September 8, 2023
- 9/11: PTO meeting - details below
- 9/12: Q & A Seniors/Parents with Post-Secondary Counselors
- 9/19-9/22: School Photos
- 9/21: Back to School Night 7 p.m - 9 p.m.
- 9/22: Filly Football
- 9/23: BHS Homecoming
- 9/26: NCAA Information Night - Live Virtual Event
- 9/28: Paying for a College Education - Live Virtual Event
- 9/29: MP 1 Closes
Back to School Night!
Our annual back-to-school night will be held in person on Thursday, September 21, from 7 PM to 9 PM. 1st period begins at 7:00 pm, and 8th period ends at 8:55 pm. Follow your child's daily schedule and meet their teachers. More information on schedules will be sent out next week.
School Pictures
Safety Week
Welcome to Barrington 220’s 5th Annual Safety Week! The goal of this week is to raise awareness about school safety among our students, parents, staff, and community members. In addition to the safety drills happening at each of our schools this week, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, students will view a short video that has a "Safety 220 Tip of the Day". Each tip corresponds with a safety theme for that day of the week. The topics for each day include:
MONDAY, Sept. 11: Welcome Message from Director of Safety and Security, Austin Johnson (Safe2Help, See Something, Say Something, Introduction of our School Resource Officers)
TUESDAY, Sept. 12: Weather Emergencies (tornado drill)
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 13: Run, Hide, Fight (lockdown drill) These videos will only be viewed by students in grades 4-12.
THURSDAY, Sept. 14: School Evacuations (fire drill)
FRIDAY, Sept. 15: Railroad and Crosswalk Safety
Opting Your Student out of Run, Hide, Fight
If you do not want your student to participate in the Run, Hide, Fight Lockdown Drill on September 13, please email in the principal's office by 5 pm
on Tuesday, September 12.
District Assessments
In support of our district's mission, "Empower personal excellence in every learner," the district will be using several assessments throughout the school year to gather information that will help our teachers understand your child's strengths and needs so we can better utilize instructional strategies and resources when working with your child. We are committed to collecting only the data we need and using the data we collect to maximize teaching and learning. We look at the data globally to help us plan instructional programs at the building and district levels.
At the high school level, students will participate in College Board Testing in the Fall and Spring. In the fall and spring, freshmen will participate in PSAT 8/9 testing. In the fall, sophomores and juniors will participate in PSAT National Merit Scholar Qualification Testing (NMSQT). In April, sophomores will participate in PSAT 10 testing, while juniors will participate in SAT testing.
Some students may take some of these or other tests at different points during the year based on our need for more information. The tests listed above will be given to all students at the designated grade levels to provide us with critical information that can help us help your child. Please make every effort to have your child be in attendance on testing days unless he/she is ill.
Parent Teacher Organization
Join us for the FIRST PTO MEETING OF THE YEAR ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 9:15am. Get the latest info from the counseling department for what each grade level needs to be doing this year, the latest updates from Principal Steve McWilliams on the school and the renovation, as well as hear from PTO committee chairs on upcoming events and initiatives. Park in the Visitors Parking section (Main Street entrance), and enter in the main entrance (to the left of the new atrium). For faster check-in on Monday, please RSVP for the September 11th meeting BY TODAY (FRIDAY 9/8) here: RSVP HERE
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: 516477
Thank You!
Student Absence Reporting
BHS believes that attending class, completing assigned work, and contributing to the class are indispensable to success in school. Only when a student is in the classroom can he/she take full advantage of fellow classmates’ ideas, the teacher’s knowledge, expertise and counseling, and presentations of materials that enrich the class.
However, we recognize illness, death in the immediate family, family emergencies, and situations beyond the control of the student to be valid causes for missing school. If your student is too ill to come to school, please keep them at home and report the absence via the parent portal of Infinite Campus. Please be aware that attendance calls go out at 11 a.m. each school day for unexcused absences, so it is important to submit absences via Infinite Campus in a timely manner. Attached are directions on how to utilize the parent portal, via the app or website to submit absence requests.
Parents/guardians must seriously consider whether or not the reason for the student missing valuable instructional time is sufficient to warrant the absence.
Important Information from Quest Food Service
See Something, Say Something
The safety of our students and staff is always our top priority and we commit to offering a safe
and secure educational environment. Barrington 220 is now partnering with an Illinois school safety helpline aimed at providing students a place to report information that might prevent bullying, suicide, and campus violence. Safe2Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It allows students to confidentially share school safety issues via a mobile app, text, email, or phone call. You will notice that the "See Something, Say Something" button on our district and school website now links directly to the Safe2Help contact page. We are asking that all students, parents, staff, and community members now use this platform to report safety concerns. In the case of an emergency, call 911.______________________________________________
Location: 616 W Main St, Barrington, IL, USA
Phone: 847-381-1400
Twitter: @BarringtonHS220