Findley Flyer - August 3, 2023
Dear Findley Families,
It was wonderful seeing our Findley families at Sneak Peek this morning. We are excited to welcome our students back to school on Monday, August 7.
Parents will be able to walk their children into the building on the first day of school (enter through the front-door #1). It is important to remember that mornings are not a time for parent/teacher conferences. Our staff will be busy greeting and supervising our students. Parents will be required to exit the building no later than 7:40 am, so that we may begin our instructional day.
Enjoy the rest of your week and we will see our Falcons on Monday!
Camille Christopher
2022-2023 School Year Celebrations
Our overall performance is an indication of the hard work of ALL teachers and staff and support from our community as we continue to close gaps post COVID. We also know that that we have opportunities for growth. This week, our teachers have been reviewing the data of their incoming students from the iReady spring diagnostic for grades K-2 and Georgia Milestones for grades 3-4 and as a school we are setting our Semester Action Plans around this data. We will also consider the fall iReady diagnostic (administered in August) as we set our action plan goals. We will share the action plan in early September.
We will continue to focus on growing ALL students as we begin our 2nd year with our reading/ELA resources, continue to grow as professionals through LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training and math training for the newly adopted math standards. We will provide interventions and support through high dosage small group tutoring , EIP (Early Intervention Program) and continue a culture of coaching and support through literacy coaching and professional learning communities.
Important Dates
August 7:
First Day of School
August 15:
PTA Board Meeting-9:30 am
August 16:
School Governance Council Meeting-3:00 pm
August 17:
FCS District 5 Community Meeting - 9:30 a.m. Abbots Hill Elementary
August 22:
Curriculum Night
2nd Grade-5:45 – 6:30
4th Grade-6:30 – 7:15
August 23:
PreK, TAG, ESOL, Special Education Curriculum Night-5:00 – 5:45
August 24:
Curriculum Night
1st Grade-5:00-5:45
3rd Grade-5:45-6:30
5th Grade-6:30-7:15
August 30:
Newcomers' Meeting-8:30 am (Families new to Findley Oaks)
Important Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Our Student Handbook includes this information, but we want to be sure you are aware of arrival and dismissal procedures. Please review the handbook for more information.
Please be patient the first few days of school as dismissal is always a little longer while our students learn the dismissal routines. Please practice dismissal numbers with your child. This will help speed up the dismissal process.
Dismissal Numbers – Use this number to pick up your child in carpool OR if your PK, K, or 1st, grader is a walker.
- ALL students will be assigned a dismissal number according to their household. Parents you will only have ONE number for all your students. If you have been assigned more than one number, please email Lisa Tigert at
- Dismissal numbers were distributed during Sneak Peek.
- If you did not attend Sneak Peek, you will need to pick up a dismissal number from the front desk. Please have a picture ID ready.
- If you are picking up in carpool, please put the card on passenger side visor so a staff member can see it.
- If you are picking up your walker, show it to the staff member as requested.
Walker Procedures
- At dismissal, parents will gather outside the building at the designated location.
- Parents will show their dismissal number to the staff member who will then release the student to the parent. If an older sibling is picking up the PK, K or 1st grader they can meet at the designated areas listed below.
- Findley Chase – front – parents meet by the crosswalk.
- Findley Chase – back – parents meet at Door #5; siblings meet inside recess door.
- Wellington – meet at Door # 5; siblings meet inside recess door.
- Please be sure anyone you designate to pick up your child has your dismissal number. Students will not be released without the proper dismissal card. If you do not have your card, you will be asked to come to the front office and show ID in order to get your child.
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students do not need a parent/guardian to present a tag as they are permitted to walk home without a parent/guardian.
Carpool Procedures
- Display your Dismissal number on passenger side visor.
- Drop off is from 7:10 am - 7:40 am.
- Pick up is from 2:20 pm - 2:45 pm.
- Please drive slowly and do not pass other vehicles.
- Stay inside your vehicle.
- Do not use your cell phone while picking up/dropping off students.
- Children must enter and exit on the right side of the vehicle.
- If you arrive after 7:40 AM, please park your car and escort your child to the main office. You will need to sign them in at the front desk.
- Students are not allowed to re-enter the building once they are dismissed.
Carpool Arrival
Findley Oaks has two carpool lines – carpool line 1 is in the front of the school and
carpool line 2 is in the back of the school.
- Line 1 is always open.
- Line 2 is open AFTER all the buses have arrived in the morning.
- After the buses have departed we will put a sign up that says, “Carpool Lines 1 and 2 are now OPEN”. At that time, you turn right at the stop sign and proceed around the circle and pull up to the red line by the Food Court doors. Staff members will be on hand to direct you and the students to the correct location. Students will enter the building through the door #16. Please drop students off in the designated drop off zone only. Students may not be dropped off in the circle and may not enter the doors by the playground. As you leave this line you will turn left to exit the school property. Please be aware of traffic coming from the front of the school.
Bus Procedures
- Parents can access bus stop information here.
- Please obtain the Here Comes the Bus app to track your child’s bus. Directions can be found here.
- If you were unable to attend Sneak Peek, your child will receive a bus tag the first day of school.
Afterschool Care
- Findley Oaks will have two on-site childcare programs this year: YMCA and The Tutor Shop. Students attending these programs will go directly from the classroom to the designated locations. Parents register directly with these organizations.
- There are multiple local daycares that pick students up at Findley Oaks at dismissal. Parents register directly with the daycare.
- It is your responsibility to let the daycare know that your child will not be riding with them if your child is absent or checked out early from school. Our dismissal process is significantly slowed down when we must look for a child.
Students are not permitted to re-enter the building once they are dismissed.
