Sea Turtle Scoop
SHES Newsletter for December 2023
Safety Harbor Elementary Vision and Mission:
VISION: 100% Student Success
MISSION: Educate and Prepare Each Student for College Career and Life!
Welcome to December Safety Harbor Elementary Families!!
It is hard to believe we are in the midst of the holiday season! I hope that each of you enjoyed a well-deserved Thanksgiving break and spent the time enjoying the company of family and friends, the most valuable of gifts we can each have. It was good to return to school last week and see the smiling faces of our hard-working staff members, students and families.
November brought us a great deal of activity with our Student Council Canned Food Drive, Veteran’s Day Second Grade Musical Performance and Art Show, and 5th Grade Chorus performance for our Veteran's at Daydreamers Cafe & Grill!
On behalf of our SHES team, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the many community members and parents who presented to our students last month during the Great American Teach In. Students learned so much from the information shared and had an opportunity to ask questions about the many career choices presented to them! Additional special thanks to our fabulous PTA who organized, and parents who contributed, to our PTA Fall Staff Appreciation Luncheon! It was a most beautiful and delicious day! The outpouring of support for both events just filled our hearts with happiness! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
ACADEMIC and ASSESSMENT Reminders - With only 14 school days left in December, it is crucial that we remain focused on student achievement, responsibilities, assignments and attendance. Beginning on Monday, December 4th, the window for our Cycle 2 FAST Testing begins. A letter went home with students in K-5 last week with important information. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will again be assessed to measure growth in Reading and Math since their Cycle 1 testing which was conducted at the beginning of the school year. VPK students will be taking the STAR Early Literacy Assessment during this same time period. These assessments are conducted district wide and will provide a projected performance level for Cycle 3, in the Spring. Please talk with your child about the goals they are setting and how important it is to show what they know. Let’s make each day count and be sure we are arriving on time and in school daily so learning can take place.
Additional academic reminders include checking Portal regularly, communicating with your child’s teacher and encouraging your child to read and respond each day from their “Just Right Book” and record reading in Monthly Reading Logs. Independently reading at their “Just Right” levels will increase fluency, accuracy and comprehension. It will also increase reading stamina which is crucial to growing as a reader. Continue to encourage your student to complete their “Beyond the Classroom” assignments on Dreambox and iStation as well.
Thank you for all you do each day to support the learning of your child! I hope you have a happy holiday season and I look forward to seeing you around campus!
Ms. Palmer, Principal
PCS Stakeholder Survey is now Open!
Please take a moment to complete our PCSB stakeholder survey for the 2023-24 schools year! The survey is open now through Friday, 12/22/23. Your input is needed and appreciated!
Families can access the survey through the district webpage: www.pcsb.org/survey or click on the QR Code below.
Upcoming Events in December!!
Wednesday, December 6
6:00pm Tapestry Ensemble (ORFF) Winter Concert - Auditorium - Wear ensemble T-Shirts
Coming up in December:
12/11 CANCELLED: Parent lunches are cancelled for this week due to testing on campus.
12/15 PTA Day of Awesomeness - Fall Fundraiser Celebration - All students will participate
12/21 8:50am SHES Sea Turtle Character Assembly
12/21 Quarter 2 & Semester 1 Ends; Report cards are distributed on 1/18/24
12/22 School Closed for Students
12/23-1/7 - School Closed
1/8/2024 - School Reopens for students & staff
Congratulations Mrs. Cuscino! PCSB Semifinalist for Support Employee of the Year
Message from PTA President ~ Whitney Parks
Happy Holidays from SHES PTA. We hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday season.
PTA would like to give a huge shout out to are SHES families who sent in food for the teachers luncheon. We had an outstanding feast for all our wonderful teachers!
We have a few volunteer opportunities coming up. The first is on 12/15 for our well deserved Day of Awesomeness ! We will require 10 volunteers from 9:15-12:15 to help our kids outside on the inflatables. This is such a fun day, you will want to be there! We also want to give notice to volunteers that our SHES Annual Jog-A-Thon will be on 2/9!
Lastly, We are looking for volunteers for each grade level to help collect photos to include in this years yearbook. Please reach out to the PTA if you are interested!
SHES School Advisory Committee ~
Message from Jessica Lovett ~ Family & Community Liasion
Thank you to our classroom partners. Your support helps provide our teachers with the funds needed to provide our students with exceptional learning opportunities.
The Rozo Family
Laura Stauter
The Scott Family
Doug Kemp & Phillies FL Inc., Clearwater Threshers
Volunteer Info:
Thank you volunteers for all the time you give to our school. Your willingness to help does not go unnoticed. Please make sure that you are logging your volunteer hours. If you need help logging into the portal, please reach out to me and I will help you. We need mentors for our lunch pals program. If you are interested in becoming a mentor let me know.
