January 23, 2024~~ Buena HS~~ Parent and Student News
Parent and Student Information
Greetings Buena Families!
Happy New Year! 🎉 We are 3 weeks into the new year! How are your new year's resolutions coming along?
It's finals week! This year our schedule is different so please make a note of the changes below!
MONDAY-All 6 classes meet! Early Release day!
TUESDAY- 7 period day! (ALL buses leave by 12:55 PM- no 4:30 bus)
WEDNESDAY-Finals schedule 1 & 4 (ALL buses leave by 12:55)
THURSDAY-Finals schedule Periods 2 & 5 (ALL buses leave by 12:55 )
FRIDAY-Finals schedule periods 3 & 6 (All buses leave by 12:55)
- Students must remain on campus for break on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week because the break is too short for an off campus lunch.
- This Friday our drama Department will have an Improv Comedy Show! It starts at 6 pm.
- This Friday our ASB will have a MOVIE NIGHT (Mean Girls) from 6-8 PM in the QUAD.
- Student registration for the 2024-2025 school year took place last week. As a reminder to our seniors, seniors must take 5 classes.
- Our Senior Ball will take place February 10th at 7 pm at Spanish Hills Club. Tickets are $100.
- Parents, are you interested in the "Athletic Punch Card?" Buena has started an “Athletic Punch Card” program. It is similar to a “Parent Pack” sticker. Families and fans can buy a “Fan Pack” for $75 and use the punch card for 10 events (with a few exceptions). Multiple family members can use the same card. The card can be purchased at our student store or at the entry of games.
- We offer school TUTORING Mondays after school and Wednesdays before school in the library! We will not have tutoring tomorrow morning, 1/24, and next week we will only have tutoring on Wednesday morning, then we will return to our usual schedule.
Thank you for your continued support of Buena High School! Please let us know how we can assist you.
Thank you,
Dr. Audrey Asplund
Buena High School
We love our BULLDOGS!
Buena Block School Calendar
Buena's School-wide Learner Outcomes
Our students will be:
Beneficial to the community
Understanding and respectful of diversity
Life-long learners
Leaders in their fields
Dedicated to wellness and self-advocacy
Occupation- and technology-oriented
Guided by integrity and critical thinking
Skilled communicators
Buena's Vision 🎯
The Buena High School community empowers all students to achieve their full potential in a safe and academically-engaging environment. We inspire our students to be responsible and productive citizens in an evolving global society.
Motivate learning through a challenging and engaging curriculum
Stimulate intellectual curiosity and life-long learning
Foster responsibility and personal growth
Guide all students to successfully pursue their career paths
Inspire creativity and artistic expression
Establish a climate of respect for the unique qualities and diverse backgrounds of all students
Buena High School
5670 Buena High School
Ventura, CA 93003
Dr. Audrey Asplund, Principal
Website: https://www.venturausd.org/buena/HOME.aspx
Phone: 805-289-1826