The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - September 2020
In-Person Students - In-person students must be physically present at school on scheduled days in order to be counted present, even if they complete online work from home. If your child is absent from school, please call the office and notify the school secretary of the reason for your child's absence. 524-2243
Remote Students - Please make sure you log in to your google classroom and complete the attendance check-in form on remote days.
- Group A, you complete this on T/Th/Fr.
- Group B, you complete this on M/W/Fr.
- FULL remote students complete this all 5 days.
Most students have been doing a great job with this. Keep up the good work!
Mid-Term Grades
Remote learning is very different from last spring. Per state guidelines, we are to take grades and issue report cards this year. The teachers and staff realize that this is a less than ideal learning situation. With that being said, we have to do the best we can with the situation before us.
At this time, we have some students who have not completed work. We ask that the parents, grandparents, and/or guardians monitor their child's work to see that it gets finished. Thank you in advance for your help.
Star Reading Test Results & Accelerated Reader Goals
Star scores are used to set reading goals in Accelerated Reader. Please watch the video below to learn more about Accelerated Reader and our new electronic library options. Your child's teacher will provide information about their AR goal for the quarter.
September Menu
Big John's Receipt Program
Our Apples for the Students program has started! We want to thank Metropolis Big John for always participating in this program for our school!
All you have to do is drop your register receipt into the Franklin Lancer designated box as you leave the store. Ask the cashier to print a duplicate if you like to keep receipts for your records. We earn reward points with every $ spent that we can redeem for FREE merchandise!
Look for the Franklin box next time you are at Big John's!
Daily Health Screening
Please watch for an announcement from the district office about our NEW health screening system, Crisis Go.
Each morning, parents will receive an email and will need to complete the screening by clicking the REPORT button inside.
We ask that parents complete this each day BEFORE students enter the school building at 7:45 a.m.
The new system is scheduled to launch next week. More information is coming soon!
Health Requirements
-Birth Certificate
-Current physical
-Updated vaccinations, current this year- Dtap, Polio, MMR, Varicella, Hep B, Pneumo
-Lead Screen
-Dental exam
-Vision exam
Second Grade
-Dental exam
Sixth Grade
-Current physical
-Up to date vaccinations- meningococcal is due for 6th grade
-Dental exam
For the parents that want to wait on their child's dental exam, Dental Safari can do the dental exam when they come February 17, 2021. Here is the link to fill out the form: www.dentalsafariforms.com
Taking Care of Chromebooks
- Please be sure your child brings their Chromebooks to school on in-person learning days, and that it is charged/ready to use at the start of the day.
- Students should not eat or drink while using the Chromebook.
- The Chromebook should not be left unattended while not in use. Please teach kids to put it in the backpack when they walk away from it.
- It should not be shared with siblings or other family members.
Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our technology safe! We are very fortunate to have Chromebooks for every student.
Contact Us
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mt Mission Rd, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243