Forgotten homework, notebooks, lunch boxes, etc. can be retrieved the next day.
Change of Dismissal Information
Changing Dismissal Method -- If a student has a need to leave the school in a manner different from his/her normal routine, it will be necessary for the student to bring a “Change of Dismissal” form from the student’s parent/guardian to the classroom teacher. This should be sent prior to the date of need or immediately upon arrival to school the day of the change. Change of Dismissal forms are provided on the Findley Oaks website or can be requested from the classroom teacher at any time. Please remember bus changes will be made on an emergency basis only.
If there is a need to change your child’s dismissal during the school day, please send an email to Emails to the teachers and phone calls will not be accepted. Change of dismissal will not be accepted after 2:00 pm.
Who Do I Contact for Questions/Concerns?
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. The first point of contact will always be your child's teacher.
- David Applegate - Instructional Support Teacher (IST) - Mr. Applegate coordinates programs and service delivery for special education students, as well as the coordination of educational testing for students who are referred for special education services. Parents with questions about the special education process should contact the IST for information.
- Cindy Lamb - Assistant Principal - Ms. Lamb oversees student information (Infinite Campus, Parent Portal), grading, standardized testing & discipline.
- Kate Hernandez - School Counselor - Ms. Hernandez works with school personnel to foster a positive learning environment for children. She assists parents in understanding children and in developing positive attitudes, techniques, and strategies essential for constructive child rearing. Ms. Hernandez assists parents and children in obtaining special school and/or community services and serves as the 504 chairperson.
- Colleen Greathouse - Curriculum Support Teacher (CST) Parents with questions involving curriculum, class placement, and diagnostic placement assessments are invited to contact the Ms. Greathouse for information.
- If further assistance is still needed, contact the Principal, Camille Christopher.
Safety Drills
First Full Week of School:
• Soft Lockdown Drill
• Hard Lockdown Drill
• Evacuation Drill
• Shelter-in-Place Drill
Second Week of School:
• Evacuation Drill
• Evacuation Drill
• Soft Lockdown Drill
• Hard Lockdown Drill
• Evacuation Drill
• Evacuation Drill
• Shelter-in-Place Drill
(Severe Weather)
• Evacuation Drill
An “evacuation” is when students and staff must be quickly moved from one location to another, whether that is inside the school, off a school bus, or to an off-site location. Scenarios can include fire or smoke, a bomb threat, a chemical odor, school bus accident, or other conditions as determined by school leaders. These drills are practiced more frequently because evacuation is a safety strategy used in many possible situations.
“Shelter-in-Place” is when students and staff are moved from (or remain) within their classroom for their safety because there is an environmental threat. Similar to a soft lockdown (explained below), shelter-in-place uses the school building to provide protection from the outdoor environment, such as tornados and other severe weather, earthquakes or hazardous materials in the immediate area. Based on the threat’s severity, school leaders will decide whether learning should be halted and student movement within the school should be restricted. Students and staff who are outside will report inside immediately, and those in modular classrooms will either remain in place or be brought inside the school based on the type of threat.
Soft Lockdown
A “soft lockdown” is when a threat or hazard is recognized outside of the school building. Situations may include a violent act or criminal activity in the immediate neighborhood, such as a home invasion or police pursuit in the area, or even situations like a dangerous animal near the playground.
A soft lockdown uses the security of the physical facility to act as protection. All interior and exterior doors are locked and student movement inside the school is limited. Any outside activity is discontinued, and all students must report inside immediately. Teaching and learning may still continue but with a heightened sense of awareness. Staff should be prepared to quickly transition to a hard lockdown (explained below) if needed.
Hard Lockdown
A “hard lockdown” is when there is a threat or hazard inside of the school building or in situations when school leaders deem appropriate. Examples may include parental custody disputes, intruders or unauthorized visitors, and though less likely or as common, an active shooter situation.
A hard lockdown uses classroom security to protect students and staff from a safety threat. During a hard lockdown, all learning stops and students and staff take immediate actions to lock and secure doors, and employ the protection strategies they have learned during drills, such as hiding and keeping away from windows or doors. No students are allowed to leave their rooms until authorized by school leaders or safety personnel, and those who are outside must use their discretion whether to try moving inside the school or to evacuate to an off-site location. No one, including parents or community members, may enter the building while a hard lockdown is under way. Only emergency responders are allowed access.
Spirit Wear!
Join the Falcon Club!
Stay Updated With All Things Findley Oaks!
We want to make sure that you are receiving communications and that you are informed of all of the latest information.
What to expect:
- Homeroom teachers will send weekly newsletters every Friday.
- The Findley Flyer will go out the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning August 3.
- There may be times that the school will send other communications via Blackboard as needed.
- The PTO will send communications. Be sure that you have registered to receive communications from the PTO.
Social Media:
Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal
The Infinite Campus portals - Campus Parent and Campus Student - provides access to information for all enrolled students in their household. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements.
Click here for more information.
Note: Parents must register the first time they are accessing their account. All students have access to Campus Student via ClassLink.
Volunteer Registration
To All Volunteers
All Findley Oaks volunteers must register with the Fulton County School District via the Volunteer Registration Portal. Approved Volunteer status expires May 31 of every even year.
Follow this link to initiate the registration process -> Fulton County Volunteer Registration.
Please allow up to 24 hours for your registration to be verified. Once school is back in session you may bring your photo ID into the front office to be scanned.
Thank you for all you do for Findley Oaks!
Fulton County Schools District 5 Meetings
After Care Programs
Mission: Engage. Connect. Grow
Vision: To create a school community of engaged, connected, and growing learners.
Motto: From Tiny Acorns Grow Mighty Oaks