JHCS Quill
December 16, 2022 - John Hancock Charter School
Watch for Progress Reports
See you Back on Jan. 2nd
School Released at 12:30 Today!
School Released at 12:30 Today
Santa Is Coming to JHCS Today!
JHCS Art Night - Things That Go Bump In The Night!
- Refreshments will be served
- Students and siblings will be able to make and take art projects
- Bring your camera!
Message From Our School Counselor
Happy Holiday JHCS Family,
It's the end of the year, and we made it! Looking forward to 2023 can bring peace, newness, anxiety, overwhelming excitement, and many their feelings. For many, this is when we think of what goals we want to accomplish for the new year. The official definition of a goal is "the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result." This year I want to encourage you to refrain from setting goals. I encourage you to create a vision for this new year. The official definition of vision is "the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom." When we set goals, we aim for a result. When we do not get the desired effect, inevitably, we have feelings of failure, frustration, shame, and guilt. We would never wish these emotions on our loved ones, but why do we do this to ourselves? Explore what your vision for the new year will be. A vision is planning with imagination. A vision is fluid and flexible. There are different ways you can create your vision. Below are some ideas to help you get started.
Vision Ideas:
Create a vision board
Picks a word that will give your year a vision
Pick a saying
What areas do you need to explore more vision in
Whatever your vision is, remember that it is yours and not to be compared to anyone else because your vision makes you who you are. You are wise and know yourself better than you think.
My vision is that you all have a happy, hopeful, healthy, and fun 2023.
Best Wishes,
Sam Grabert
Resources for your vision board
Digital Respons-Ability
Digital Communication & Media Literacy (7th-8th).
You can find information about the presentations and presenters at this link.
5-8th Grade Science Fair
All projects need to be completed by Jan. 15th. Winter break is a great time to finish up the projects and boards.
Science Fair Judges are needed! Anyone can volunteer to be a judge. Training will be provided. You can sign up at TrackItForward.com.
Thank you!
Your generosity will help many families in need this holiday season.
Canned Food Drive Winning Classes:
3rd Place - 4th Grade
2nd Place - 5th Grade
1st Place - 6th Grade
Be Safe this Winter Break!
John Hancock Charter School
Email: office@johnhancockcs.org
Website: www.johnhancockcs.org
Location: 125 North 100 East, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Phone: 801-796-5646
Facebook: facebook.com/johnhancockcs
Twitter: @johnhancockcs