Ridge Circle Family Newsletter
March 3, 2023
Monday Starts RC March/April Attendance Madness
Ridge Circle Celebrates Read Across America March 6-10
Parents...Did you do your homework???
Link to survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
Closes March 31, 2023.
Return the form below(with the apple on it) to receive your family paw!
To order online click here and enter this code: 73498E
Valuables-- Pokémon cards
This past week we have seen and increasing number of students bring their Pokémon cards to school to purchase or trade. This is not allowed at Ridge Circle.
Please leave all valuable items at home. They are safest at home.
Importance of Breakfast
Starting the day with breakfast has shown to have many benefits for our children. When our children have "fuel in their tank" to start their day, they tend to be in school more often, be a better learner and be more willing to participate in lessons. Another positive is that students who eat breakfast are less likely to cause disruptions in class related to disciplinary and behavioral challenges.
For many of our families, the food budget is stretched, especially over these past several years. Thankfully, School District U-46 is providing free breakfast (and lunch) for ALL students in the district this school year. That means your student can reap these rewards of being able to enjoy a school breakfast to start the day.
If you would like to practice with your child, please click below for activities.
ISA--Illinois Science Assessment
Please encourage your child to do their best and show their Science knowledge. Below are the parent letters to further explain.
Author Visit
If you are interested in purchasing an autographed book, see the flyer that was sent home this week and below.
News from the Health Office
It’s that time of year again when things that crawl and make our heads itch become a problem. We expect a few cases of lice every year. While certainly not an epidemic, a few extra steps on your part will help to reduce the spread. Because research has shown that mass screening is not effective, the Nurses no longer screen entire classrooms. The best prevention is for you to examine your student’s hair on a regular basis and to remind them not to share combs, hats, scrunchies, barrettes, etc. If you notice they are scratching their heads, please look for the cause. If they have lice, please treat them and let the Health Office know. If you need information on prevention and/or treatment, please call the Health Office. There are many web sites as well. Lice aren’t lethal, just a nuisance. Thank you for helping us keep our students healthy.
Lost and (hopefully!!) Found
Morning Drop Off / Afternoon Pick Up
Drop off begins at 8:15am. (There is no supervision prior to 8:15am)
Before School Line Up Locations
Grade Kindergarten, 1st , 2nd by door 6 and 7 and enter door 5
Grade 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th on the basketball courts and enter door 4
**Bus Riders will line up by Door 1.
After School Pick Up
Students will exit the door they enter.
Critical Information
Our teachers need your child's pick up information. Please share with them whether your child is a parent pick up, walker, turnabout pick up, Boys & Girls club or older sibling picking up.
If you are driving your child to or from school, you must use the turnabout on Streamwood Boulevard. Drivers must stay in their cars. Staff will escort your child to their line up location. There is no parking in the turnabout.
** In order for our process to work, it takes patience. **
RC Attendance Email
What should I do if my student is sick/tardy or can not go to school?
Ridge Circle now has an email that you can report your child(ren)’s absences and/or tardies!
ALL absences must be reported by a parent or guardian on or before the day of the absence(9am). Please provide the following information on the email:
● Child(ren)’s Name, Grade & Teacher
● Reason for absence:
Please state if your child(ren) is exhibiting one or more symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms are:
Fever of 100.4 or higher, new onset of moderate to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue from an unknown cause, muscle or body aches from an unknown cause.
Doctor’s Appointment, Funeral, Family Emergency, or another issue.
Attendance Line: 630-213-5600 ext. 5601
Front Office 630-213-5600 ext. 5640
Bilingual Liaison 630-213-5600 ext. 7112
Nurse: 630-213-5600 ext. 5803
RC Upcoming Events
Feb. 27 - March 10 - 2nd Grade --CogAT Assessment
March 1 - March 24--5th Grade --IL Science Assessment
March 6 - April 10 - Attendance Madness
March 14 - Author Visit
March 27 - 31 - Spring Break!!
April 19 - Math Night
Join us for District Events
U-46 Bond Proposal on April 4 ballot
U-46 STEM Expo--April 29
District Parent Cafes in Spanish
For a complete schedule, click here.
Positions available in U-46
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Looking for Child Care Before and After School?
Ridge Circle Administrative Team
Please contact us if you need anything.
Janelle Raine, principal janelleraine@u-46.org
Anissa Lanotte, assistant principal anissaupshaw@u-46.org
Sarah Hansen, resident administrator sarahhansen@u-46.org
Ridge Circle Elementary School
Email: janelleraine@u-46.org
Website: https://www.u-46.org/RidgeCircle#calendar39/20180901/month
Location: 420 Ridge Circle, Streamwood, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 213-5600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RidgeCircleElementary
Twitter: @RidgeCircle