Shorian Nation eNews
November 12th, 2023
Featured Story
Veterans Day Celebrations
Lake Shore Public Schools honored and remembered our veterans, reservists and the family members of active duty military members by celebrating with musical performances for our community inside our schools and activities that commemorate the day.
At Masonic Heights, 2nd grade families were invited to honor and celebrate their Veterans with a few musical selections and memorized words from student leaders. They brought tears to every eye with a thoughtful slideshow presentation honoring Veterans of the Tigers family: https://youtu.be/dgB0qf104PE?si=qfLih89h79a7HfiS
Thank you, Ms. Wischmeyer, for organizing such beautiful performances.
At Rodgers, Veterans Erni Boulos, Barb Ellis, and Davis Ellis took part in a flag ceremony and Violet held a candy drive for them.
A chain link flag of Veteran names was created at Kennedy Middle School. We don't know them all, but we owe them all.
Lake Shore High School regularly invites military recruiters in as guest speakers and lunch room presenters. It is a great way to learn more about these heroes.
These activities support the social and emotional wellbeing of all stakeholders while honoring #VeteransDay.
Bonus: We also want to thank the following Lake Shore staff veterans for your service, sacrifice, and bravery. We are grateful for you today and everyday:
Lake Shore High School
Kevin Francis
Chris Hubbard
Chris Land
Sharon McPeak
Shayne Trail
Jeff Valken
Kennedy Middle School
Leann Pritchard-Hryshko
Masonic Heights Elementary
Shawn Mortier
Violet Elementary
Melissa Lambert
Bonus: PNC Bank partnered with the Military Support Foundation to gift a home to a military veteran and their family located in Saint Clair Shores. Please help us make this event extra special for the family by wearing red, white, and/or blue on November 14th.
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Gratitude Letters
Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.
Starting November 1st and lasting until November 17th, we invited all stakeholders in our community to write a brief letter to one person who has made a difference in your life at Lake Shore Public Schools and beyond. Maybe it is a letter to a Veteran or a teacher. Download a blank template and drop completed letters off to your school's main office.
At the end of November, we will gather all of these letters, count them, and deliver to their recipients. In 2022, we wrote 1,993 gratitude letters. That's a lot of joy!
Holiday Performances
Move over 100.3 and your nonstop holiday music. The echoes of student voices singing and instruments playing are filling the air during this most wonderful time of the year. These musicians will play and sing their hearts out, supported by loved ones and adoring fans to ring in the Christmas spirit!
The following is a comprehensive list of our 11 holiday performance dates throughout the district:
- DONE - Saturday, November 11th - Masonic Melodies - The Fox Theatre at 12:30pm
- Tuesday, December 5th - LSHS Holiday Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Thursday, December 7th - Violet 5th grade Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Friday, December 8th - KMS Holiday Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Monday, December 11th - MH 5th Grade & Masonic Melodies Holiday Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Tuesday, December 12th - KMS Holiday Choir Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Thursday, December 14th - LSHS Holiday Choir Concert - LSHS at 7pm
- Saturday, December 16th - Masonic Melodies at 5:30pm, Violet 3rd Grade at 6:30pm, & Rodgers 3rd Grade at 7:30pm to Tunnel of Lights "Lake Shore Night" - Blossom Heath
- Monday, December 18th - Rodgers 5th Grade Holiday Musical - LSHS at 7pm
- Tuesday, December 19th - Violet 2nd grade Concert with 4th grade Violet Voices Choir - LSHS at 7pm
- Thursday, December 21st - Choir Holiday Fusion Tour
Are you resisting the temptation to get in the holiday spirit? Mr. Grinch from the show at The Fox Theatre visited Masonic Heights today to read to our 1st and 2nd graders! And what happened then? Well, in Whoville...or the Shorian Nation they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day!
The Grinch's visit coincided with Career Day at Masonic. Students wanted to become athletes, teachers, artists, firefighters, and nurses, but the best thing they can be, learned from the reading of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, is to be kind.
Holiday Help
We rise by lifting others and a plan to help begins now.
In keeping with our goal of a strong community connection, Lake Shore Public Schools will be working to support those students & families most in need of holiday help this year.
