Miner Bee Messenger
TES Family Updates
Welcome Ryan Robinson as our New School Board Member!
School Safety & Security:
Adjusted end of the day schedule
Students that are being picked up by their parents or after school activity will be dismissed at 3:15.
It is really just a 5 minute difference in the original schedule. Thank you for your flexibility!
Two parent representatives needed for TES Accountability Committee
We have one meeting per month and will ask your support assistance in creating what we are presenting at our meetings.
Important Dates: Mark You Calendars
Monday, August 29th: Telluride School Board Work Session
Tuesday, August 30: Telluride School Board Monthly Meeting
Thursday, September 1st: 2nd Grade Parent Night @ 5:30p.m. in TES Cafeteria
September 2: Correction!
- Half Day of school for students/ Teacher Collaboration
September 5th: Labor Day- No School
September 6th: 1st Grade Parent Night @ TES
September 7th: TES Accountability Meeting @ 3:30 @ TES
Please click here for 2022-2023 TSD Board of Education meetings. You can find agenda and packets on the school website here for the August meetings below:
8.29.22 Special Meeting at 3:15 pm
8.29.22 Work Session at 3:30 pm
8.30.22 Monthly Meeting at 5:15 pm
Links for TES Families
Lunch Menu August/ September https://cdn5-ss2.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_4072017/File/LUNCH/Lunch.pdf
Anyone interested in ordering a yearbook from last year please email edespres@telluride.k12.co.us. We will get number first, and announce when they have arrived.
2022-23 District Calendar
Skippy Dental Link
Community Information
Telluride Elementary School
Email: ktreinen@telluride.k12.co.us
Website: https://tes.tellurideschool.org/
Location: 447 West Columbia Avenue, Telluride, CO, USA
Phone: 970-728-6615