November 3, 2023
The Principal's Corner
Postseason play is underway! Wednesday, the Cheerleading team won the South Shore League Championship and Volleyball tournament action began yesterday and football is tonight, at home at 7:00 PM. Boys soccer is home at 6:00 PM on Saturday and girls soccer is home at 6:00 PM on Monday. You will not find a town with this many teams competing in the postseason! Congratulations to our coaches and student-athletes and let's support our home teams during the tournament run!
The Week Ahead
Monday, November 6th: Day 4
Linden Ponds Field Trip 9:30 AM
Tuesday, November 7th: Day 5
AP Online Registration/ Payments Due
Wednesday, November 8th: Day 6
MCAS ELA Session 1 Retest
Thursday, November 9th: Day 7
MCAS ELA Session 2 Retest
Dog Block Schedule
Period 1: B BLOCK 8:10-9:00 AM (50 Minutes)
Period 2: C BLOCK 9:04- 9:49 AM (45 Minutes)
Period 3: D BLOCK 9:53-10:38 AM (45 Minutes)
Dog Block: 10:42-11:28 AM (46 Minutes)
Period 4 (Lunch Block): E BLOCK 11:28-12:58 PM (56 Minutes)
1st Lunch 11:28 AM-11:58 AM
2nd Lunch 11:58 AM-12:28 PM
3rd Lunch 12:28-12:58 PM
Period 5: F BLOCK 1:02-1:49 PM (47 Minutes)
Period 6: L BLOCK 1:53-2:40 PM (47 Minutes)
Friday, November 10th:
No School Veterans Day
Dates to Remember
11/2 Early Release @ 11:25 AM for Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-3:00 PM and 6:30-8:00 PM
11/3 Term 1 Closes
11/7 AP Online Registration & Payments Due
11/8 MCAS ELA Session 1 Retest
11/9 Dog Block 10:42 AM - 11:28 AM
11/9 MCAS ELA Session 2 Retest
11/10 No School Veterans Day
11/13 Term 1 Grades Available in Afternoon
11/14 Senate Leadership Council Meeting 7:30-8:00 AM (Library)
11/14 MCAS Math Session 1 Retest
11/15 MCAS Math Session 2 Retest
11/16 Early Release Professional Development @ 11:25 AM
11/18 Saturday School 9:00 AM - 12:00 PMM
11/20 Powder Puff Football Game 6:30 PM
11/22-11/24 No School-Thanksgiving Day Recess
11/28 Site Council Meeting 7:30 AM-8:00 AM (Superintendent’s Conference Room)
12/1-12/2 Fall Play Our Town 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/7 Credit for Life Fair Grade 10
12/7 Early Release for Staff Professional Development @ 11:25 AM
12/12 Senate Leadership Council Meeting 7:30 AM-8:00 AM (Library)
12/12 Term 2 Progress Reports Available
12/13 Holiday Chorus Concert 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/14 Dog Block 10:42 AM - 11:28 AM
12/14 Holiday Band Concert 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/19 Site Council Meeting 7:30 AM- 8:00 AM (Superintendent’s Conference Roo)
12/21 Alumni Panel for Seniors
12/21 RHS Band & Chorus Students Participate in Elementary School & Senior Stroll
12/22-1/1 No School December Vacation
Inside the Classroom
Guidance Notes
The Military Educational & Career Opportunities Group of Massachusetts will sponsor its second event on Saturday, November 18th, at Scituate High School, 606 Chief Justice Cushing Highway, Scituate, MA.
The event starts at 10:00 a.m. with an informational briefing, followed by a College Fair-type setup. Representatives from West Point, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, Mass Maritime, ROTC Programs from all branches, National Guard, Marine Corp, Scituate Police and Fire Departments, military prep schools, and the US Armed Services will be on hand to share information on the wide-ranging and life-changing educational and career opportunities available.
This is an informational event and not a recruiting event. Parents of military men and women will be on hand to answer questions and share experiences.
Students and parents throughout Massachusetts are invited to attend. Details can be found here.
Images Magazine has just released a new dark fantasy-themed webzine, “Into the Woods”!
The webzine can be viewed using the following link and looking under “latest issue”
Please consider checking it out to see your student’s artwork!
Athletic Updates
Football Playoffs
We are excited to announce the upcoming Friday Night Football game against Millbury, which will be part of the MIAA's Round of 16. Per MIAA regulations, ticket prices have been set and will only be available in digital format through GoFan.
Ticket Prices:
- Adults: $11.50
- Students: $6.25 (Including Rockland Youth Football Players)
To purchase your tickets, please visit the following link: Here
In an effort to enhance the experience for our visiting fans, we have decided to shut down the outfield to spectators and will not be allowing personal footballs into the facility. All home fans, including adults and children, are encouraged to enjoy the game from our stadium seating. However, adults who typically stand behind the near-side end zone are still permitted to do so.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in creating an enjoyable and safe environment for all attendees. Thank you for your continued support of Rockland High School athletics.
We look forward to an exciting game on Friday night.
Upcoming MIAA Tournament Action
Project Pumpkin
The Veritas
This week in The Veritas, read about Dog Block hits, Community service opportunities, WRPS radio and TV shows, the RHS Culinary classes, and a preview of the school play!
Staff Halloween Fun!
Community Service Opportunities
Quick Links
Rockland High School
Location: 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-0541
Twitter: @RocklandHS