If you are in need of assistance, please use one of the links below to sign up:
Thanksgiving help needed: https://tinyurl.com/lspsthanksneed23 by 11/10/23.
Holiday help needed: https://tinyurl.com/lspsholidayneed23 by 11/20/23
If you have the means to help sponsor a child/family or could help deliver meals at Thanksgiving or gifts for the holidays, please use the links below to sign up:
Thanksgiving donation/delivery: https://tinyurl.com/lspsthanksdonate23
Holiday sponsor/delivery: https://tinyurl.com/lspsholidaydonate23
Save the Date: Safety and Wellness Expo
Lake Shore Public Schools proudly presents our Safety and Wellness Expo taking place on Wednesday, December 6th from 6pm to 9pm at Lake Shore High School and featuring keynote presentations from DHS Special Agent Dave Alley and CARE of SE Michigan as well as breakout sessions, community partners, and more!
Inclement Weather Communications
We wanted to mention the topic of snow and proactively thank those who provide snow removal services.
Over the years, the first snowfall has created some beautiful wintry scenes at Lake Shore Public Schools. Snow will be here on a regular basis before we know it and you may be wondering about our procedures for school cancellations.
Decisions made to cancel school due to inclement weather are a reality as we approach the winter season. Student drivers and parent chauffeurs, please drive slow in these slick conditions and leave early so that you have plenty of time to arrive before school begins.
In extreme conditions, we make every attempt to inform our community as soon as possible of a school closing. Communication will be deployed using SchoolMessenger, the district website, Facebook, X, and local media outlets to keep you informed.
Now that we feel the frigid air and will see snow falling, please remember to bundle up because baby, it's cold outside.
Bonus: Our Snow Day Hill is coming this Winter! Here are some answers for all of the inquiring minds:
- When will the hill be ready for use? This winter soon as there is enough snow!
- Where is the hill located? West side of Kennedy Middle School on Masonic Blvd.
- How large/tall is the hill? 15’ above elevation of land of the school.
Bond Update
The Lake Shore Public Schools' Board of Education approved a $66.7 million no tax-rate increase bond proposal for the May 3rd, 2022 ballot and it passed!
Lake Shore has a strong legacy of being excellent stewards of the community’s resources. We are committed to provide you with bond updates as we continue to prioritize our students' future.
- Masonic Heights Bond Tour Video (10/2023)
- Violet Bond Tour Video (10/2023)
- LSHS Bond Tour Video (10/2023)
- 60 Second Video Update (10/2023)
- Bond Updates - Fall 2023 Mailer (last updated 9/29/2023)
- Bond Updates - Construction Presentation (8/9/2023)
- Bond Building-Specific Boards
- Bond Overview and Schedule
- Project List
To learn more about the bond, please visit the Lake Shore Public Schools' website.
Stay Informed
Upcoming Events
Shorian Testimonials
Care Solace
World Kindness Day on November 13 is a day to recognize the importance of being kind to each other, ourselves, and the world. On this day, participants celebrate and promote good deeds and pledge to acts of kindness.
Generosity is contagious and increases our happiness. In fact, in 2010, the Harvard Business School surveyed 136 countries and found people who gave to others were the happiest. Even just one act of kindness can turn someone’s day around and build a stronger community of healing and positivity.
Here are ways you can join us for World Kindness Day:
- Share your pledge to acts of kindness on social media and use the hashtags #worldkindnessday and #makekindnessthenorm.
- Check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation for ideas on how to incorporate kindness into your everyday life.
- Some of us are already taking steps to find professional help with our well-being, and perhaps you or a loved one should too. If you or a family member would like help finding a mental health care provider, use Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential coordination service provided by Lake Shore Public Schools:
- Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
- Visit caresolace.com/lsps and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Let’s text a friend we haven’t spoken to in a while, treat someone (or ourselves) to a cup of coffee, and be an empathetic and encouraging ear to others as we close out 2023.
Positivity Project
P2 Calendar
Under the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityInAction mindset is our top priority. Because of our goal to inspire students to build positive relationships and become their best selves, we invite you to follow this Positivity Project Calendar. Note: We have made a few changes to this calendar; All adjustments are located on our District Events Calendar.
OPM - Knowing my words and actions affect others
People with this OPM know that everything that they do and say can affect people in a positive way.
