Deerfield April 2023 Newsletter
April 2023
Calendar of Events
April 11- PTO annual meeting at 7 the music room or attend via the link in the newsletter. Officer elections will be held.
April 13- Eileen’s cookie dough pick-up 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the cafeteria
April 14- No School
April 17- No School
April 18- High Five nominations due
April 20- 3rd Grade Theatre Arts Day
April 25- KDG & 3rd Grade Music Program
April 26- Kindergarten Orientation 2:00-2:45pm & 3:00-3:45pm
April 28- KDG Field Trip to the Kansas Discovery Center 11:15am-2:45pm
April 29- Deerfield Carnival 3-6pm
TBA- April’s Deerfield Dines Out will be at Topper’s. Watch PTO’s Facebook page for more details.
May 1- Deadline for Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week donations
May 2- 3rd-5th West Middle School Chorale Spring Show at Deerfield 9:40am-10:15am
May 2- 4th & 5th Music Program
May 3- Kindergarten Orientation 2:00-2:45pm& 3:00-3:45pm
May 5- Field Day
May 8-12- Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Week
May 9- PTO meeting at 7 p.m. in the music room or attend via the link in the newsletter
2022-2023 Yearbook!
Field Day 2023
Deerfield will have Field Day this year on Friday, May 5th (rain option May 12th). There will be three sessions:
Session 1 Grades 2-3 - 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Session 2 Grades 4-5 - 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Session 3 Grades k-1 - 1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Parents and guardians are welcome to attend their student’s session. Upon arrival, all adults must check in at the “Visitor Check-In” table located outside on the blacktop to receive a visitor’s sticker. The activities will take place along the southwest side of the school (playground, blacktop, field). Students participating in field day will have the opportunity to move freely between the activities. Please send an extra set of clothes with your child on Field Day just in case they get wet or muddy. Let's have a safe and fun day!
Optional: Student Learning Profile for the 2023-24 School Year
Deerfield Elementary uses academic, behavioral and social-emotional data in a collaborative process among teachers to place students in class sections for the following school year. Our goal is to achieve the best possible balance for each class within a grade level. As a reminder Deerfield does not accept requests for specific teachers, nor are students automatically assigned to a teacher the family has had in the past. Additionally, we will not accept requests to be placed with specific classmates. Class placements for the 2023-24 school year will be made public the first week of August.
However, you may provide us with information about your child for our consideration in this process by completing the Learner Profile form below. The information you provide to us is appreciated and serves as supplemental information in our process to achieve the desired balance. Please use the link below if you wish to provide us with additional information.
Student Learner Profile for 2023-24
- Individually packaged snacks for students that are not able to provide their own.
- K-cups(and creamer)/ disposable coffee cups/ snacks for teacher's lounge/ soda for teacher's lounge
- Sandwich size Ziploc baggies for Nurse's office.
- Dry Erase Markers
- Construction Paper
- Post-It notes
- Index Cards
- Black or Blue Pens
We are so appreciative of each and every donation! Thank you!!
Kindergarten Orientation
Register your kindergartner Here!!
Here is some great information to check out for incoming kindergartners!
Please visit our Kindergarten Orientation Google Site to learn more about our Kindergarten program and prepare for Kindergarten Orientation.
From the Business Office: School Fee Balances
The district's current outstanding fee balances on active students is $934,826.84. If we add in outstanding fees for inactive students, the district's total is $1,012,031.89. Deerfield's outstanding balance for active and inactive students is $20,270.19 and $65.00 respectively.
Fees assessed to a student dated prior to May 1, 2023 will be sent to collections on June 15, 2023. March statements included a sticker with this deadline to make families aware of this date.
Districtwide, we have 1,354 students who qualify for free or reduced-priced lunches whose families have not submitted a Consent for Disclosure form. The Consent form is not required, but if it is completed and on file in the business office this allows certain fees to be waived.
Deerfield VIP- Very Important People Volunteers
Please help us improve your volunteer experience! If you have been a VIP Volunteer this school year, please use the QR code below to complete a quick survey.
Change maker of the week!
4/11-4/13- Wallace Amos
4/18-4/22- Fred Rogers
4/25-4/29- Ashley Fiolek
Equity Resource Guide
The Equity Resource guide was created by the Deerfield Equity team in the hopes that families can find resources, events and additional information to support our vision of all students attaining an equitable education. Expect 1 more guide to be sent out this year.
