Community School News
Greensboro Elementary School
What is a Community School?
The Community Schools Strategy works in partnership with a variety of stakeholders to remove barriers from students, families and communities in order to thrive. Ways a community school does this is by providing an array of wraparound services.
What does a Community Schools Coordinator do?
Community School Coordinators partner with students, families, and stakeholders to identify and fill in the gaps where our students need more resources and support in order to ensure their personal and academic success. A CSC provides comprehensive support and resources that are selected to meet their students’ and families’ needs and interests, which are rooted in the understanding and perspectives of the surrounding community. A Community School Coordinator is a resource for families helping them stay connected with the school community. They are advocates for students and families.
What do Community Schools provide?
Through strategic partnerships, community schools work to provide access to high-quality academics, health services, mental health support, academic enrichment, out-of-school time programming, crisis support, adult education classes, leadership development, and more.
Community School Update
Once survey's were completed, all the data collection was reviewed with the Community Schools Steering committee. The Steering Committee involves the Community Schools Coordinator, Principal, Teachers, School Counselors, PTA members and Stakeholders.
As a team, the Steering Committee identified the schools greatest needs based on the data collection. Below are the three areas of need determined. Moving forward GES will implement a plan to meet the need and close the gaps to improve success for all students and families.
Growing Partnerships
Our food drive at GES was a big success! SGA challenged classes to collect food to help our community and did they ever! Thank you to the families that sent in items. We collected over 2,680 nonperishable items. In partnership with our Community Schools Coordinator Ashley Powell, food was picked up or delivered to the Town of Greensboro, Aarons Place, St. Paul's UMC, Helping Caroline Hands, His Hope Ministries, blessing boxes at Greater Impact, Goldsboro and Marydel, and our own care closet. GES really took a "bite" out of hunger.
Celebrating Black History Month
Share Your Heritage with your Greensboro Family!
Marion is in second grade at Greensboro elementary. Marion and his sisters took a trip with their grandparents to the Harriet Tubman Museum in Cambridge Maryland! Marion's family enjoys teaching their children about their own heritage as well as other heritage’s all year long. In the month of February, for black history month the family likes to celebrate by going on field trips to historical places, museums or maybe just a trip to the library to do some old fashion research on a great African-American poet or baseball player. Thank you to Marion and his family for sharing this with your GES family!
Lost and Found
Lost and found! Please have your child check the lost and found for their missing belongings. Email powell.ashley@ccpsstaff.org if you see an item that belongs to your child. Thank you!
Community Resources and Events
Greensboro Elementary School
We are excited to announce we are having a GES Community Resource Night on Wednesday, February 28th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Join us for resources and assistance, while you enjoy dinner and raffle prizes! If you are planning to attend, please return the RSVP with your child to school. All RSVPs are due by Friday February 23rd or email Powell.ashley@ccpsstaff.org if your family needs a form. We hope to see you there!
Nos complace anunciar que tendremos una Noche de Recursos Comunitarios de GES el Miércoles 28 de Febrero de 6:00-7:30 p.m. ¡Únase a nosotros para obtener recursos y asistencia, mientras disfruta de la cena y los premios de la rifa! Si planea asistir, devuelva la confirmación de asistencia con su hijo/a a la escuela. Todas las confirmaciones de asistencia deben entregarse antes del Viernes 23 de Febrero o envíe un correo electrónico a powell.ashley@ccpsstaff.org si su familia necesita un formulario. ¡Esperamos verlos ahí!
Caroline County Food and Housing Resources
YMCA Mentoring Program
Parent Guidance
Choptank Community Health
Shore Legal Access (MidShore ProBono)
Judy Center Early Learning Hub
Town of Greensboro
Collective Impact
Community School Coordinator
Email: Powell.ashley@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.greensboroes.org/
Location: 627 North Main Street, Greensboro, MD, USA
Phone: 410-479-3885