Panther Press
MAY - 2023
Spring Calendar
1 Professional Learning - No School
2 6thGr.BandSolo/EnsVolunteerConcert,WMS,7:30 pm
5-26 School Supply Kits Sales
6 6th Grade District Big Band Dance, 5:30 pm
12 Donuts with Grownups 7:30-8:15 am
16 PL Community Club Meeting 5:45 pm
16 Strings West Fest Concert WHS Gym 7:00 pm
16 PL Field Day 1:30 - 3:15 pm
26 Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal
You can link to the calendar at
Library News
Final checkouts: May 10/May 11
All materials due back: Friday, May 19
Thank you!
Molly Matheson
Lunchroom Notes
Great News! This year we will again be offering the OPTIONAL SchoolKidz supply kit program which offers pre-packaged, school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your
child’s teacher and sent directly to your door! Why fight the hassle of retail when there's a cost effective and convenient way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies?
Simply place your order by May 26 .
Order online at
Enter our school’s account number 17009.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Thompson at 402-390-6470.
Skip the lines this summer. Order your supplies with SchoolKidz!
Prairie Lane Community Club News
PLCC Save the Date Events:
- May 16 - Community Club Meeting
Suggestions or comments can be directed to
Summer Resources for Parents
We are just a few weeks away from the start of summer break 2023! While this time of year brings excitement and anticipation, it can also lead to feelings of anxiousness and uncertainty for students and their families. The Child Mind Institute reports that kids, particularly those students with mental health issues, benefit from structure. The school year provides this structure and routine naturally, whereas the summer months tend to be more relaxed and flexible. While the break is often enjoyable, it can also lead to frustration, panic, and the always popular, “I’m bored.” Luckily, there are some simple ways to merge structure and routine with fun and spontaneity while also keeping students’ bodies and minds healthy and prepared for the upcoming school year. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Child Mind Institute outline several ways to make this happen including setting goals, giving students new responsibilities, and creating fun opportunities for learning. The Child Mind Institute article also includes suggestions for students with disabilities and/or mental and behavioral health challenges. A "Summer Bucket List" graphic is also attached. Please visit the links below to learn more.
District Quick Links
School Board Authorizes Master Facilities Bond Phase II
In 2013, Westside Community Schools developed a 15-year Facilities Master Plan, identifying approximately $240 million dollars in work that needed to be completed throughout District 66 in the coming years. In 2014, voters approved the bond for Phase I of this plan, for $79.9 million dollars worth of work focusing on safety and security throughout all buildings and campuses, including new buildings for Sunset Hills, Oakdale, Swanson and Prairie Lane, and extensive remodeling work at Westside Middle School. All projects were completed on time and on budget.
At the February 21, 2023, Board of Education meeting, members voted unanimously to authorize Westside Community Schools to pursue Phase II of the Facilities Master Plan initially established in 2013. Extensive research and discussion involving the Westside Facilities Task Force identified top needs as part of this phase, with an estimated cost of $121 million dollars. This will be decided by our voters on May 9th through a MAIL-IN election.
Phase II will include:
- new schools for Westgate Elementary, Hillside Elementary and Loveland Elementary;
- repairs and projects at Westside Middle School, Westside High School and Westbrook Elementary;
- new storm shelter, gym and early childhood areas at Paddock Road Elementary and Rockbrook Elementary;
- and handicap accessibility at the ABC Administration Building, as well as needs at Underwood Hills Early Childhood Center.
The Bond for Phase II, if passed by voters, will require Westside Community Schools to increase the tax levy by a maximum of 4.9 cents. It is important to note our current tax levy is 9.9 cents lower than it was in 2018-2019.
- This would add $49 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $100,000 home.
- This would add $98 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $200,000 home.
- This would add $147 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $300,000 home.
Westside Community Schools leaders will hold at least 25 public meetings and tours across the district throughout March, April and May, to offer as much transparency and information as possible regarding this important initiative. Please click the button below for locations, dates and times. You may also email with any questions you may have.
The first meeting will take place Thursday, March 2 at Hillside Elementary beginning at 6:30pm; all are welcome to attend.
Be Safe, Respectful, Responsible !