Remote PD for LPS Teachers
Google Classroom
Presenters: Audra Reed and Brianne Bradley
Google Classroom Recorded Session
Session Goals
- Create an assignment
- Add students/teachers
- Make additional classes
- Navigate information in settings
- Get students connected
Google Hangouts Meet
Presenters: Katie Fisher, Megan Bright, Olivia Schuman
Google Hangouts Meet Recorded Session
Session Goals
Participants will learn how to open, create, join, record, and share a Meet. Options and tools available will be highlighted. Secondary teachers will also receive information on using Meet with Canvas.
Additional Resources
Teaching with Video: QuickTime, YouTube Channel, and Screencasting
Presenters: Charlene Burns, Claudia Howerton, Robin Lewis, Teresa Barnett
Session Goals
Use Quicktime to record a screencast and movie. Quick edits. Upload to YouTube Channel. Edit channel and videos, on YouTube. ScreenCast-O-Matic is a great way to record a video lesson for students that allows you to show the teacher computer screen, the teacher, or both. Learn how to download it on a Mac or iPad, how to navigate the dashboard, and create and save videos.
Pear Deck
Presenters: Christine Anderson, Lori Riedel, Megan Bright
Pear Deck Remote PD Recorded Session
Link to Slides:
Session Goals
Participants will learn how to use Pear Deck to create interactive presentations that incorporate formative assessments and increase participation.
Additional Resources
Flipgrid and SeeSaw
Presenters: Charlene Burns, Claudia Howerton, Hayley Wollard
Flipgrid and SeeSaw Remote PD Recorded Session
Session Goals
- Create a grid
- Add students
- Add topics (such as a weekly reflection, asking a question, etc.)
- Learn how students can make short videos answering the topic and interact with other videos
- Dashboard
- Basic ways students can respond
- How to create a vareity of activites for student responses
Link to Slides: To be linked after the session
Link to Recorded Session: To be linked after the session
Additional Resources
Digital Reading Resources--Secondary
Digital Reading Resources--K-5
Presenters: Kurt Langhorst, Lisa Ross, Liz Vannelli, Sara McDonald
Recorded Session Intro (3min)
Digital Reading Resources K-5 Recorded Session (38min)
Session Goals
- Access LPS Library resources
- Learn about Mid-Continent Public Library resources
- Get help with digital tool questions
- Share ideas for use in Grades K-5
Additional Resources
Creating Audio Files for Teaching and Learning on MacBook
Presenters: Christine Anderson and Lori Riedel
Creating Audio Files Recorded Session
Step By Step for QuickTime, Audacity, and Garage Band
Session Goals
Participants will learn to access and record audio files using QuickTime, Audacity, and Garageband. We will cover how to download files from each of these sources so they can be used with other programs.
PD Provided By LPS Library Media Specialists
Phone: 816-522-0742