Rowland High School
Raider Review - February 5 - 10

Events for the Week of February 5 - 10
Tuesday - 2/6
Girls Water Polo CIF First Round vs. Northwood - Home
Wednesday - 2/7
Boys Basketball CIF First Round vs. Woodbridge HS in Irvine @ 7:00 p.m.
Jostens Family Night Order - 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the Hideout
Jostens Lunchtime Orders - during lunchtime in the Quad
Thursday - 2/8
Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the District Office
Jostens Lunchtime Orders - during lunchtime in the Quad
Friday - 2/9
Boys Wrestling Individual Championship - CIF @ Yucaipa
Girls Wrestling Individual Championship - CIF @ Corona
VAPA Elective Fair Day
*For times, updates, and more information, go to our Athletics Calendar*
English Department
The English courses at Rowland High School build and progress from 9th to 12th grade. Every year, students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Whether it is through whole class instruction, small groups, or independent work, teachers provide a variety of opportunities for students to enhance their skills in order to excel at RHS and post high school.
In Mr. Falk’s English 12 classes, students are currently reading Macbeth and experiencing Shakespearean language in class. At the conclusion of the play, students will perform portions of the play in groups or individually recite a soliloquy. Students enjoy dressing up, incorporating props, and embodying characters who are iconic on stage like the Witches who chant, “Double, double, toil and trouble.” A summative assessment like this evaluates students’ interpretive and analytical skills with the play, but also reinforces ELA listening and speaking standards.
Social Studies
AP Psychology
In our AP Psychology class, students engaged in a Socratic seminar after completing the memory unit. The seminar addressed the question: "If technology allowed individuals to erase memories of specific events in their lives, such as traumatic experiences, should society allow this technology to be widely available?" This discussion was facilitated using the online discussion platform, Parlay. Parlay is an instructional platform designed to help teachers facilitate meaningful and inclusive classroom discussions. It ensures every student has a voice while also allowing the teacher to track student participation effortlessly.
World History
Mr. Lohman begins each class by focusing on his students' mental health. He does this by dimming the lights and leading his students in a daily 5-10-minute meditation. This helps the students mentally prepare to engage in class discussions and other social studies activities.
World History Honors
Ms. Oertwig's class recently participated in a Berlin Conference Simulation. The intent was to practice argumentation and negotiation skills while emulating the conversations surrounding imperialism that Europeans had during the 1880s. There were advantages based on which team they were and the historical truth of the era.
IB Field Trip
IB Students spent the day learning about the Physics of roller coasters at Disneyland. They learned about how the roller coasters were designed, built, and run. The students especially enjoyed designing their own small scale roller coaster, building it, and testing it.
RHS' FBLA Awards
The RHS FBLA chapter wins big at the Southern Section Conference on Saturday, January 20th, held at Cal State Fullerton. The chapter received 4th place in overall awards out of 22 schools hosting over 700 competitors. RHS sent 64 students and received 44 awards for placing in the top 10 for individual events. Twenty students qualified in one or two events to compete at the state conference in April. The advisers, Mr. Jacoy and Mrs. Manookian are so proud of the chapter's accomplishment! They want to commend our chapter president, Allen Li, for all of his hard work, leadership, and inspiration he provides to our students in FBLA. He is a true Raider: A Thinker, Communicator, and Contributor.
Register now for Academic Competition Summer School Class!
Student Activities
National School Counseling Week!
Say thank you to your counselor! They help you achieve school success and plan for a career.
ASB Applications for 2024-2025 are available now!
ASB applications for 2024-2025 are available from February 5 to February 20. Apply for ASB President, ASB Vice-President, ASB Speaker of the House, members at large, and all class officers (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian). Pick up your applications during nutrition, lunch, and after school from the ASB office.
Order now your Valentine's Grams!
Available during lunch only!
DIY Valentine's Pop-Up Card
VAPA Club Fair Day
Go visit the Visual and Performing Arts Clubs during lunch in the Quad on Friday, February 9!
Power 106
Power 106 is coming on February 15. Rowland Staff plays the Staff from Power 106 at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $4 presale and $5 at the door.
Counseling News
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Rowland Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education and in employment. Rowland Unified prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Chief Compliance and Title IX Officer, Silvia Rivas, by phone at (626)854-8392, by email at srivas@rowlandschools.org, or in person at Rowland Unified School District at 1830 Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, 91748.