Wasco Weekly
Save the Date- Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will take place Thursday, October 8, 8:00-8:00 pm and Friday, October 9th, 8:00-12:00.
Thursday, Oct 8, 2020, 08:00 AM
For Remote Learning Parents: How to schedule conferences
Our remote families will also use the Pick a TIme system to schedule their conferences. Here is how to find your child's teacher:
On Thursday, September 16th, Principal Liechty sent the following message to the parents of our remote learners:
The District 303 remote teachers have classrooms containing students from several different District schools. In order to efficiently monitor and schedule their classes, and so that assessment information would flow to the remote teacher and the child's home school, the teacher needed to be assigned a primary scheduling building. This primary building designation does not impact the home school to which your child is attached. Students and families are still connected to their home school for all communication and activities.
To schedule conferences in Pick-A-Time, select the building designated as the “Scheduling Building” for your child's remote teachers from the drop-down menu. Next, select the teacher. Follow the prompts to schedule your conference time.
Link for Pick a Time Directions:
Homework for student absences
Mrs. Furlong's Remote Classroom
Book Checkout for Remote and In Person Students
Our school library is here to provide reading materials for your child. We have three ways to access fiction and nonfiction books: Print books for In-Person Learners, Digital/eBooks for In Persona and Remote learners, and Book Pickup for Remote learners. Please use this link below to access the pathway you choose. Happy reading!
Parent Resource Survey
The current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused some families to experience a need related to job loss, medical bills, child care, etc. District 303 has several supports available for families through our schools.
The supports available include: Thanksgiving Meal Support and Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Support Program. If you are interested, please complete this survey.
Attention Parents who drive to Wasco for pickup
- Please pull up AS FAR AS POSSIBLE in available space, without occupying the crosswalks (marked with white stripes). This will enable us to place more students in cars.
- Please be aware of loading quickly so that we can exit cars in the pickup line as quickly as possible.
- Take care to limit social interactions while driving. During arrival and dismissal, there is a lot of activity and we want to ensure all adults are watchful for moving students.
- Encourage your child to watch for your vehicle.
Mask and Space Requirements When Visiting our Campus
News from our PTO President
Hello Wasco Wolves!
The PTO is excited to 'see' everyone back at school. In person or remote we are sure you will be able to find ways to connect as a school community this year.
That being said, we want to make sure we have everyone's correct contact information - especially email addresses. Unlike past years, we will NOT be sending anything home via backpack mail. All PTO communications will be via e-mail this year. Good thing for the environment...we'll be saving lots of paper! :-)
We'll still be utilizing Freshschools for communications and our online directory. We're asking our families to make sure the directory information is up-to-date.
Existing Students: Please visit Freshschools and update your child's classroom teacher. If you forgot your password simply click the forgot password link and you'll be directed to change it. www.freshschools.com
New Students: Fill out the form here and we'll get you entered.
If you have any questions please reach out to the board at WascoPTO@gmail.com.
We're looking forward to reconnecting with everyone in the near future!
Emily Varsho - President
Carrie Selusnik - Vice President
Leslie Brennan - Treasurer
Michelle Peterson - Secretary
New to Wasco? Here is a guide to help! Welcome to Wasco Elementary for Families SY 21
Bus Information
Click the link above for more information about our food service programs.
Since March, District 303 has collaborated with our food service vendors to provide grab and go meals for students to enjoy at home. As we move into the school year, we want to make you aware of the procedures for making sure that students continue to receive meals, whether they are learning in-person or remotely.
The tables you will find in this document outline the procedures we have put in place to ensure that our student will continue to have access to healthy meals. Unlike the summer food service program, families must specify the name of the child who is receiving the meal. Families who choose to purchase meals for their children will have their PushCoin accounts debited, unless eligible for free lunch. For more information about eligibility for free and reduced lunch, please contact Patricia Townsend at 331.228.6529.
About us
Email: stephanie.brennan@d303.org
Website: https://wasco.d303.org
Location: 4N782 School St Wasco, IL 60183
Phone: 331-228-2900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WascoElementarySchool/
Twitter: @WascoD303