The Shorian Nation is also collecting nonperishable goods to donate to St. Clair Shores Goodfellows. Goodfellows is a longstanding Civic Organization with a mission to provide to St. Clair Shores residents who may find themselves in need. You have until our November 17th to drop your Goodfellows donations off at your child's building.
One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Kennedy Middle School's Clippers for a Cause campaign continues to support all individuals with cancer.
This year, our middle school participated in their 9th annual Cancer Awareness campaign by selling t-shirts and raised a total of $200.
People with the character strength of bravery act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when they know things are difficult or scary.
We are featuring the faces of our brave heroes, all 31 of them, who donated blood.
Thank you to the National Honor Society student volunteers for holding a blood drive. We appreciate Versiti staff for checking temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels prior to the actual 8-10 minute donation.
Athletic Coordinator Rich Bowers is a pro donor. He believes in supporting NHS and giving back, donating over a dozen times. First donor of the day Edward Cardenas donated for similar reasons. His son Zach is a member of NHS and he enjoys finding ways to support him, the school district, and the community. Shorian Parent Dawn Lorenger has a giving spirit as well. She said, "It is an easy thing to do to benefit others." Rich, Ed, and Dawn's choice to donate will save 3 lives each and inspire the entire Shorian Nation.
Junior Lauren Maciejewski and her dad donated this morning. This family certainly exhibits the Shorian character strength of kindness and a true care for others.
Advisor Mrs. Rancilio has organized this event as an opportunity to give back to the community. She sees it as a way to expose students to the value of donating and encourage them to become lifelong donors.
Your donation served a multi-faceted purpose in our community: life-saving blood donation, demonstration of volunteerism to our students, and the opportunity for our student leaders to donate their own time in service. Thank you for choosing to donate blood to Versiti Blood Centers and brave the needle.
Looking forward, we are excited to celebrate Gratitude (11/13-24).
Cookie Art
C is for cookie that's good enough for me. Om Nom Nom Nom.
In Ms. Rhadigan's Art Special, Kindergarteners from Mrs. Pillars' class made color theory cookies using Nilla wafers, food coloring, and frosting. They were given about a tablespoon of red, blue, and yellow frosting and mixed the colors to make secondary colors: orange, purple, and green on 3 Nilla wafers. Once they made their secondary colors, they ate frosted Nilla wafers!
Superintendent Dr. DiPonio joined for a dose of cookie fun, too. Students at his shared table made sure "Dr. Joe" followed directions by mixing the correct color combinations and resisting the temptation to eat them first.
Kindergartener Roman Kiefer said, "I'm having fun. I love everything about this. The cookies taste so good."
Later that same day, 4th graders from Mrs. Champine's class at Rodgers Elementary made Oreo cookie sculptures! They created a relief sculpture using a toothpick and an Oreo. Sean Jiles loved the assignment. He shared, "This assignment was great because I got to be creative." Sean admitted that he tried to make the Titanic, but it didn't work out. He opted for Roblox instead.
A classmate chimed, "Our mothers always tell us to never play with our food or to never eat with our fingers." This was a different kind of day for these elementary students.
And we especially appreciated how Ms. Rhadigan shared a spotlight on artist Judith Klausner. Her Oreo sculptures are part of her series called, "From Scratch."
Bonus: There's an Artist Spotlight board outside of the art room where various OUTSTANDING art pieces have been selected for display (one per grade level displaying outstanding craftsmanship, attention to detail, and best effort).
Kindergarten Development
The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.
Kindergartners develop at different paces and our teachers use information they gather from activities to help families understand what their child's strengths are and how to support their development and learning.
Inside Mr. West's classroom, Kindergarten students at Rodgers are using craft sticks to build. They are learning how-to follow directions and this skill is necessary when time to work with others.
Mrs. Boren's Kindergarteners at Masonic Heights practiced giving others their attention with a game of Show and Tell featuring Caleb.
Mrs. Collings' Kindergarteners at Violet read Chicken Little and learned more about the author, illustrator, and making predictions along the way. They also took a brain break to get the wiggles out.