Jessica Lovett
Family & Community Liaison
Classroom and School Partners
Please reach out to Jessica Lovett if you are interested in being an Adopt-A-Class or Adopt-A-School Partner! Donate to become a school partner today!
City of Safety Harbor Tree Lighting Event
Find more photos of events on our SHES Facebook Page!
Parent Monday Lunch Expectations
12/11/23 - Parent lunches are cancelled for Monday, 12/11 due to testing on campus.
- Parent lunch will take place at the Picnic Tables outside the Cafeteria
- All parents/guests must have a valid ID (Government Issued) when signing in
- FOCUS Forms with contact information must be completed online
- Guests must be accompanied by a parent/guardian
- Parents are only allowed to take their child from the cafeteria for lunch
- Students will not be pulled from outside their lunch period to join a parent for lunch
- Students will rejoin their class in line at the end of their lunch period
- Parents are not authorized to walk with students back to the classroom
- Parents must sign out in the front office
- There is no rainy day plan; parents will plan to visit on another Monday
Picnic table expectations are posted and apply during Monday parent lunches.
Schoolwide Communication & Forms
Our schoolwide communication is sent via e-mail, SMS text messaging and sometimes by a phone call. Not receiving our communication? Please contact the front office to resolve this issue. We want to be sure you are aware of all events and opportunities on campus!
Back to School Forms:
Find out more information on how to complete forms online at: https://www.pcsb.org/backtoschoolforms
Electronic forms include:
- Parent Acknowledgement of Student Code of Conduct
- Media Release
- Directory Information Opt-Out Letter
- Network/Internet Acceptable Use Agreement
- Technology Equipment Acceptance and Responsibility
- Residency Questionnaire
- School-Based Healthcare Services
- Student Clinic Card
IMPORTANT!!! Can we reach you in case of an EMERGENCY??
Safety Harbor Elementary - Guidelines for Success
Safety First at Safety Harbor ~ Travel Tips for School
- Be a good example for your children - Obey the Law
- Utilize the Car Circle for Drop Off and Pick Up - it's slow at the start of the year, but will improve! Pull all the way forward - do not leave any gaps in the car circle!
- Park off campus (legally) and walk your child to a main entrance
- ONLY Use crosswalks and Crossing Guards - Please DO NOT PARK OR CROSS 6th Avenue & MLK - walk to a crosswalk with a crossing guard
- Do not drop off students in the north parking lot or along sidewalks
FREE Breakfast for every student! Begins at 8:15am
FREE Lunch for every student!
Wondering what is for Breakfast & Lunch? Visit the link below
SHES School & Classroom Partners!
Available donation opportunities include:
- Individual Classroom/Support Service Adoption
- Schoolwide Adoption
- School Program Adoption for staff and/or students
Please contact the front office and ask for Jessica Lovett our new Family/Community Liaison!
Healthy Food and Wellness Guidelines
Please see our district's wellness guidelines below along with suggestions for healthy snacks. Or visit the link https://www.pcsb.org/Page/26421
Reading At Home & Helpful Links....
Students who turn in 7 of 8 monthly reading logs for this school year will be invited to participate in a celebration at the end of the school year with Ms. Palmer and Mrs. Stryker!
PCSB Elementary Reading and Language Arts
PCSB Early Childhood Education
Parent Guides by Grade Level Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.)
Benchmarks of Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) www.cpalms.org
How To Raise Avid Readers
- Read to your child, often and with enthusiasm. ...
- Talk about what you liked or didn't like. ...
- Allow your child to see you reading for enjoyment. ...
- Go to the local library. ...
- Incorporate reading time into your routine. ...
- Spend time in a bookstore just exploring the aisles. ...
- Foster independence and choice.
Safety Harbor Elementary Vision and Mission:
VISION: 100% Student Success
MISSION: Educate and Prepare Each Student for College Career and Life!
Front Office Hours and Assistance:
Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday/Sunday: Closed
Cecilia Palmer - Principal
Wendy Stryker - Assistant Principal
Michelle Merz - Secretary / Bookkeeper
Lisa Zollars - Registration / Data Management Technician
Jessica Lovett - Family Liaison / Volunteer Coordinator
Amy Glover - Front Office Clerk
Cafeteria Information: https://www.pcsb.org/domain/2206
Safety Harbor Elementary School
Email: palmerce@pcsb.org
Website: https://www.pcsb.org/safetyharbor-es
Location: 535 5th Avenue North, Safety Harbor, FL, USA
Phone: (727) 724-1462
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shesseaturtle