Schofield Scoop
December 3, 2023
- In order for students to do their best learning, they need to move, move, MOVE! Below is a link to an article about the role of movement in student learning. It is from a few years ago, but the philosophy still holds true. I hope you enjoy seeing how Forestdale students are moving and grooving through their school day...
- Kara Schofield
Physical Education class in the gym is a great place for students to challenge themselves by moving in different ways. This week, students have been doing independent challenges (high jump, hopscotch, and climbing), teamwork activities (twist and jump, noodle challenge), and competitive challenges (hippity hop races). Throughout the gym you could hear students encouraging each other, cheering each other on, and shrieks of joy and laughter. Ask your student if they had Phys. Ed. this week, and what their favorite activity was!
Music class is a great space to explore ways to move. 2nd graders practiced moving to the syllables in a fun and challenging video. Preschools did the "Reindeer Pokey".
Classroom teachers provide a multitude of ways to move around the classroom throughout the day. Activities such as cheering someone on (empty the ketchup bottle), singing/dancing to a chant (Bananas Unite!) or a quick video on go-noodle. Movement breaks allow student to take minds off their learning, stretch their bodies, and get their brains ready to focus back to work.
Also important to student learning is being at school! If you didn't get a chance to watch the video about chronic absenteeism in Mr. Dintino's newsletter this week, click the link below. It gives some great information about the importance of attendance, even for our littlest learners.
Forestdale Events:
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