Lakeland Ridge Weekly Update!
Friday, April 16, 2021
Thank you for continuing to follow the public-health measures. Please continue to monitor your child for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 by completing the verbal COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire every day before coming to school. If individuals are feeling unwell, we ask that they please stay home.
Upcoming Dates and Events
April 19-23 - Administrative Professional Week
April 21 - Dr. Alex Russell @ 7pm (Free for all parents - see information below)
May 5 - Early Dismissal (Crazy Socks & Sandals Day)
May 7 - No Classes (PD Day)
May 11 - School Council Meeting @6:30pm via Google Meet (Final Meeting of the Year)
May 21 - No Classes - School Closure Day
May 24 - No Classes - Victoria Day
May 25 - ECS Virtual Information Night @ 6:30pm
May 26 - Junior High Virtual Information Night @6:30pm
Visitors in School
Parents are reminded that they need to make an appointment to enter the school, as non-essential visitors and contractors are not permitted in the school or workplace without an appointment. Please call or email the school ahead of time to book an appointment. Individuals should not enter an EIPS building if feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms—fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, nausea, pink-eye. Visitors must sign in at the office (after having made an appointment), practice physical distancing while here, and wear masks properly.
2021 EIPS Parent Survey - Now Open
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you about your experience with the Division and your school. Make sure to share your thoughts by completing the 2021 EIPS Parent Survey—open from April 6-20.
Survey closes April 20, 2021.
NOTE: The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete in full. If you want to share the experience of more than one child attending an EIPS school, simply complete Part A of the survey again.
Wolf Spirit Wear Store - Now Open
Ukrainian Day in Grade 2
Corbin didn't hesitate to join in and show off his moves as well!!
Changes to the Accountability Pillar Survey
Parents Night with Dr. Alex Russell - Free for All Parents
Topic: Keeping them Safe while Helping them Grow:
Supporting children’s emotional growth in challenging times
Date: April 21
Time: 7 - 8:30 pm
Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams Live Event
Knowing when and how to support our children at school is never easy. The dangers presented by a pandemic only add to the challenge of balancing the need to protect our children, on the one hand, while continuing to support their emotional growth on the other. This workshop offers clear and helpful guidelines to help parents navigate these challenges while maintaining close, supportive relationships with their children.
The workshop asks whether we are doing our kids a disservice by removing obstacles and doing our best to eradicate all stress and anxiety from their lives?
During the evening, Dr. Russell will offer a fresh perspective on raising self-reliant, motivated children, ready to take on the world. This session will give parents the tools to:
• Understand parent-child dynamics
• Resist the pressure to over-parent
• Build trusting relationships with teachers and school administration so they can play an effective role in your child’s life
• Understand problems such as ADHD, anxiety, and substance abuse
• Embrace failing as learning, not parental incompetence
• Enact common-sense strategies for parents worn out from worrying about their kids and their future.
Teams Link
Virtual Information Nights
Kindergarten - May 25 at 6:30 p.m.
Junior High - May 26 at 6:30 p.m.
More information will be shared, including links to the event, as we near the events.
Write-On Stationary
The 2021-2022 School Supply sheets were sent home with your child. If you choose to participate and order your child’s school supplies through Write On Stationery, 10% of your total order will be returned to Lakeland Ridge School as a fundraiser.
EIPS Summer School: Registrations
Gender Neutral Washrooms
Family Resources- Mental Health for Youth
Alberta COVID_19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub. Alberta’s government partnered with the Kids Help Phone and to create this hub where youth, educators and parents can find easy-to-access tools and supports.
Additionally, the youth-focused resources on this hub include:
· Jack Chapters – Youth-led, community-driven mental health advocacy clubs at schools or in the community.
· Jack Talks – Mental health presentations delivered to young people by young people.
· Jack Summits – Mental health conferences developed by youth, where young people within a region connect, strategize and learn from one another.
· Do Something – Tools to take small, simple steps that make a big difference to youth mental health and the mental health of others.
· Be There – Tools to support someone who may be struggling with their mental health.
Additional mental health resources available to support students, families and school staff:
If you know your child will be absent, late, or leaving early from school, please send a note in their agenda, email or phone the school explaining the reason for that day.
Division Calendar 2021-22
School Education Plan & Results Report 2019-2022 Year 3
Brightspace platform
All staff and students will be using the Brightspace online platform. Students will require a digital device with a camera and should have received instructions from teachers on how to log on and navigate the learning platform.
Please see the links below for both student and parent guides.
Student Brightspace page:
Username: Use the EIPS student email address
Password: Use the EIPS student password
If a student needs help with a password reset, contact the school for assistance.
Watch this video to learn how to navigate the Brightspace environment
Parent/Guardian Brightspace page: This is GREAT information to help your children.
Brightspace Parent/Guardian guide Click here