Deerfield Addendum to District Handbook
Lunch Schedule
1st Grade: 11:00-11:25
2nd Grade: 11:25-11:50
3rd Grade: 11:30-11:55
4/5 Bates, Rich, Bailey: 12:00-12:25 (MTTF), 12:10-12:35(W)
4/5 Clover, Roman, Red Pipe: 12:05-12:30
Save the Date: Music Program
1st and 2nd Grade-Tuesday, April 4
-1st Grade at 6:15pm
2nd Grade at 7pm
Kindergarten and 3rd Grade- Tuesday, April 25
-Kindergarten at 6:15pm
-3rd Grade at 7pm
4th and 5th Grade- Tuesday, May 2
-3 classes at 6:15pm
-3 classes at 7pm
Important Attendance Reminders:
All parents/guardians must come into the school to sign out their child if checking them out during school hours. This was our policy prior to Covid and we are now following this procedure again.
President-Angela Wilson
Vice President-Melissa Pam
Treasurer-Christina Terfler
Secretary-Brooke Hesler Ramsey
Come to a PTO Meeting or Follow us on Facebook
TUESDAY, April 11, 2023, 7 p.m. in the music room. You can also join via our Webex link below.
Come learn about the ways PTO supports students and staff, find out how you can help, and VOTE on issues that matter to you, including how PTO spends its budget. We will vote to fill three open officer seats at this meeting.
Want to stay in the know?
Follow us on Facebook at
We also share all of our events and announcements in the Deerfield Parents & Guardians Facebook group. Join the group here: and invite all your Deerfield Facebook friends!
Remind (sends text reminders)
Text 81010 with the message @dfpto
Deerfield Carnival Volunteers & Donors Needed!
The Deerfield Carnival is back! Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 29, from 3-6pm. This is PTO’s largest fundraiser and it’s only as successful as its volunteers! We need help in all areas-set up, chaperoning stations, clean up and more. Please use the Sign Up Genius to volunteer for a spot. Thank you, in advance, for making our first carnival since 2019 a success!
Eileen’s Cookie Dough Pick-Up Coming April 13
This Spring, Deerfield PTO brought back the Eileen's Colossal Cookie fundraiser. Thank you so much to all families who sold cookie dough to help PTO raise much-needed funds. Now it’s time to mark your calendars for Thursday, April 13, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for cookie-dough pick-up in the Deerfield cafeteria. Special thanks to Kim Grooms for coording this year's fundraiser!
PTO is also in need of a few volunteers to help with distribution. Sign up here:
Teacher Appreciation Week Planning is Underway
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week will be celebrated May 8-12 with treats, snacks, & meals! If you would like to volunteer or contribute, contact Ashley All at 785-766-0382 or venmo @Ashley-All before May 1st. PTO would like to thank Ashley All for all of her work coordinating these events this year and in past years!
Penny Wars Runs April 3-7
Penny Wars is coming April 3-7! Start checking those pockets, purses and couch cushions for spare change!
Penny Wars is a class competition. All pennies and bills are positive points for your class. All silver coins take points away from a class.
Students can win daily mini-prizes if their classroom is in the lead, and the classroom to collect the most positive penny points over the whole week wins a Topper’s Pizza Party
Proceeds from Penny Wars benefits Just Food. Each $1 donated provides 2 meals to our community.
PTO is looking for volunteers to help count the change each day. Use the Sign Up Genius to sign up to help! Email with questions.
Mr. Josh Cuffe is March’s High Five Winner!
Congratulations to our High Five March winner, Mr. Josh Cuffe!
Mr. Josh is one of Deerfield’s amazing para educators! He was nominated by Aubrey Rajaei, a student in Mrs. Bates’s 5th grade class. Aubrey thinks Mr. Josh deserves a HUGE high five because “he helps students when needed. He always gives everyone positive thoughts and when someone is upset, he always cheers them up. He makes sure everyone is included and is happy. Mr. Josh is a nice guy!”
Congratulations Mr. Josh! Thank you for all that you do!
The beautiful flowers were donated by Dillons on Lawrence Avenue. Mr. Josh, Aubrey and her class will be treated to a pizza party from Toppers to celebrate!
Thank you to all the students who nominated our amazing Deerfield staff and teachers this month. Nominations for April will be accepted until Tuesday, April 18th! Students can fill out a paper form in the library or complete an online submission here:
April’s winner will be our last High Five winner of the school year.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Full Price
Breakfast -$1.80 Lunch-$2.80
Reduced Price
Breakfast - $.30 Lunch - $.40
Breakfast - $2.55
Lunch - $4.65
Extra Milk
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A-D: @deera-d
E-K: @deere-k
L-Q: @deerl-q
R-Z: @deerr-z
When prompted, enter your name and your child's name in parentheses. Please know that you number is not shared with anyone else. You can unsubscribe anytime by texted @leave.
Deerfield School
Location: 101 Lawrence Avenue, Lawrence, KS, United States
Phone: 785-832-5660