Shorian Esports
Lake Shore High School's budding esports program, Shorian Esports, recently had an exciting and pivotal moment in its inaugural season. The Rocket League team, consisting of the talented Jacob Barker and Blake Schrade, went head-to-head with the defending state champion, Linden High School, in a highly anticipated match on November 2nd, 2023. Rocket League is 2nd in the State!
The Shorian Esports team, a proud member of the Michigan High School Esports Federation (MiHSEF), is taking the competitive gaming scene by storm. MiHSEF, a free-to-join non-profit esports organization, is dedicated to providing high school students with enriching experiences, opportunities, and a secure online platform to foster the growth of esports throughout Michigan.
This showdown between Shorian Esports and Linden High School promised was a thrilling display of talent and strategy. Rocket League, a high-octane vehicular soccer video game, is known for its fast-paced gameplay and teamwork-based mechanics. With both schools fielding their best players, fans expected nothing short of an electrifying clash.
Unfortunately, our Shorian Esports team lost, but losing is always about learning.
Jacob has been laser-focused on improvement in Rocket League. He shared, "I have logged over 515 hours just on this PC at school." Blake claims the key to success in competitions is using the old adage mind over matter. He said, "We have complete confidence in each other." They both love making friends with people across the globe while gaming.
Head Coach Shayne Trail's enthusiasm for this program is unrestrained. He wants all kids to come in, have fun, and get better. He explained, "It is inclusive as we welcome different skill levels to join." He refers to Erich Henze, Program Captain, as an "animal" simply because he excels at every game. However, he invites the casual gamer to participate as well. Mr. Trail's passion for kids and gaming has been a major factor in this program's success and we are so incredibly proud to celebrate the team.
Another factor? That lucky stool! We encourage you to ask about it next time you walk by room 142 at Lake Shore High School.
Follow Shorian Gaming and Esports Club on X at @ShorianEsports.
Peer Buddies
Never underestimate the power of working in pairs.
Classrooms are social settings and these 5th grade and Kindergarten buddies at Masonic Heights Elementary have been given chance to work with and learn from their peers with seasonal art projects.
Kindergarten and fifth grade buddies has been a long standing tradition at Masonic Heights. Fifth grade teacher Courtney Knipstein explained, "When I was hired in 2017, I was excited to do buddies with my very own buddy, Mrs. Boren! Over the years, we have created fun activities to do at least once a month together, sometimes relating to special events during the month. In September, we meet our buddies and do team building activities. In December, we make shape Santas. Sometimes we get together just to read or play games. It is fun to watch the fifth graders teach kindergarteners how to take turns, be a friend and complete art projects. And in turn, the kindergarteners teach the fifth graders empathy and to just have fun!"
The positive feedback we receive from students is the best reason why this tradition continues. Emily Hubbard said, "I can be a role model for all the Kindergarteners and help them learn in fun and exciting ways." Reese Moyer shared, "I like it because I get to be a role model and help them with things they don’t quite understand."
MyDeal Graphics Shores to Shores
Thank you Steve Salerno of MyDeal Graphics for your financial benefits to Lake Shore Public Schools.
The Shores to Shores program is MyDeal Graphics’s way of giving back to our local community and showing them our appreciation for doing business in St. Clair Shores. MyDeal Graphics takes a pre-determined percentage of the total paid for every job placed by any of the St. Clair Shores schools, then places it into a secured account during the school year and lets it grow. Then at the end of the school year they cut a check back to the school that they can use in any way to better help the students and parents in the community.
Family Feud
Congratulations to the two-time back-to-back champion the Rodgers Elementary Family for taking the win at this past Thursday's Family Feud sponsored by The Lake Shore Foundation for Educational Excellence (LSFEE).
The LSFEE is seeking contributions to meet the educational needs of Lake Shore's youth.
The Foundation focuses its efforts on these areas:
- Encouraging creative teaching and innovative classroom ideas and programs
- Facilitating student development through enrichment activities and motivational programs
- Purchasing equipment and other durable materials to improve student learning
The LSFEE is totally separate from Lake Shore Public Schools and Board of Education. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees from the community who are responsible for generating contributions, approving grant applications, and allocating funds. Your contributions will directly benefit students in our community.
To learn more about the Foundation, visit this webpage.
A special thank you to all of our participants, Dr. George Lewis, Stage Crew, and spectators. We also appreciate Mrs. Knight, winner of the 50-50 raffle. She donated the proceeds back to the Foundation!
