Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting Summary
Tuesday, December 13, 2021
The Wayland Union Schools Board of Education held their December meeting at Wayland Union High School on Monday, December 13, 2021. The meeting kicked off with a performance by the WUHS Jazz Band, led by Mrs. Smith, with their rendition of “Greensleeves” (please see picture below).
Abbigail “Abby” Quintino, 5th Grader from Pine Street Elementary, was celebrated as this year’s Student Artist Christmas Card winner. Abby was recognized by Superintendent Hinds and the school board for her beautiful design for the district’s Christmas card. She was presented with a framed copy of her design and a gift certificate to Target (please see picture below).
WUHS Principal, Tom Cutler, gave a building report noting his appreciation to his administration team and staff. He noted that as we continue to face challenges of the current year he is impressed with the high school staff and their resilience and continued dedication to teaching students. His staff is working hard at rebuilding the relationships and personal connections to students.
In the student board member report, the student council held a Toys for Tots toy drive where they collected 500 toys. They also noted recent successes of the debate team with eight students ranking at the State level. The high school acting group attended the META workshop in Lansing this past weekend and NHS students wrote letters from Santa to Baker Elementary 1st graders in their annual Santa’s Elves project.
Prior to the Superintendent report, Dr. Hinds stated how proud she was to experience the spirit of Wayland Union Schools through the Jazz Band performance, presenting the award to Abby, and listening to the High School Presentation. Dr. Hinds acknowledged the High School Leadership Team: Mr. Cutler (Principal), Mr. Di Cesare (Assistant Principal), Mrs. Bailey (Assistant Principal), and Mr. Miller (District Safety Officer). She referenced Brandon Fleming, author of “Miseducated” and speaker at a recent MASB conference, who defines equity as “the willingness to meet people where they are.” Mr. Fleming advises “educators to love first and teach second.” Dr. Hinds stated the High School leadership team “does not shy away from difficult issues or topics. They are always on the move taking care of our students and staff.”
The superintendent report also provided an update from the recent Community Casino Use Public Forum held last week on December 6th where they discussed how funds have been used in the past and additional ways in which casino revenue could be used in the future. Some ideas included support for student behavior; additional security measures; staff professional development which could also be offered to parents; and more. Dr. Hinds plans to send a survey to parents, staff, and secondary students to obtain additional input as to how the school district utilizes casino revenue (as tax in lieu). Please see the link to the full report here.
Dr. Hinds discussed going for a bond vote in May 2022 with a backup in November 2022. One area of need is a new pool which would cost roughly $25 million, with additional facility needs at a total of $55 million. Administration has had preliminary discussions with architectural firm, Tower Pinkster, and construction company, Triangle, to discuss our facility needs.
Board President, Dan Cassini, announced that Superintendent, Dr. Hinds received a favorable effective rating in her recent performance review.
Other board agenda items included updates from school board members who attended the MASB Leadership Conference, progress on the district’s Strategic Plan, and the approval of new and revised NEOLA policy updates.
The Board of Education Governance team extends appreciation to our school staff and community wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181