These are for their safety. Note: they should NOT wear their cleats inside the school.
3. Please have them dress appropriately for the weather and bring water bottles.
Finally, if your scholar is coming to tryouts, please fill out this google form in order to help us speed up the process of attendance on the first day.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Heiges (the girls' soccer coach) julia.heiges@pgcps.org or Mr. Ouedraogo (the boys' soccer coach) pouire.ouedraogo@pgcps.org.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.
PTO Announcements
March PTO Meeting Slides & Recording
March PTO Meeting Recording Link is available until March 28th. Please view the recording by clicking on the link: https://pgcpsorg.zoom.us/rec/share/kLRzkUneufvHCfo84YayvbTdLNnJjGzTDL9Ocfl2fLnGPrcuvP48XmjcXan61rs.dhCoHZ0Q0F3r-cC5
Passcode: ?kF05TN0
March PTO Slides are available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WuS0xo_5VqsZ1RH5niejXrPXvfMQ9iOJ4n7LPsYm0_c/edit?usp=sharing
PTO Spring Fling Celebration
CMIT PTO will help sponsor this years Spring Fling held on March 30, 2023 9am-12pm.
PTO Uniform Drive
We are accepting any gently used uniforms that you would like to donate to the PTO Uniform Drive at the front desk starting on Tuesday 2/21/23.
PTO Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
Please use the following link to sign up if you want to be listed as a volunteer for any upcoming activities or events sponsored by the PTO. PTO Volunteer Sign-Up