Kennedy News
Referendum, Early Release, Fundraiser, Tailgating and Spiritwear Shop News
Referendum News: Future Focused Schools
A special election is being held on November 7 asking voters to improve the educational facilities throughout Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS). As parents of our #MAPSready students, we'd like to share with you the referendum plans that will be on the ballot this fall.
The school district is holding a two-question referendum on November 7 for the following:
Safety + Security at all MAPS school buildings
Early Learning Access for our youngest learners and families
Learning + Wellness Spaces for students and staff
Outdoor Activity Spaces for both high schools, youth recreation and community use
Since 2017, the school district and community task forces have been studying the long-range facility needs at all buildings. The projects included in this fall's referendum were presented to the community through three community surveys, all of which showed significant support for investing in future-focused facilities. As a result, the MAPS School Board unanimously approved moving forward with a bond referendum on November 7.
Please take 3 minutes to watch this video about the referendum. Learn more, including where and when to vote by visiting
Check out the picture below to see the updates to Kennedy!
Early Release News: Our First Early Release is Wednesday, September 20th
The first early release of the year is on Wednesday, September 20th. School is done at 12:30 PM. We are asking that ALL families fill out the Google Form for the early release. This is how we know if your student(s) will need after school care or how they will be getting home that day.
After school care starts at 12:30 and goes until 2:30. **There will be no busses running at 2:30. Students must either walk or get picked up at that time. If your student attends ACES, it will start at 2:30. **
Fundraiser News: The Bubble Run Fundraiser is Happening Now!
Check out the information below about the Bubble Run Fundraiser! We have raised $1,500 so far and reached our first school-wide celebration of a silly sock day. The next celebration is at $5,000. When we hit that goat, ALL students will get a Kennedy Cubs t-shirt!
***Each student that raises $200 or more gets to do a limo ride with Mr. Rustad!***
Save the Date for the 2nd Annual Kennedy Cubs/East Cougars Tailgate Party!
2nd Annual Kennedy Cubs/East Cougars Tailgating Party
Food: Kennedy PTO will provide hot dogs, chips, and water. Families are encouraged to bring a dish to share.
Fun: There will be a spirit station with supplies so you can make signs, pompoms, etc. to cheer on the Cougars!
Football: We will walk over to East as a group at 6:40 for the game! Each Kennedy Cub can get into the game for free as long as they have a paid adult with them. Cubs can get a pass to the game at the tailgate party.
Supervision: This is not a drop off event. Every child must have a parent/guardian at the tailgate party and game to attend.
Friday, Sep 22, 2023, 05:30 PM
Kennedy Elementary School, East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Kennedy Spiritwear Store is Open for Business! Save 30% on Cubs Gear!
This store will be open and accepting orders all year long, at any time! All orders will be shipped directly to your home and 10% will come back to our Kennedy PTO. Watch for sales and new items throughout the year! Right now, shop the BACK TO SCHOOL sale- 30% off everything- until Sept 21st! Take a look: