K-12 Math, Science, and DLCS PL
All AMSTI training is TEAMS approved and is provided at no cost to you or your school. AMSTI does not reimburse travel expenses or substitute pay. Please secure permission from your administrator prior to submitting your registration. Thank you!
K-5 Math
Math Foundational Training (K-5)
This training is a prerequisite for AMSTI K-5 Math Content Area Trainings. This 1-day training is designed to provide an overview of pedagogical strategies to be implemented with any mathematics content. The session focuses on the mathematics teaching practices and the formative assessment cycle.
June 2, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
July 7, Kevin Dukes Center, 8:00-3:00
NUMBERS: Fractions and Decimals (3-8)
NUMBERS is professional development for intermediate grade teachers reflecting on teaching and learning mathematic big ideas through interaction and engagement of students. This 3-day Fractional and Decimal session focuses on learning key fraction concepts such as equivalence and magnitude before the operations. The session will make connections of decimals to fraction concepts prior to practicing operations on decimals. Participants will acquire knowledge of the big ideas of fractions and decimals to implement effective math instructions. Educators will use current math strategies and resources to aid in effective classroom instruction. Modeling with manipulatives, questioning, multiple representations, relational thinking, language, number lines, cuisenaire rods, set models, area models, pattern blocks, fraction bars, decimal wheel, 100-square grid, place value charts, decimal ruler.
June 4-6, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
Geometry (K-2)
Geometry in K-2 is much more than identifying shapes! Topics include shapes, properties, pre-fractional reasoning, research, learning progressions, and more. Participants will dig into the ALCOS geometry standards, explore standards-based hands-on experiences to take back to their classrooms, and apply their learning as they engage in formative assessment cycles to analyze student work and discuss next instructional steps.
June 17, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
Prerequisite- Math Foundational Training (K-5)
Geometry, Data and Measurement (3-5)
Participants will understand and use various models of representation for teaching and learning geometry, measurement, and data analysis. Deepen conceptual knowledge of geometry, measurement, and data analysis.
June 18, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
Prerequisite- Math Foundational Training (K-5)
NUMBERS: Number Sense (K-5)
This 2 day module focuses on number meaning, number relationships, number operations, problem types/structures, and problem solving. Finger, skip, & counting on, multiple representations, structured games, hundred chart, five & ten frames, number mountains, place value coins, algorithms & alternate algorithms, doubles, doubles +1, making 10, number lines, cognitively guided instruction, manipulatives, questioning, talk moves, groups, area/arrays, comparisons, fact families & fluency, partial products.
June 24-25, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
Developing Decimal Concepts (3-5)
This 6-hour module focuses on the extension of the place value system, connecting fractional reasoning to decimal notation, constructing meaning through concrete, semi-concrete, and abstract representations, comparing and ordering, and applications in measurement and monetary units. Participants will analyze evidence of student understanding to inform the planning of the next instructional steps and explore mental math and number sense routines to foster student discourse and conceptual understanding.
June 27, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
Prerequisite- Math Foundational Training (K-5)
NUMBERS: Measurement & Geometry (K-8)
NUMBERS is professional development for intermediate grade teachers reflecting on teaching and learning mathematic big ideas through interaction and engagement of students. This 2-day Geometry and Measurement session focuses on learning key math ideas. Participants will acquire knowledge of the big ideas of geometry and measurement to implement effective math instruction. Educators will use current math strategies and resources to aid in effective classroom instruction of geometric measurements.
July 8-9, Kevin Dukes Center, 8:00-3:00
6-12 Math
Math Foundational Training (6-12)
Check back soon!
(FULL) Using Proficiency Scales to Support Instruction and Assessment (6-12)
In this 1-day PLO, participants will explore how proficiency scales can be used to support instruction and assessment. At the end of the session, participants will be prepared to implement proficiency scales in an upcoming unit.
May 28, UAH, 8:30-3:30
(FULL) Precision and Pedagogy Part 1: Yearlong Planning with Proficiency Scales (6-12)
In this 1-day professional learning opportunity, participants will explore how proficiency scales are used to support yearlong planning. By the end of this session, participants will create a yearlong plan using existing resources and ALSDE proficiency scales.
May 29, UAH, 8:30-3:30
NUMBERS: Fractions and Decimals (3-8)
NUMBERS is professional development for intermediate grade teachers reflecting on teaching and learning mathematic big ideas through interaction and engagement of students. This 3-day Fractional and Decimal session focuses on learning key fraction concepts such as equivalence and magnitude before the operations. The session will make connections of decimals to fraction concepts prior to practicing operations on decimals. Participants will acquire knowledge of the big ideas of fractions and decimals to implement effective math instructions. Educators will use current math strategies and resources to aid in effective classroom instruction. Modeling with manipulatives, questioning, multiple representations, relational thinking, language, number lines, cuisenaire rods, set models, area models, pattern blocks, fraction bars, decimal wheel, 100-square grid, place value charts, decimal ruler.
June 4-6, Bridge Street, 8:30-3:30
AMSTI Science & Engineering
All AMSTI training is TEAMS approved and is provided at no cost to you or your school. AMSTI does not reimburse travel expenses or substitute pay. Please secure permission from your administrator prior to submitting your registration. Thank you!
(FULL) Using Proficiency Scales to Support Instruction and Assessment (6-12)
In this 1-day PLO, participants will explore how proficiency scales can be used to support instruction and assessment. At the end of the session, participants will be prepared to implement proficiency scales in an upcoming unit.
May 28, UAH, 8:30-3:30
(FULL) Precision and Pedagogy Part 1: Yearlong Planning with Proficiency Scales (6-12)
In this 1-day professional learning opportunity, participants will explore how proficiency scales are used to support yearlong planning. By the end of this session, participants will create a yearlong plan using existing resources and ALSDE proficiency scales.
May 29, UAH, 8:30-3:30
K-12 Science
Science Foundational Training (K-12)
This 1-day PLO is a prerequisite for NEW AMSTI and ASIM teachers to attend elementary and secondary science content professional learning opportunities. It is strongly recommended for EXISTING AMSTI and ASIM teachers. Outcomes include: 1) examine the role of AMSTI in improving K-12 science teaching and learning; 2) experience the 2023 Alabama Course of Study (ACOS): Science, and 3) equip educators to participate in AMSTI's essential services.
April 29, 8:30-3:30, UAH
K-8 Improving ACAP Science Scores (K-8)
In this 6-hour PLO, participants will 1) Explore the three-dimensional components of science instruction and assessment as outlined in the 2015 Alabama Course of Study (ACOS): Science, 2) Analyze and interpret ACAP Science data to discover proficiency levels of students across Alabama, in your system, and in your school, and 3) Explore ACAP resources that will help you connect your classroom instruction and assessment to the ACOS standards.
Feburary 17, 8:30-3:30, UAH
The ACAP Science Experience (grades 4,6,8 only)
This hybrid PLO is for science teachers in grades 4, 6, and 8 committed to completing the ACAP Science Experience. Teachers will receive resources to help prepare students for the ACAP science assessment. In the classroom, teachers will facilitate 3 hours of instructional time where students will explore ACAP item types and the Online Tools Training to help build student confidence and maximize achievement. Teachers will then participate in a reflective session to analyze where students stand with confidence and preparation.Virtual Opening session February 3 or February 4, 3:30-4:30pm
Virtual Closing session March 3 or March 6, 3:30-4:30pm
University of Alabama Huntsville
188 Sparkman NW
Shelbie King HallRoom 201
Email: amsti@uah.edu
Website: https://www.amsti.org/
Phone: 256-824-6156
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093851024692
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amsti_uah/
X: @amstiuah