Columbia Crest
October Newsletter
October 2022
Dear Rainier Families,
The first couple weeks of school have been such a delight. The students are following the expectations and making great choices. We've already had two wonderful assemblies and look forward to launching our Monthly Award Assemblies. Parents are welcome to join us the first Friday of each month at 1pm for our Award Assembly. This month, Friday October 7th will be our first assembly where we will recognize our Rainiers of the Month and Quality Work Award Winners.
Starting Monday, October 3rd, we are able to allow Volunteers back to our buildings to work with students. Please read more in our Volunteer section of this newsletter to see how you can apply. We love having a variety of volunteers working with our students. From October 24th-October 27th we are hosting parent/teacher conferences. Early this week, you will be able to schedule a time to meet with your child's teacher. We look forward to having parents in the building again this year!
I would like to thank every family who contributed to our APEX fundraiser. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. We have earned over $6,000 toward exciting assemblies and programs as well as playground equipment.
Have a beautiful fall,
Principal Burslem
Middle Schoolers Doing the Conga Line!
Procedure for Transportation Changes & Absences
If you need your child to change their normal transportation or want to excuse your child's absence, we request you use this link or scan the QR code below to complete the request.
ABSENCES: Please fill out this form if your child will be out of school today. If you do not fill out by 8am, you will receive communication regarding your child's absence.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGE: Transportation Changes must be completed no later than 1pm on day the transportation change is needed.
October Event Calendar
First Day of School
Spirit Week
October Menus
Halloween Assembly
NEW 22-23 Calendar
The following dates are now school days. Please note there are changes to:
- October 14
- November 23 (half day)
- December 19 (half day)
- June 20-21
- June 22-23 (half days)
Please review the attached calendar for more information.
Upcoming Late Starts
Friday, October 14th
Conference Week
Parent Teacher Organization
PTO Meeting 10/12 at 2:30pm Child Care Available
AR Program Begins
Highly Capable Begins Soon
Chromebook Insurance
Families have the option to purchase insurance for their child’s chromebook. The cost is $25 per student for families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch. Families may pay on InTouch using this link.
To qualify for free insurance, families must complete a “22-23 Free and Reduced Meal” application on Skyward Family Access, flag the "Consent to Share Form" option and select device insurance. IMPORTANT: once you receive notification that your application has been approved, you must complete the additional step of "purchasing" the insurance (CLICK HERE) , but your fee will be $0)
Please Note: Digital Device Coverage must be purchased within 30 days from today.
- Paper applications are available in all school offices & payments can also be made in the office.
Monthly Character Trait
October is Bully Prevention Month
This month I will be visiting all of the classes to discuss bullying. We will define bullying as when someone keeps being mean to someone else on purpose. It happens over and over and the person it’s happening to can’t make it stop. There is a power imbalance between the people and it is one-sided.
Questions you can ask your child to help them figure out if it is bullying or a conflict:
- How many times has this happened with this person?
- What have you tried to get it to stop?
- What happened before this person did this to you?
- What was your response?
For more information on bullying, visit www.stopbullying.gov.
-Ms. Noble Perry
We are excited to offer a chance to volunteer at our schools for upcoming events. Please fill out the application below and submit it to Kim Henley at the District Office. Forms may also be emailed to Kim Henley at k.henley@eatonville.wednet.edu.
Due to Governor Inslee’s proclamation 21-14.1, all volunteers must have proof of vaccination or an exemption on file.
Please contact Kim Henley at the district office for more information or to request an exemption form.
Volunteers are eligible to return to schools on Monday, October 3rd. Please coordinate your arrival with the main office or classroom teacher.
Generous Donation
We are extremely grateful to receive donations from 4 groups who contributed to our Reading Program and Prize Incentives:
Thank you:
- Eatonville Eagles for donating $500
- Eatonville Lions for donating $500
- Mineral Lake Lions for donating $250
- American Legion for donating $750
- We also received a bonus $100 for prizes.
Bus Route Information
Push Notifications for Route Impacts
- 22-23 route information is available on Ride360. This is the best way to learn if your child's route will be impacted.
- Register for Ride360 today on the website.
- When you register you will need your student’s 7 digit Student ID number that typically begins with 2 zeros. Please access Skyward Family Access for your child’s ID number.
- Once you've registered on the site you may download the app. Traversa Ride 360™ is a mobile app for Apple® and Android® devices.
- You can expect to receive direct messages regarding changes, delays and notifications specific to your child's route and stop. You may also directly message the Eatonville School District Transportation Office.
Eatonville School District is Hiring
To review all employment opportunities with our district:
- Visit EdJobsNW.org
- Click FIND A JOB
- Choose the appropriate JOB CATEGORY (Administrator, Certificated, Classified, Coaching, Substitute) from the menu on the right-hand side of the page
- Type "Eatonville" in the filter box to narrow your search results
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org