Panui Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 17th February Hui-Tanguru 2023 (T1:W3/10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Meet the Teacher Goal Setting: Thank you for coming along and being part of this. Research indicates that a positive learning-focused relationship between the teacher, child and parent is so important for learning progress.
Property Vigilance: We enjoy the school being used by the community as it is a valuable resource. Should you notice any suspicious behaviour please ring the police directly so that the right authorities can be involved in rectifying any potential or emerging issues. We have asked the police to do regular evening and weekend spot checks when they do their rounds, which they have kindly said they would. Together, as a community, we can keep our grounds and property top-notch for our children. Thank you.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Sanne den Boon: Sanne is a strong contributor to our school. She capably teaches our senior students and has developed a strong programme that is keenly focused on getting them ready for Menzies College. She contributes across the school and our Community of Learning (COL) by being a mentor teacher guiding Miss Sarah Botting in her registration programme and a Within School Teacher where she supports work across our Six COL schools. We acknowledge Sanne's abilities and when I am away she temporarily takes on the role of Assistant Principal with Laura and Jenny stepping up one level each as well. A team is as strong as its players and Sanne is a strong team player for Team Edendale.
Principal's Term One Challenge - Where Our Dreams Begin
This term, in partnership with our Social Worker in Schools programme, we want to support and kick-start your dream with dream-starter encouragement funds.
Write a short extract of up to 100 words about what your dream is and why, and then how you would use the funds to grow that dream.
Entry Outlines
- Entries are open to students enrolled at Edendale Primary School.
- The entries are due by Friday 31st March.
- 100-word limit.
- There will be three winners who will win a $100 voucher towards the purchase of an item or items that will grow their dream.
- Please note that entries and photos of entrants will be used in promotional media.
Our Events Coming Up
Term One - 2023
Week 4 (of 10)
- Tuesday 21st February 7.00 pm - School Board AGM and General Meeting
- Thursday 23rd February 2.00pm - Preparation for School Meeting
- Friday 24th February - Celebration Time (2.20pm)
Week 5 (of 10)
- Monday 27th February 7.30pm - Home and School AGM and General Meeting in Staffroom
- Tuesday 28th February - LMV Zone Athletics Day
Week 6 (of 10)
- Monday 6th March - Wednesday 8th March - Senior Camp at Camp Columba
- Thursday 9th March - LMV Zone Athletics - Postponement Day
Week 7 (of 10)
- Wednesday 15th March - Kamahi Reserve Visit
Our Kura News and Information
Paid Union Meetings - 1st March: On the afternoon of Wednesday the 1st of March the teaching staff are heading to a Paid Union Meeting (PUM).
We encourage children to be picked up from 12.30pm on that day.
Supervision will be provided to those children that remain behind, and After School Care will still run that day. Please let the office know if your child will be remaining at school that afternoon.
Bringing Equipment and Toys - At School: We recommend that if children bring play equipment (balls, scooters, roller blades, ripsticks etc) to school that the item is clearly named and taken home each day. The school has lots of people coming and going after school and at the weekends which means leaving equipment at school, outside, is not wise.
Learning Partnership - Rolling Out: Classes are now fully into providing Learning Partnership work in reading, word learning and mathematics number knowledge. We encourage families to establish a positive home routine to support the Learning Partnership work. This makes such a great difference. The learning of the fundamentals lays a strong future foundation for success as they move through our school and onto Menzies College.
Book Club - Issue 1: Scholastic Book Club Issue 1 has gone home. All orders need to be returned to the office by Friday 24th February. You can also order online.
Student Council Compassion Fundraiser - Ice Blocks for Flood Relief: Next Friday the Student Council will be selling ice-blocks to raise funds for flood relief efforts in the Hawkes' Bay following the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle. Notices will come home on Monday.
Hydration - Water: We encourage hydration for our children and so we like them all to have named drink bottles filled with water. We do not want our children to be having fizzy or energy drinks at school. These drinks, being high in sugar and caffeine, have quite an impact on children, which can make it harder for the classroom teacher to manage the 'highs' and then 'lows' that come with such drinks in young, growing bodies.
Sleep - Helping Good Learners: With the new year starting, getting into good family routines is so important. One is around sleep.
As little as one hour less sleep over a few nights can have significant negative effects on a child’s ability to concentrate and learn.