Kindness > Candy
We loved participating in a Halloween Trick or Treat intergenerational walk with our friends at the American House Senior Living. Enjoy this video clip.
Mrs. Fleszar, Mrs. Reno, and Mrs. Peacock's 3rd grade students from Masonic Heights Elementary shared their costumes with residents in exchange for sugary treats. This visit wasn't about the candy. It was about the understanding that this visit was a collaborative effort with senior citizens to support one another.
Life Enrichment Assistant Alanna Lewalski was able to help coordinate the event for the past two years. She said, "Everyday is a chance to show kindness and you can do this at any age. It is always fun to have kids in the building; It raises everyone's spirits." We loved watching both kids and adults exhibit #OtherPeopleMatter.
Logan Tyll is a perfect example of this. At age 8, he made so many residents smile by his generous personality (and dinosaur costume). We watched him visit residents, who ran out of candy to give. No candy? No problem. Logan would dig into his collection bag and refill their buckets.
Thank you Rachel Smith, Life Enrichment Director at American House, for coordinating this activity with us and providing the donuts and cider for our Tigers!
We look forward to these 4 additional American House visits:
- 12/21: LSHS Fusion Holiday Tour
- 2/12: Rodgers 100s Day Celebration
- 3/6: KMS Read with Residents
- 4/15: LSHS Senior Advice for Seniors
National STEAM Day
It was National STEAM Day on November 8th, a day meant to inspire kids to explore and pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math! Of the U.S. Labor Department‘s predicted 10 fastest growing occupations, nearly all of them are STEAM careers; therefore an interest in STEAM early on can lead to success later on in life.
Have you ever watched a buggy car glide effortlessly along a smooth surface at a constant speed? While it may seem like a simple and straightforward occurrence, there is a wealth of physics at play that allows this phenomenon to happen that can be measured without a speedometer.
In Mr. Lount's Physics classroom at Lake Shore High School, students ran their cars along the tables and floors and made observations. While it may have looked like kids playing with toy cars, they were exploring the fascinating physics behind buggy care movement. They relied on their groups to keep time, record data, and measure and operate the car. Using a graph, they plotted their data points, discussing their equations in relation to the movement of the car.
Senior Isabella Figurski enjoyed this hands-on assignment. She explained, "Calculating the average speed of my buggy helped me to connect what we do in Physics to the real world."
Speaking of hands-on, the Lake Shore Foundation approved a grant request for 2-5 foot by 5 foot lego walls to be installed at each elementary building late last year. These walls, pictured inside Mr. Gardiner's classroom at Masonic Heights Elementary, provide the opportunity to develop and refine skills and talents involving critical thinking and creativity, with a primarily benefit for our STEAM program and curriculum.
Athletics Website
We have built an online home for our athletic department. Our goal is to bring our athletic programs to life by sharing schedules, scores, and social media while ensuring our athletes get the promotion they deserve. Visit the Shorian Sports website for 24/7/365 access to the information you have always wanted and follow along with our sports action.
We have partnered with Kroger to help fund our athletics. Please read this letter from our Athletic Coordinator Rich Bowers.
On Saturday, October 28th, the Kennedy Middle School cross-country team competed in the Macomb County Regionals. In total, there were 20 Kennedy athletes that set personal records. They capped their final competition of the season by winning the Macomb County Regional Boys Cross Country Championship. Read this story here.
Winter 2023 schedules are being added. Stay tuned!
In addition, follow @ShorianSports on X for access to live sports updates from your favorite coaches and teams!
We believe a balance of academics and athletics creates a well-rounded student. Students who participate in sports not only gain the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, they also learn lessons about sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, cooperation, respect, and knowing how to win and lose.
Freeze Frame
Lake Shore Public Schools will provide an exceptional education for all 3,339 students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our guiding principles, Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration, are woven into the fabric of everything we do and will be the focus of every update. Expect an eNews email biweekly update as a reliable way to communicate with our stakeholders.
Connect With Shorian Nation
Email: social@lsps.org
Website: http://lakeshoreschools.org
Location: 28850 Harper Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Phone: (586) 285-8481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/
Twitter: @myLSPS