Henry Hawk News
Week of November 8, 2021
A Message From The Principal
Dear Henry Hawk Families,
We hope you enjoyed the chilly but pleasant weather this weekend. We might not see 60 degrees for some time after these next few days so let’s enjoy the fall weather before winter arrives. As all of you know, we expected to have Veterans Day off but now we will have November 12th off as well for vaccination awareness.
To find an appointment to get your child vaccinated:
- Visit vaccines.gov/search
- text your ZIP code to 438829
- Call 1-800-232-0233
This week we are starting the 1st week of the 2nd quarter. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. You will receive and appointment letter this week to choose your time. Thank you to those who have told us that you wanted virtual or in-person.
This is the 3rd week in a row where we don’t have any new positive cases of covid. Thank you for helping us by following our covid protocols. Please remind your child to continue to wearing their mask at all times unless they are eating or drinking.
Henry School will have covid testing on 11/08/2021 at HENRY from from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CST.
- Henry School will have covid testing on 11/08/2021 at HENRY from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. CST.
- LSC Meeting Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
- End of 1st Quarter Thursday, November 11, 2021 (Veterans' Day)
- No School on Friday, November 12, 2021 (Vaccination Awareness Day)
- State of the School Address, Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.
- Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 (No classes for students)
- Thanksgiving Break November 24th - 26th
Have a great week!
Juan Gutierrez, Principal
Mary Ann Reynolds, Assistant Principal
Lora Abraham, Assistant Principal
What's New?
Henry Basketball Parent Letter
LSC Meeting at 4:30 p.m. (auditorium and virtual)
Student Covid Testing Registration
Go CPS Application Live
Student Fees: Pay via E-pay
Henry Spirit Wear Orders Are Now Available
CPS Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Roosevelt High School
Submit a Copy of Student Vaccination Records
Protocol For Suspected Illness
LSC Meeting
LSC MEETING AGENDA: Patrick Henry Local School Council notice is hereby given that the LSC has scheduled a regular meeting of the LSC Beginning at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and virtually using Google Meets.
Join with Google Meet meet.google.com/xvs-twbk-jev
Join by phone(US) +1 385-999-6091 PIN: 713 044 997#
Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021, 04:30 PM
Henry Auditorium and Virtually
Henry Basketball Parent Letter
Student Covid Testing Registration
Dear Henry Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back to an exciting and promising school year! As part of the district’s efforts to ensure the safety of our students, we are partnering with Thermo Fisher Scientific and Color Health to provide all students with COVID-19 testing beginning September 1, 2021 for the school year through the ReadyCheckGo™ testing program.
If you are interested in having your child participate in testing, please follow this link https://home.color.com/covid/sign-up/start?partner=tf-hen-609988-students and complete the registration process. A parent or guardian must register any minor under 18 years old, and you’ll give a one-time consent and HIPAA authorization to share your child’s results with the school and district.
Testing is optional for students, except for unvaccinated and partially vaccinated student athletes. Testing will take place during regular school hours and results will be available in 24 to 48 hours. Color Health will follow up with you directly if your child receives a positive result.
For more information on testing with Thermo Fisher and Color, including self-swab testing and receiving results, head to their Support FAQs or call 888-603-1028. You may also email the CPS COVID-19 Testing Team at covidtestingcps@cps.edu.
Thank you for your participation to keep our school community safe and healthy.
-CPS COVID-19 Testing Team
QR Code to Register for Student Covid Testing
Student Fees: Pay via E-pay
Click the "Henry E-Pay" button on our website patrickhenryes.cps.edu to make payments on student fees, field trips, fundraisers, etc. You will need your child's student ID number to make the online transaction.
Please call the office at 773-534-5060 if you have any questions.
Student Fees
$25 - 1 student
$50 - 2+ students (family)
Henry Spirit Wear Orders Are Now Available
Store is open until November 16th!
Items will be delivered to the school before Winter Break!
Click on the button below to order now.
CPS Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Roosevelt High School
CPS has opened a Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Theodore Roosevelt High School located at 3436 W Wilson Ave every Wednesday from 9am-1pm. The Pfizer (≥ 12yo – 2 dose series) and J&J (≥ 18yo – 1 dose series) COVID-19 vaccines will be offered free of charge with no ID or insurance required. Appointments are encouraged and can be made by clicking here. Those walking in without an appointment will be permitted to enter the Clinic and be registered for immediate, same-day vaccination administration by Clinic Staff, while supplies last.
Given that your schools are within approximately 2 miles of this location, this may be an additional resource for your parents/legal guardians who are interested in obtaining the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for their child(ren) ≥ 12yo or for their family members ≥ 18yo who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine yet and would prefer a 1 dose series with the J&J COVID-19 vaccine.
To encourage participation in our vaccination effort, gift card incentives totaling $100, provided by the Chicago Department of Health (CDPH), are being offered at this site to participating individuals, who begin AND end their vaccination series after September 4th, 2021, while supplies last. At this time, the following exclusions apply:
- Those who received their first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination before September 4th, 2021 are NOT eligible to receive this incentive for their second dose.
- Those eligible to receive a third Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination dose are NOT eligible to receive this incentive for their third dose.
- This incentive program is NOT available at CPS Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Events.
For more information on eligibility criteria for this incentive, please email CDPH or call them at 312-746-4835.
Should our clinics' operating hours or any other currently scheduled vaccination event throughout the City of Chicago not work for your students' and parents/legal guardians' schedule(s), they may receive either the Pfizer or J&J vaccines at home, along with the same gift card incentives, totaling $100! The same participation exclusions listed earlier apply here as well. Participation in the "Protect Chicago at Home" program can be done by calling 312-746-4835 to make an appointment for up to 10 individuals per home location. Interested participants may also schedule their appointment(s) online by registering here.
Submit a Copy of Student Vaccination Records
Vaccination is the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. It benefits not only the individual, but also schools and communities by reducing transmission of the virus.
Nearly 60% of young people in Chicago aged 12-17 years have received at least one dose of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is safe and effective for children, and is offered at no cost. To find more information regarding vaccine opportunities please visit:
CPS COVID-19 Vaccination Program:
City of Chicago Vaccine Sites:
or call 312.746.4835 to make an appointment
Parents/guardians of fully vaccinated students are urged to submit a copy of their child’s COVID-19 vaccination record to their child’s school. Student vaccination records will be entered into the student’s electronic record in ASPEN, where they can be stored safely and used to inform the contact tracing and quarantining process. School nurses are the only staff who are trained and qualified to enter student vaccination records, so forms that are given to teachers, school clerks, etc. will be routed to the school nurse.
Protocol For Suspected Illness
- Students are seen by the nurse to determine if there is a suspected illness to be sent to the Care Room. If there is a suspected illness, parents are notified to pick up student
Students wait in the Care Room until they are picked up. Ms. Reynolds or Ms. Abraham will speak to the parent regarding the "Referral For Suspected Illness". Parents are provided with the referral that also will need to be reviewed by a medical professional who will determine if a Covid Test is needed. Students may not return to school until there is clearance from the doctor.
Negative Test and no fever - students can return to school
Positive Test - parents have to call the school and self report on cps.edu/covidresults
Administration will get notification of a positive case and will follow the steps with the support from the Network Chief.
Administration will send information to parents if a classroom will have to flip to remote learning due to a positive case.
Please note that we are not allowed to disclose any medical information of any student or staff member due to HIPAA laws.
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1