LP Brown Community Newsletter
February 2024
No School and Early Release Days in February
Early Release February 7th, 14, 21st, 28th. Dismissal at 1:25 PM
Half Day for Grading February 2nd. Dismissal at 11:05 AM
No School February 19th and 20th for Mid Winter Break
Attendance Matters!
Chronic absenteeism in schools is defined as missing more than 10% of the school year. For us, that means that students are defined as chronically absent at the point that they miss 18 days or more of school.
At this point in the school year (January 31st), we have 104 students (33%) that have missed more than 10 days of school. We have 38 students that have missed more than 18 days by the end of January. On average, students in our school are missing 1.5 days of school per month. This is having a significant impact on learning levels in our school.
Additionally, 20% of our students have more than 10 tardies (showing up after 8:00 AM). Our tardy rate is the 3rd highest in the district, when compared to all other elementary schools. The day of the week that has the highest tardy rate is Monday.
Please help us by getting students to school on-time, every day! Our doors open at 7:45 AM. Plan to get students to the front door by 7:45 AM. Tardy slips are given to students when they arrive after 8:00 AM. Learning happens right away in the morning time. Thank you for your help in getting students to school early in the morning. I appreciate all of your efforts in the complicated adventure of getting students to school before 8:00 in the morning.
Semester 1 Report Cards
Report cards are viewable on Family Access (Skyward) on Wednesday, February 21st.
We are no longer printing report cards for all students. However, if you would like a printed copy, we are happy to print one for you. Please just reach out to your classroom teacher if you would like a printed report card.
Friendship Feast!
We are hosting a very special breakfast for students on Valentine's Day (February 14th).
Beginning at 8:00 AM, we will be serving waffles, strawberries, whipped cream, and syrup to all students. We will have options for the various dietary restrictions in the building as well.
We will be looking for parent volunteers to help us come serve this delicious feast! I will have teachers solicit for volunteers in their weekly newsletters as we get closer to the day of friendship.
Lunch with Students!
In an effort to encourage parents and caregivers on campus, we are hosting a monthly lunch. On Friday, February 9th, we invite any and all caregivers to come have lunch and go to recess with your student(s).
Adult lunches cost $4.75 if you would like to purchase school lunch. You can purchase lunches through the main office. We accept credit cards or exact change. We are unable to make change. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch to eat!
The lunch times for the grade bands are listed below:
- K-1 Lunch: 10:20-11:05 AM
- 2nd/4th Lunch: 11:10-11:50 AM
- 3rd/5th Lunch: 11:50-12:30 PM
Outdoor Learning
The work to re-build the observation platform across the seasonal wetland has been scheduled. Work will begin and finish in the coming months!
In March, the Sierra Club will meet with their community partners to help us create a plan for the woods. We will plan for a trail system and classroom observation/meeting spaces.
The Staff began working in January and will work every month through this year to begin the process of unit planning around the outdoor learning spaces on campus. The learning experiences will include learning in the classrooms, outside in our outdoor space, and in the community where students will learn to transfer the skills they learn on campus.
Lots of volunteer opportunities will be available this spring. I will be sure to give everyone lots of notice before any work begins.
Clothing For Health Room
Right now, we are looking for donations of girls leggings in small, medium, and large. We are also looking for donations of boys sweatpants in various sizes.
If you have extra clothing that you are able to donate, please just bring it to the main office. Thank you for considering this request.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
Rent and utility bills
Clothing and shoes
Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
School supplies
School-related expenses
Internet through Xfinity and so much more...
We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation.
Parent Square
However, please sign up. This platform is amazing. It will allow you to keep track of all school communications and it will allow you to update your Skyward information with ease.
Here is a link to sign up for Parent Square.
Here is a link to learn more about Parent Square through the district website.
PTO Meeting
The meeting will take place in the library at LP Brown.
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Important Upcoming Dates
February 2: Half Day For Grading. Dismissal @ 11:05 AM
February 7th: Early Release @ 1:25 PM
February 7th: PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
February 9: Parent Lunch/Recess with Students
February 14: Early Release @ 1:25 PM
February 14: Friendship Feast @ Breakfast
February 19 and 20: No School
February 21: Early Release @ 1:25 PM
February 21: Report Cards Viewable in Skyward
February 28: Early Release @ 1:25 PM