There is no disputing that children today are sleeping less than children did a decade ago. Parents find out through raw experience that giving in to a child’s demands to stay up late can result in a tired and angry child the next day.
Research suggests the risks are much greater – that even slight sleep deprivation can lead to lower grades and unfulfilled academic potential.
Sleep is also the place where a body grows and repairs itself.
How much sleep do children of different ages need?
- 1 year: 13-14 hours
- 2 years: 13 hours
- 3-5 years: 11-12 hours
- 6-9 years: 10-11 hours
- 10-14 years: 9-10 hours
- 15-16 years: 8-9 hours
Warning signs of a sleep-deprived child
- Crankiness/Bad Moods
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Temper Tantrums
- Tearfulness
- Day-Time Sleepiness
- Irritability
- Easily Frustrated
- Hyperactivity
Be kind to your children and insist they have the right amount of sleep to balance their busy days.
Uniform - Named is Better: Please ensure your child's school uniform has been named. If items turn up in the lost property they can then be returned. If you have purchased a preloved item for them that has another child's name in it, please make the new owner's name clear. Thanks very much.
Launchpad - Fridays: Launchpad has started again for this year. It is on Fridays from 8.50am to 9.20am. It is an opt-in programme and completely voluntary. Below is a video explaining the programme.
Our Team for this Week - Team Tui
Kia ora!
In Team Tui this year we have twenty-one beautiful, super Year Threes and Fours, each ready to show me their awesome learning and growth mindsets. We are also incredibly lucky to have Mrs Liz Scott as another adult to help support our learners.
Our term has started well, with everyone doing their best to help make our classroom a positive environment for us all to learn and play together as a team.
We have been super lucky to already have Jack from Southland Cricket and Jodie from Active Southland to come in and get our bodies moving through cricket and games. Jodie is going to be coming out a few times through the term to help us in Physical Education through games. We are focusing on challenging ourselves while being a supportive and encouraging team member during difficult situations.
To get some colour and show off what we are made of we have completed some half ‘self-portraits’ you might have seen at Celebration Time when we shared our awesome portraits. We also have created some great stories about ‘When it is hot’ that are displayed on our writing wall in our class.
It has been great to see and meet everyone at goal-setting interviews. We value the importance of going over your child’s goals and working together as a team, giving your child the best opportunity to succeed as well as building up whanau-teacher relationships.
With athletics coming up we have been practising and testing out our strength, speed and flexible abilities. Our Zone Athletics is just one of our events this term along with the usual building of our skills with maths, reading and other subjects; it will be a busy and action-packed term and year!!!
Best of luck for the year ahead, I am sure it will fly past us again!
Writer of the Week - Macie Mikkelsen (Team Tui)
When it’s hot I have an ice block or we go to the shop and get an ice cream.
We go to the park too. We get the ‘slip and slide’ out when it is hot.
When it’s hot we go to the big beach and build a sand castle. Then I dig a big hole in the brown sand. When we go to the beach, sometimes I go into the deep sea, but I do not go too deep.
When it’s hot you need to wear sunscreen or you will get sunburnt and it will hurt!
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Term One - First Meeting and AGM for 2023: The School Board's next and first meeting for 2023 will be an AGM followed by a General Meeting next week on Tuesday 21st February, starting at 7.00 pm in the staffroom. All the material for both meetings has been distributed.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term One 2023: The Term One 2023 meeting of the Home and School, also an AGM, is scheduled for Monday 27th of February at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Tonight (Friday)
- Boys Outreach is this Friday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.
- 9 years old and up welcome.
- Activity Centre, George Street.
- Slippery Games. Please bring togs/old shorts, old top and towel
- Girls Rally is on this Friday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
- Swimming at Edendale School Pool.
- Please drop off at pool and pick up from Activity Centre
- Contacts: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 or Liz Pask 027 657 4615.
Youth Group - Saturday 18th February
- Laser Tag
- Cost $15
- Meet at the Activity Centre, George Street 7.15pm
- Return to Activity Centre 10.30pm
- If anybody needs a ride please contact Becs
- Contact Becs Ferguson 027 412 4941
Coding Lessons
In today’s world, it’s essential for young people to learn how to create technology not just consume it. Coding NZ’s lessons empower students with the tools they need and help give students the best chance at being successful in our increasingly digital age. Extend your child’s awareness and horizons. Free trial lessons available now at
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool